


高二英语上词汇复习unit 1i.单词拼写1. _______ (显然) , what you have said is not true.2. he is such an _______ (有才智的) student that we all like him.3. i have been waiting for my boss _______ (耐心) for 2 hours.4. she is _______ (好奇) about space.5. the curtain doesn't ______ (相称) the wall.6. you ______ (误会) him, for he did nothing wrong.7. the accident ______ (使丧失能力) him to speak.8. how many ______ (段落) does the passage have?9. these two buildings are ______ (相似) to each other in outside design.10. what are you _______ (争论) about with him?ⅱ.在空白处填上适当的短语 (汉英互译) 1.着火__________________________    2.对……熟悉__________________________3.有……共同点__________________________    4.因……而闻名__________________________5.从事于,致力于__________________________    6.be/get engaged to sb__________________________7.事实上__________________________    8.继续……__________________________9.梦想,梦见__________________________    10.做讲座,做报告__________________________11.在20世纪70年代早期__________________________    12.问题的答案__________________________13.a number of__________________________  14.另一方面__________________________15.到场;生产;出产;(常与to,that连用)结果__________________________    16.对……满意__________________________17.有区别;与众不同__________________________    18.向……学习__________________________19.对……满意__________________________    20.描绘成__________________________21.一直,总是__________________________    22.from time to time__________________________23.beheve in__________________________    24.用……实验__________________________

参考答案:i.单词拼写 1. obviously2. intelligent3. patiently4. curious5. match6. misunderstood7. disabled8. paragraphs9. similar10. debating ii. 在空白处填上适当的短语 (汉英互译) 1. be on fire  2. be similar to   3. have … in co mmon  4. be knowen for   5. work on  6. 与…订婚  7. in fact   8. go on with   9. dream of   10. give lectures 11. in the early 1970s12. answers to questions   13. 一些  14. on the other hand  15. turn out  16. be happy with  17. make differences / make a difference   18. learn from   19. be satisfied with  20. be designed as  21. all the time22. 不时,时不时23. 相信,信任24. experiment with

unit 2ⅰ.根据字母的提示填词1.he is very g_______ for he often buys things for other people.2.what the teacher said i_______ her so greatly that she worked harder than before.3.peter’s father was very m_______; he never gave peter any new clothes.4.the child is cold, hungry and tired, so of course he is feeling m______.5.those who have earned money by d______ means should be punished.6.the young man never smiles and talks, so he is thought to be serious and d______.7.we all a______ her for the way she saved the children from the fire.8. we can use words, such as nice, young, kind or happy, to describe people’s q______.ⅱ.在空白处填入一个适当的词1.与……比较;把……比作____________to   2.relate to____________3.胜于____________                     4.让某人做…… ____________5.bring...back to____________              6.即使____________though 7.adapt to____________                   8.沉溺于be____________  9.全面地____________                   10.时务____________ 11.关心be____________                  12.拥挤着……be____________  13.burn down ____________               14.爱上____________15.被注意____________                  16.上升____________17.for once ____________                 18.受痛苦____________19.look up to ____________ⅲ.用下列词组填空

1.he is ambitious and determined to be an expert in computers ___________an ordinary person.2. as a talented journalist, he should make sure that readers can ___________ his stories.3.after he moved there, he had to ___________ his new life.4.he never tells the truth, but ___________ he did tell us what the fact was.5. understanding better the world on all sides can ___________ a beautiful and fair world.6. nowadays many kids______ the internet which has a bad effect on their personal development. 7.the media can help ___________ situations where help is needed.参考答案:ⅰ.根据字母的提示填词1.generous  2.inspired  3.mean  4.miserable  5.dishonest  6.dull  7.admire  8.qualitiesⅱ.在空白处填入一个适当的词 1.compare2.与……有关  3.rather than4.get sb.to do sth.5.拿回来, 使回忆起来, 6.even7.适合  8.addicted to9.on all sides10.current affairs11.concerned about12.crowded with13.烧成平地14.fall in love with15.get noticed16.go up17.就这一次18.suffer from19.尊敬; 敬仰 ⅲ.用下列词组填空1.rather than  2.relate to 3.adapt to  4.for once  5.lead to 6.are addicted to  7.draw attention to

