Internet Domain Name Assignment Contract
签署日期 The date of signature
出让方(甲方): Assignor (Party A):
受让方(乙方):Assignee (Party B):
According to the law, on the basis of voluntary will, equality and mutual benefit, parties A and B conclude the contract with mutual agreement.
一、 域名情况及转让范围 The status of the domain name and the scope of the assignment
1、 甲方合法拥有下列域名: 在规定期限内的管理权,使用权,所有权。
Party A enjoy the managing, using and property right about the followindowsg domain name in prescribed terms.
2、 甲方同意将上述域名的权限完全转让乙方所有。
Party A agrees to assign above-mentioned right totally to Part B.
3、 以下是域名的详细信息:
Followindowsg is the details of the domain name: :
当前注册人(出让人)Current registered person
新注册人(受让人)The new registered person (B)
注册人(中文名称) Registrant(Chinese)
注册人(英文名称) Registrant(English)
地址 The address
国家 Country
邮编 Zip Code
电话 Telephone No.
传真The Fax No.
数码邮箱The email address
所属注册商Authorized agent
注册时间Registration time
二、转让价格及支付方式 The assignment fees and the payment
1、 出让总价:, The total assignment fees:
2、 乙方必须在甲方完成转让注册前一次性支付所有费用(即甲方将过户文件提交北京注册商总部前)
Party B should pay off the total assignment fees in one time before the completion of the assignment deed.
3、 甲方收到转让费用后办理转户手续。(以当地银行收到款项为准)
After receiving the assignment fees, party A would perform the transfer procedure. (The receipt time refers to the payment is received in local bank)
4、 其他费用: 甲方支付Other expenditure : It is paid by party A
二、 双方权利与义务、域名过户流程及其他
The liability of two parties and assignment procedure
1、 双方权利与义务: Rights and obligations of two parties:
The party A guarantees that it enjoys above mentioned property, managing and using right. If there were any fraud, it would bear the correlative civil or criminal liabilities.
The party A will proceed the assignment in 5 workdays after it gets the assignment fees and there is not any delay.
Concluded the assignment, any result and liability, which Party B will bring in the process of using of the domain name, is none of the business With Party A and should be born by Party B.
2、 过户流程:Transfer flow:
a、 乙方在该域名的注册商官方站下载过户资料表格,填好后签字盖章EMS邮寄到甲方;
Party B should download the data sheet for assignment from the official website of the authorized agent, execute and post it to Party A by EMS.
b、 甲方在收到乙方的过户资料后,经审核无误后签字并盖章;
Party A should execute the assignment data sheet after receiving and checking out it free from error.
c、 财务到帐后,甲方将完整的过户文件EMS提交至北京注册商总部;
Party A can submit the whole documents to the authorized agent once Party A gets the assignment fees by EMS.
d、 北京注册商总部收到过户资料后,在2-5个工作日内将把原注册内容替换成新注册人的信息;
Receiving the documents for assignment, the authorized agent would replace the original information of assignor as the new information about assignee in 2 to 5 workdays.
e、 完成过户手续后,乙方可在中国互联网信息中心官方站查询该域名的WHOIS,核对
Concluded the assignment, Party B can search WHOIS of the domain name on the official website of China Internet Network Information Center. After checking, Party B should send email to Party A for confirmation.
The two parties should take the principle of good faith performance of this contract. The use of any party in the performance of fraud, coercion or violent means, the other party may terminate the contract and the right to demand compensation for damages. Found in the performance of any party, or there is evidence that the other party have been, are or will default, may suspend the performance of the contract, but shall promptly notify the other party. Where party A early termination of the contract, no right to demand the return of the domain and should bear the liability for losses of party B, where party B terminate contract without valid reason, these costs should be compensated to A and the domain name should be returned to party A.
4、 其他: 其余未尽事宜双方协商解决。
Other matters: The remaining outstanding issues resolved through mutual consultation.
三、 合同双方签署后生效Contracts enters into force after execution.
The contact shall be executed in two counterparts, each party holds one.
出让方(甲方): 受让方(乙方):
- 推荐阅读:
- 借款合同中英文范本
- 商务合同中英文范本
- 中英文借款合同范本参考
- 中英文合同意向书
- 借款合同中英文范本
- 2019中英文合同(4篇)
- 互联网域名转让合同(中英文) 相关内容:
- 2019中英文合同意向书范本
- 棉花买卖合同(中英文版)
- 代理合同中英文范本3篇
- 对外贸易合同范本中英文
- 棉花买卖合同(中英文版)
- 借贷合同范本中英文
- 中英文合同范本3篇
- 中英文合同3篇
- 独家经销协议(中英文)
- 中英文:Employment Agreement
- 中英文:Employment Agreement
- 外贸合同范本中英文
- 外贸合同中英文
- 中英文合同范本
- 中英文客户交易协议
- 查看更多>>
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