八年级英语Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案八年级英语Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案八年级英语Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案


八年级英语Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案

八年级英语unit 2 integrated skills教案part aobjectives to listen for specific information to complete a table to recognize familiar keywords and main points to identify key phrases to determine precise meanings of different situations to respond to information obtained from listening and readingteaching procedures1. in pairs, students compare their answers. if necessary, play the recording again so that students can check and /or correct their answers. then ask some students to read out the answers in class.2. ask students to fill in the blanks first on their own using the information in parta1 and then compare answers with a partner. read daniel’s article about three schools pausing at each blank. students follow in their books and call out the word they have selected.3. part a 3 is a problem-solving task. students need to work out the correct names by deducing from the information they collected in part a 1. check the answers in the form of a quiz. read the sentences one by one and after each sentence ask, e.g.,who am i? or guess my name. or what’s my name?extension activitiesdivide students into groups of 5-6. ask them to discuss their own school and then create a table with information about their own school. provide the information they do not know or they are not sure of.part bobjectives to develop fluency in asking and answering qu estions about  school to develop interactive skills by responding appropriately to transfer a model conversation to a personal situationbackground informationstudents develop fluency in formulating and answering questions appropriately. they learn to give and find out personal information. the  context is based on a phone conversation between daniel and john talking about distance from school, transport and the weather. talking about different schools gives students an opportunity to repeat and reproduce language they have learned in the unit.teaching procedures1. read the conversation with the desk mates and answer some questions:how far does daniel l ive from his school?how does daniel usually go to school? and why?2. have the students make up a new dialogue and role-play the dialogue in front of     the class.3.presentation (integrated skills a)      1) read the list of future plans before playing the record ing.      2) invite students to talk about their own and their partner’s future hopes.      3) play the recording . students listen carefully and put a tick next to         each correct phrase as they hear it. stop the recording after each phrase         listed in part a1 if necessary.       4) ask students to read millie’s letter addressed to mr zhou, the editor,         on their own. read the completed letter to check the correct answers.      5) play the recording for part a3 and ask students to complete sandy’s          letter on their own. go through the list of phrases in the table o n page          12 again. read the completed letter.      presentation (integrated skills b)      1) close the books and listen to me while i read the conver sation. ask          students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.      2) ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.      3) ask students to bring photos of their friends. divide them into pairs       and invite them to ask each other questions about the people in the       photos. e.g., who is the boy on your left? what’s he like? what would he       like to be when he grows up?       language points      popular, help people solve problems, make friends, make people happy,       editor, try to do---try to be kind to people, try my best to help them, a       social worker, i’m really happy to do, future plans, it is great to do,       become a famous singer, agree/agree with, one of the nicest boys           homework      1. learn the language points by heart.      2. preview the main task & checkout  part.改错专项训练1.   she is as  slimmer as i am.2.   look!the little girl is drawing careful near the river.3.   simon is one of the tallest boy in his class.4.   he can always makes us laugh in his class.5.   i had like to  be a doctor in the future. 6.   my mother always makes me to f eel happy when i’m sad.7.   i often get some advices from my teachers.8.   did you have any problem with your english when you were in london?9.   the first problem is much difficult than the others.10.  you’d better to stay in bed until tomorrow.11.  which sport do you like best,  football or basketball?12.  the heavy rain stopped me from go to the park.13.  you need to look after you and keep healthy.14.  don’t eat much too food before you go to bed.15.  my sweater is alike simon’s sweater. we are good friends.16.  i spend fewer time doing my homework than amy does.17.  who has the least friends,  daniel, john, or peter?18.  the earth is very bigger than the moon.19.  my father drives my mother and i to the park every weekend.20.  she has to staying in hospital for a month.21.  i don’t think simon is a honest boy.22.  what is his hat look like?  it looks like a cat.23.  her mother was ill and stayed in the hospital for two weeks.24.  sandy has a little cat call mimi.25.  i didn’t go to the park because the heavy rain.26.  there are a lot of places of interests in nanjing.27.  al l the girls were very interesting in the news.28.  john is stronger boy of the six boys.29.  this dress is too small. i want a large one.30.  do you think diving is more exciting as climbing?


八年级英语Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案
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