unit 3i.单词拼写1. we must arrange a ______ (方便的) time and place for the meeting.2. i wouldn't feel happy living in a block of ______ (公寓).3. his parents ______ (设计,期望) him for the army, but he preferred the navy.4. the man ______ (一瞥)at the burglar climbing out of the window.5. his words are still strongly______ (印象) on my memory, though it is years since we last met.6. we've ______ (创造) a beautiful new house from an old ruin.7. the company's head office is in the city, but it has______ (分公司) all over the country.8. please let us know of other newest______ (式样) you are going to produce in the late future.9. i can help you find what you need to know about______ (建筑).10. what's on______ (出售) at the retail stores this week? check it out right here!ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1.违背,与……相反____________    2.看上去很现代的____________3.in a hurry ____________   4.glance at____________5.举例子____________    6.扮演;担当;充当____________7.用……装满____________with    8.把……和……连接在一起____________9.把……置于一旁;留出;拨出____________    10.such as____________11.覆盖……为……所覆盖____________ with/by   12.prefer...to____________13.remind sb of sth____________    14.把……和……相比____________15.与……相似____________to    16.be different from____________17.另一方面 ____________   18.在……的选择上____________19.think of ____________20.集中于____________21.成功做成 ____________   22.变成___________ ⅲ.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. he is an ______(experience) teacher and is welcomed by his students.2. the boy is a ______ (talent) musician.3. it is very hard for people ______(addict) to drugs to get rid of the bad habit.4. the mother got _____(frighten) at the news that there was a _____(frighten) lion in her garden. 5. the ______ (well-dress) gentleman is in the supermarket ______(crowd) with shoppers.6. the ______(rise) sun is ______(excite) for ns to see.

参考答案:i.单词拼写 1. convenient  2. apartments 3. designed  4. glanced  5. impressed  6. created  7. branches  8. styles 9. architecture  10. sale  ⅱ.在空白处填人适当的词: 1. go against 2. modern - looking 3. 匆忙地  4. 扫视 5. take examples 6. act as 7. fill up 8. join...to...  9. set aside 10. 比如  11. be covered 12. 喜欢……胜过……  13. 提醒……某事 14. compare...with 15. be similar 16. 与……不同 17. on the other hand 18. in the choice of 19. 想到  20. focus on21. succeed in  22. turn into ⅲ.用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1. experienced   2. talented    3. to addict  4. frightened; frightening   5. well-dressed; crowded   6. rising; excitin

unit 4i.在空白处填入一个适当的词 1.as mad as a door________________2.弄清楚________________3.提醒某人某事 ________________ of   4.不仅仅________________5.担任,充当 ________________   6.other than________________7.bring together________________    8.召唤,使想起,提出,打电话给________________9.站出来,突出,坚持抵抗 ________________   10.属于________________11.towards the end of ________________   12.为……做贡献________________13.大量的 ________________   14.导致;通向________________15.与……的比较________________with    16.二十世纪30年代末期________________17.light up __________________    18.翻译成为……________________into19.到达,做完,通过,度过,打通 ________________   20.express oneself________________21.形成,产生 ________________being   22.召唤,派人去拿________________23.change to__________________    24.in the beginning________________25.以……开始 ________________   26.很值得________________ worth+n.27.借助……的光 ________________   28.向某人推荐________________ sth.to sb. ⅱ.完成句子1. we found the new student is__________________________.(很难与他相处)2. __________________________(这张照片令我想起)the days when we worked together.3. _____ (他一恢复身体健康),he threw himself into his work and made every effort to do it well.4. don't trust him,__________________________ (不管他说什么).5. the students can't watch the football match___________________ (作业没有做完的情况下). 6. the children can____________________ (往下看图画书), though they are only three years.7. they asked their teacher_____________________ (他是否可以给他们推荐一本英语词典).8. reading poetry in english ______________ (打开了可以用中文表达自己思想的一种方式).

