School life教案School life教案School life教案


School life教案

teaching plan for unit 2 school lifewelcome to the unit &comic stripe 第一部分  简要提示一、年级:八年级二、教学内容:8a unit 2 school life三、课型: comic strip & welcome to the unit四、教学目标1.知识目标 掌握本课时的四会词汇以及重点句型。2.能力目标 学会在日常生活中运用英式英语和美式英语。3.情感目标 1)进一步激发学生对本单元话题“school life”的学习兴趣。 2)让学生掌握英式英语和美式英语的不同表达方式。五、教学重难点重点:让学生熟悉关于校园生活的话题并进一步激发学生的学习热情。第二部分  教学流程(稿本)part one comic stripstep 1  presentation t:  1  what’s this ?2  do you like coming to school? 3  do dogs go to school?  step 2  talking about eddie and hobo they are talking about _________.step 3  listening and answeringt: what does eddie think school is like?eddie thinks that it’s _____________, but there are__________________.step 4   reading eddie and hobo’s conversationstep 5   completing the dialoguehobo: why _______ dogs go to school,      eddie?eddie: because we’re ___________ than people.hobo: what is school ____________?eddie: it’s like ___________________, but there are______advertisements.step 6  working in pairs and acting it outstep 7  discussion 1 what is your school like?  2 what’s your favorite subject?3 do you like outdoor activities?4 do you like fewer lessons?5 do you like the lessons on the internet?part two  welcome to the unit a step 8 presetation t:1 what countries do you know? 2 what languages do they speak? do you know which countries the flags stand  for(代表)? part two welcome to the unit at: people speak english in both britain and the usa. however, sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing. helping them match the words on the left with the words on the right1-d 2-b 3-k7-j   8-l    9-c4-f  5-e  6-h   10-i 11-a 12-g part three welcome to the unit bfinishing the exercises on page 241 film                                movie2 football                             soccer 3 maths                              math 4 life                                elevator5 american football                    football6  rubber                            eraser part four practice please changing the british english into american englishi am a boy from england. i am a grade 8 student. i like playing fo(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)otball. and iam good at maths. autumn is coming. so my best friend, max’s birthday is coming too. he lives on the  ground  floor. i will give him my present. that’s a nice rubber. and i plan to watch a film with him on that day.homework 1 read and recite comic strip on page 222 do the following exercises 一、翻译下列句子。1 我是英国人,我家住在一楼。2 为什么他不努力学习?3 今天天气如何?4 狗真比人聪明吗?5 学校就像看电影,但是广告要少些。二、单项选择。(     ) 1. school is __________ watching tv.          a. like        b. likes      c. look like  d. liking(      ) 2. we all like play _______.          a. a football    b. footballs   c. football       d. the football(      ) 3 ________ you go to school, eddie?         a. why not b. why not to c. why d. why don’t 第三部分  说明这节课是unit 2 school life的comic strip& welcome to the unit and 。这是整个单元的导入部分,目的在于激发学生对学习本单元的兴趣。通过eddie和hobo的对话,在对话的结尾处引出关于校园生活的话题。   在教授本课时关于美式英语和英式英语时,不必扩展太多.作为一个英语文化常识,学生能够了解即可.


School life教案
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