Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 学案Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 学案Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 学案


Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 学案

unit 6 enjoying cycling topic 1 学案i. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. i think the news is very ________ (excite).                         2. ___________ (ride) a bike is the best way.3. it takes  too much time _______ (go) there on foot.                   4. it’s too far for _________ (cycle), so let’s take the train.5. cars, trains and planes are all __________ (vehicle).ii. 用适当的介词填空。1. buying a piano _________ sun a low price is very worth while.    2. i pay ________ the room booking, ok.3. i’m older than you, i was born _________ june 20, 1989.   4. we will arrive _______ mount tai _____ 13:00 ________ march 13th.5. we will decide _____ the best way to go on our field trip.iii. 单项选择。(   ) 1. i have some ___ news to tell you.   a. excite   b. exciting    c. excited    d. excites(   ) 2. he h as got a chair to  sit ___, but nobody to talk ___.    a. on, to   b. /, with    c. on, /    d. /, to(   ) 3. for our spring field trip, we will go on ___ visit to mount tai.    a. a 8-day   b. a 8-days    c. an 8-days     d. an 8-day(   ) 4. --- could you tell me ___ mount tai is from here?  --- thousands of miles away.   a. how far   b. how long    c. how away   d. how many (   ) 5. computers are becoming more and more popular, but some still ___ too much.   a. pay   b. spend    c. take    d. cost(    ) 6. --- sha ll we go there on foot?   --- it’s too  far ___. you’d better take a bus.   a. to walking   b. for walking    c. at walk    d. for walk(   ) 7. --- do you have a big library?   --- no, we don’t, at least, not ___ yours.   a. bigger as   b. as big as   c. as big than   d. as bigger than(   ) 8. the man ___ glasses always sells the ba d books ___ the station.   a. with, at   b. with, in    c. of, at     d. of, in (   ) 9. --- ___ will you stay in beijing?  --- about tow weeks.   a. when   b. how long   c. how many days   d. what time(   ) 10. spring is the best time ___ trees.  a. planting   b. to plant    c. for plant    d. planted (   ) 11. how long does it take ___ to tai’an by bus.  a. to go &(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;  b. go    c. went    d. going(   ) 12. --- could you tell me ___ it costs to fly to beijing?   --- ¥500 one-way.  a. h ow long   b. how many   c. how much    d. when(   ) 13. the girl came into the classroom, ___ an english song.   a. sing   b. singing    c. sang   d. sings (   ) 14. they all looked ___ at the teacher when he told them the good news.   a. sadly    b. happily    c. carefully    d. angrily(   ) 15. maths is not easy to learn, ___ we must work harder.   a. but   b. or   c. so    d. and(   ) 16. the text was ___ difficult ___ none of us could understand it.  a. so, that   b. very, that   c. too, that   d. too, to(   ) 17. he is not good at study, ___ he can’t pass the exams.   a. but   b. and   c. so   d. because(   ) 18. we must make the earth a happy home ___ both human beings and animals.  a. for   b. with   c. by   d. at(   ) 19. i will learn english, no matter how much it ___.  a. costs   b. takes   c. spends   d. pays(   ) 20. --- you look so ___, what happened?   --- i’ve got a bir thday present.  a. sad   b. happy   c. tired   d. worriediv. 句型转换。1. i decide to make hotel reservations for my parent s? (对划线部分提问)  _________ do you decide __________ __________ for your parents?2. i’d like a room for two people.  (同上) __________ __________ ____________ room _________ you ___________?3. i bought the new house for more than ¥100,000. (同义句)the new house _________ me ___________ ¥100,100.4. going by train is more comfortable than going by bus. (同义句)  going by bus is not _________ ___ ______ ________ going by train. 5. we don’t have much money, so we should go fund raising.  we should go fund raising, __________ we have ___________ money.6. why don’t we organize a show to raise money?  ___________ ____________ organize a show to raise money?7. i was so tired that i couldn’t go o n any longer.  i was ___________ tired __________ go on further.8. the book was so interesting that i read it again and again.  it was _______ ____ interesting book _______ i read it again and again.9. the boy is too young to dress himself.  the boy isn’t _________ __________ to dress himself.v. 根据汉语意思完成句子翻译。1. 我想预订房间。   i’d like to ______ a ______ _________.2. 他想预订一个带浴室、电视、冰箱和空调的房子。   he wants to _____ a room ______ a ______ _____ tv, ______ and ________ ________3. 你知道一个标准间要花多少钱吗? do you know ___________ __________ a standard room __________ ?4. 骑车去那儿太远了,于是我们决定乘火车去。  it’s too far _________ __________. so we decided ____________ __________ the train.5. 老师经常要求我们努力学习。 the teacher often asked us ________ __________ _________.6. 那些孩子经常吵闹, 以致于我无法入睡。  the children often ___________ _________ ________ i can not ___________ __________.7. 我每天花四个小时做家庭作业。    it ________ me two hours _______________ _____________ my homework every day.8. 昨天我们在泰山玩得十分开心。   we had ___________ ___________ ___________ at mount tai yesterday.9. 我们傍晚登泰山以便于明天早晨能欣赏日出。  we ______ mount tai _______ _______ we can _______ _______ ________.10. 我们计划去中国旅行并参观一些名胜。   we  plan _______ _________ ________ ________ _______ ______ china and visit some _______ ______ ______.vi. 根据对话内容填写旅客订房信息。a: hello, can i help you?    b: yes, i want to book a room.a: ok, what kind of room do you want?    b: a standard room with a single bed. how much is it?a: ¥120. when do you want it?    b: may 1.a: ok, may i have your name and your telephone, please?  b: li weikang 82502448. name ①tel ②kind of room ③date ④price ⑤

i. a. 1. worried   2. work   3. either   4. queen    5. raise b. 1. exciting   2. riding   3. to go   4. cycling   5. vehiclesii. 1. at   2. for   3. on   4. at, at, on   5. on iii. 1—5 bada d  6—10 cbabb     11—15 acbbc     16—20 acaab  iv. 1. what, to do.   2. which kind of, would, like   3. cost, over.   4. as comfortable as   5. because, little   6. why not   7. too, to   8. such an, that   9. old enoughv. 1. make, hotel, reservation     2. book, with, bath tub, fridge, air conditioning.    3. how much, costs           4. for cycling, on taking    5. to work / study hard        6. make noise, so that, fall asleep   7. takes, to do               8. a wonderful time    9. climb, at sunset so that, appreciate / enjoy the sunrise.   10. to go on a visit to, places of interest. vi. 1. li weikang   2. 82502448   3. a standard room with a single bed.   4. may 1     5 ¥120


Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 学案
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