参考答案:i.在空白处填人一个适当的词 1. 疯狂2. make clear 3. remind sb.  4. more than 5. act as 6. 不同于,除了  7. 聚集8. call up9. stand out  10.belong to  11.接近……末尾12. contribute to  13.a great number of  14. lead to  15. comparison  16. the late 1930s  17.点燃18. translate  19. get through 20.表达思想21. come into 22. send for 23. 改变成24. 起初,首先25. start with 26. be well 27. by the light of 28. recommend ⅱ.完成句子 l. hard to get along with  2. this picture called me up   3. once recovered  4. no matter what he says  5.with their exercises undone  6. get on well with the picture books 7. whether he could recommend an english dictionary to them  8. opens the door to find new ways of expressing yourself in chinese.

unit 5i.单词拼写1. the class c ___________of 30 students is in the charge of miss wang.2. this town has more ___________ (优势) than that one.3. the two villages are separated from each other by a___________ (狭窄) river.4. the province is___________ (多山).5. ___________ (一般) speaking, going to bed early and getting up early does do much good to people's health.6. he lit a___________ (香烟) , got up and went off.7. he has strong ___________ (相信) that he will surely succeed.8. the girl was ___________ (雇佣) as a secretary in the company.9. he lifted the box with great___________ (力气).10. he has ___________ (养成了) the habit of getting up early.ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1.reach an agreement on_________________   2.a matter of___________________3.由……组成;由……构成 ___________________   4.有……可能___________________5.make up; be made up of ___________________    6.have advantage over ___________________7.同意(某人)    ___________________8.代表,表示___________________9.对……是知名的   ___________________10.充分利用___________________11.hold together   ___________________ 12.位于……之外;稍离陆地(或他船) ___________________13.与……分开 ___________________   14.at one point___________________15.通常,大体上,一般而言  ___________________  16.全年___________________17.定居;安家___________________ 18.在……驶过;把……匆匆过……一遍;溢出;短暂旅行,___________________19.因为……出名 ___________________  20.以告终___________________21.……数目 ___________________   22.在现代___________________23.认为……是  ___________________  24.毫不迟疑___________________25.大量的  ___________________  26.很有价值___________________27.总的来说  ___________________  28.从……毕业___________________29.凭……判断 ___________________   30.清楚了解___________________ ⅲ.完成句子1.除了送报以外,他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。(consist of)  _____________________________________________2.事实上,他的观念没有被广泛的接受。(be accepted)  ____________________________________(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)_________3.医疗队由十二名医生组成。(make up)  _____________________________________________4.我们最后以吃水果和咖啡时结束了晚餐(end up with)  _____________________________________________5.我不相信我们完全解决了那个问题。(doubt)  _____________________________________________6.他们认为教学生数学对思维很有好处。(be of help)_____________________________________________

参考答案:i.单词拼写 1. consisting; 2. advantage; 3. narrow; 4.mountainous; 5. generally; 6. cigarette; 7. belief; 8. employed; 9. strength; 10. formed ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1. 达成……协议 2. 大约,大概 3. eonsist of 4. have chance of doing 5. 组成 6. 有……优势 7.agree with 8. stand for 9. be known to 10. make the most of 11. (使)连在一起; 12. lie off13. separate from  14.在某处;  15. in general  16. throughout the year  17. settle in  18. ron over  19. be famous for  20. end up with  21. the number of  22. in modern times  23. consider.., to be  24. without doubt25. a great deal of  26. of great value  27. generally speaking  28. graduate from  29. judge.., on/by...30. have a clear idea of ⅲ.完成句子1. besides delivering newspapers, his job consists of helping old people who live alone.  2. his ideas, as a matter of fact, are not widely accepted. 3. the medical team was made up of twelve doctors.4. we ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.  5. i doubt that we've seen the last of that problem.  6. they realize that it is of great help to their thinking to give the children maths.

unit 6i.从方框中选择一个恰当的词填入横线上.

1. it is likely that the housing conditions __ be greatly improved in the next few years.2. if you wear sunglasses, he __ not recognize you. 3. it is __ that your request will be refused.4. i can't force them to carry out such a plan.5. i dare say it is __ to persuade him to marry your niece.6. they are not __ to give up the chance of taking part in the international book fair. ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1.生病_____________    2.做……的预报_____________3.public transportation_____________    4.maglev train_____________5.与往常一样_____________    6.在未来_____________7.网上购物_____________    8.做生意_____________9.与……混合_____________    10.与……保持联系_____________11.search...for _____________   12.smart card_____________13.喜欢……的生活_____________    14.注意;留意_____________15.小心_____________    16.lead to_____________17.以……方式_____________    18.与……不同_____________19.远程教育 _____________   20.实现_____________21.为……作好准备_____________    22.贮藏着;准备着;就要来到______23.通常,大体上,一般而言________24.同样地_____________25.after all _____________   26.transform...into..._____________27.在电话上 _____________     28.some day_____________

参考答案:  i.从方框中选择一个恰当的词填人横线上1. will  2. may  3. possible  4. possibly  5. impossible  6. likely

ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1. get sick  2. make forecast about  3. 公共交通4. 磁悬浮火车5. as usual  6. in the future  7. online shopping  8. do b(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)usiness  9. combine.., with...  10. keep in touch with  11. 在……寻找……  12. 智能卡13. enjoy a... life  14. pay attention to  15. be careful about  16. 通向;导致  17. in the way  18. be different from  19. school on the air  20. come true  21. be prepared for  22. in store  23. in general  24. in the same way 25. 毕竟 26. 改变成……,转化成27. on/over the phone 28. 将来某天

unit 7i.在空白处填上适当的单词1. harry got hurt in the basketball game yesterday he is now under (medical)______      (治疗)in the school clinic.2. don't let one failure ______ (气馁) you, try again.3. climbing a mountain in rainy days with a bag is on your back a ______ (富有意义的)experience.4. i______ (识别) the jacket at once; it was my brother' s.5. a ______ (化学的change takes place in any substance when it burns.6. he  ______ (说服) her to go to school, even though she did not want to. 7. after sars we all realize that ______ (预防) is more important than cure.8. you aren't wearing ______ (适当的) clothes for this hot weather.

ⅱ.在空白处填上适当的英语或者汉语 1.感染,沾染上__________    2.毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿,倒塌,分解__________3.keep...aliv e__________ 4.死于……__________5.through birth__________    6.缺乏,没有,需要__________7.health care__________    8.much too(+ adj./adv.)__________9.too much(+n)__________    10.全国__________the country11.suffer from__________    12.接触,联系__________13.爱滋病研究基金aids research ________14.找出,发现,查明(真相等),认识到,想出,揭发__________15.give sb a hug __________   16.行为仿佛……__________17.整天__________    18.请人做……,让……被做_______________19.a great/good many__________    20.from one to another__________21.阻止……做__________    22.正相反__________23.for the moment __________  24.at any time__________25.给某人一个教训;授课 _____   26.to the fullest__________

参考答案:i.在空白处填上适当的单词: 1. treatment   2. discourage   3. meaningful   4. identified   5. chemical   6. persuaded   7. prevention  8. proper

ⅱ.在空白处填上适当的英语或者汉语 1. be infected with 2. break down 3. 使……活着  4. die of...  5. 一出生  6. lack of 7. 卫生保健  8. 太……  9. 太多  10. across  11. 忍受,遭受  12. contact with  13. funds for  14. find out  15. 拥抱  16. act as if  17. all day long  18. have sth/sb done  19. 许多,大量  20. 从一个到另一个  21. keep sb/sth from doing 22. on the contrary 23.暂时  24. 在任何时候  25. teach sb a lessen  26. 尽情地,完全彻底地

unit 8i.根据汉语意思完成句子1. _________ (急救) is usually given to somebody by a doctor or a nurse.2. she_________(溺死) in the river.3. he lay on the floor,_________ (流血) profusely.4. these rules are intended to_________(阻止) accidents.5. _________(确保) that you get here before midnight.6. the pile of papers couldn't _________(着火) by itself; someone must have set fire to it.

ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1.着火_________2.关掉________3.颠倒,乱七八糟________4.记住____________5.处理,应付_________6.stay calm__________7.代表____________8.首先____________9.on the way_________10.mouth-to-mouth way____________ 11.用……盖住________12.press on__________13.使事情更加糟糕的____14.做……的方式______15.roll over__________16.急救____________17.心脏病____________18.烧掉,烧毁________19.为向……表示敬意;为庆祝…….;为纪念…….__________20.请假几天__________21.on the phone_______22.give up____________23.prevent..from... _____24.search...for... _______¬¬¬¬¬25.受伤____________26.进行急救_________27.设法做到某事_____


1. he is a happy-go-lucky man _______ he has no worries and cares in the world.2. it's a great pity that none could _______ that he was present at the spot when the accident took place.3. when she was shopping, she hadn't _______ the fact that she had only $ 300 left in her purse, which was intended for a plane ticket to france.4. did you see how that car nearly hit me? i might_______5. we _______ by heavy smog from seeing anything.6. college students_______ doing whatever work they can find.7. he asked me to_______ him at four o'clock in the afternoon.8. the bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may_______

参考答案:i.根据汉语意思完成句子1. first aid   2. drowned   3. bleeding   4. prevent   5. make sure&nbsp ;  6. catch fire

ⅱ.在空白处填入适当的词 1. catch fire 2. turn off 3. be upside down 4. keep…in mind 5. deal with 6. 保持冷静 7. stand for 8. first of all 9. 在……路上;即将10. 人工呼吸 11. cover with 12. 压在……上面 13. make things worse  14. a way of doing sth.  15. 翻身;滚动 16. do first aid  17. heart attack  18. burn down  19. in honour of 20. take a few days off 21. 在电话里  22. 放弃 23.  阻止 24. 在……寻找 25. get hurt 26. give first aid  27. manage to do sth.

ⅲ.从所给的词和词组中选择填空: 1. as if   2. witness   3. kept in mind  4. have been killed   5. were prevented   6. are seen  7. call for  8. be burnt down

unit 9i.在空白处填上适当的词: 1•做笔记;记录___________    2•完全赞同___________3•更好地照顾___________    4•可持续性发展___________5•接近;进入;接近;到达(或进入、使用、走访)的权利______6•发展中国家___________7•对……有坏处/好处___________    8•有很大区别___________9•与……协调___________    10•结束,终止___________11•擦洗……的内部;去除;消灭_____________________   12•因……而死___________ 13•采取行动___________    14•下决心做……___________15•写出……的大纲___________    16•用更好的方式___________17•尽快 ___________18•与……进行比较___________19•开会___________    20•取得进步___________21•按照___________    22•因为……而感到吃惊___________23•劝某人(不)做某事___________

ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子1. 市民可以自由使用图书馆。citizens may__________________________________2. 没有国际合作,发展中国家就不可能繁荣.without international cooperation, __________________________________3.只有改变我们对待污染的态度,我们才能够拯救地球。__________________________________can we save the earth.4.直到河里的鱼都死了,我们才意识到污染有多严重。not until all the fish died in the river__________________________________5.正如我们所知道的那样,随着日寸间的推移,越来越多的人在学习外语。many people,___________, are learning foreign languages with days going on.6.很显然,她的观点与我们的不一致。it is obvious that her ideas are__________________________________7.虽然我们分手一段时间了,但他的话我还深深铭记心头。_____________, though we have been away from each other for some time.8.制定了完美的计划之后,我们就要采取行动了。     having made a perfect plan, ___________________, 9.现代医学在世界各国都进展很快。modem medical science___________ in the countries all over the world.10.去西部工作以后,她结束了与日本的男朋友关系。she __________ after her went to work in the west.

参考答案:i.在空白处填上适当的词 1. take notes   2. be all for 3. take better care of  4. sustainable development  5. have access to  6. developing countries  7. be bad/good for  8. make a big difference  9. in harmony with   10. put an end to   11. wipe out  12. die from  13. take action  14. be determined to do  15. make an outline of  16. in a better way  17. as soon as possible   18. compare.., with...   19. hold a meeting  20. make progress   21. according to   22. be shocked by  23. advise sb. (not) to do sth.

ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子1. have free access to the library2. developing countries cannot prosper3. only by changing our attitude towards pollution4. did we re(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)alize how serious the pollution was5. as we know6. no longer in harmony with ours7. his words are strongly impressed on my memo~8. we are to take actions 9. is progressing rapidly10. put an end to the friendship with japanese boyfriend

unit 10i.在空白处填入一个适当的词 l.吓得要命_______________2.惊慌失措_______________3.竖立,直立_______________4. use…for... _______________5.引起某人注意_______________6.在……山脚下_______________7.没有出路_______________8.取;接;需求;要求________9.使停止往前,往回走,折转,挡住_______________10. upon arrival_______________11. give impression of _____________12.点燃_______________13. with the kitchen fire still on ____14.与其……倒不如……________15.挑选_______________16. one thing... , another... _______17. spring to life_______________18.清理______________19.省去,遗漏,不考虑_________20. turn round _______________21.到船上,在船上_______________22.跟着来,开始,上演__________23.接连打击(指拳击),(浪等)反复冲击(船只);粗暴对待____________24. all of a sudden______________(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)_25. do for_______________26. done for _______________27.立即,马上_______________28.伸出,提供,维持,阻止,制止__

ⅱ.用课文里学过的词填空1. the darker cloud __ him __ go outside and have a look.2. my mother __ my uncle's attention __ the unusual sight.3. you are standing ___that i can't hear you.4. whether he dared go out alone ___ courage.5. his behavior ___ us __ that he was kind and helpful.

ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子1.sars是有点令人害怕,但我真的不害怕。sars was ______________, but i was not really ______________2.我朋友说他害怕得要死。my friend said he was_______________.3.台风把屋顶都吹走了。the typhoon ________ the roofs ____________ their houses.4.沙粒和尘土被吹到空中。sand and dust _______________ into the air.5.那条爬行的蛇使他毛骨悚然。the moving snake  ______________his___________________.

参考答案:i.在空白处填人一个适当的词 1. be scared to death  2. get into panic  3. stand on end  4. 当……使用 5. draw one's attention  6. at the foot of 7. no way out 8. call for 9. turn back 10. 一到达就 11. 感到 12. light up 13. 厨房的火还燃着  14. more.., than  ....  15. pick out 16. 一方面……另外一方面17. 复活 18. clean up 19. leave out 20. 突然地  21. on board 22. come on 23. knock about 24. 突然地25. 照料;设法弄到  26. 精疲力竭 27. all at once  28. hold out

ⅱ.用课文里学过的词填空1. awoke, to  2. drew, to  3. at such a distance  4. called for  5. gave, the impression

ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. a bit scary, afraid  2. sacred to death  3. pulled, off  4. were swept up  5. made, hair stand on end


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