


unit 8 our clothes topic 2 what would you like to wear? section asection a needs 1~2 periods. section a需用1~2课时。the main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。ⅰ. aims and demands目标要求1. learn some new words and phrase: allow, interview, policewoman, plain clothes, carry out, tie2. learn the pattern of“it is + adj. + that …” .it’s true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.is it important that you wear uniforms at work?3. talk about uniforms. i don’t like uniforms because they will look ugly on us.we usually wear uniforms on weekdays.our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.uniforms can show good discipline and make you look important.ⅱ. teaching aids 教具图片/一些有关制服的图片/录音机/小黑板ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间: 10分钟)复习有关服装词汇,呈现本课有关生词。1. (呈现一些衣服图片,复习旧知识。)  t:  nice to see you again. today we’ll go to a new topic. first, let’s look at the pictures. are they beautiful or ugly?  ss: they are very beautiful.  t: ok! can you say something about the pictures? begin with picture 1. s1, please.  s1: it’s a nice coat! it looks perfect.  t: good! next, please. what is it made of?  s2: i think it’s made of cotton.  t: thanks. next(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容), please. can you tell me what size it is?  s3: let me see. it’s size m.  t: ok! next, please. what color is it?  s4: it’s blue.  …  (导入一张学校制服图片。)2. (头脑风暴。让学生尽量开动脑筋,多说一些要穿制服的职业人员。)t: in this picture, there are some school uniforms. there are many kinds of uniforms. well, who should wear uniforms?  (板书)

  s5: police.  s6: doctor.  …t:  great! how smart you are! but why do they need to wear uniforms?  (学生可能会有一些恰当的答语,要及时予以肯定和表扬,教师也可以帮助学生回答。)  ss: the most important thing is to show good discipline.  t:  yes. it’s true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. (板书画线部分并解释,让学生跟读。)discipline n. 纪律,风纪it’s true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.design the uniforms (by the school or the students themselves )由学校或学生自己设计校服  t: i think wearing uniforms shows good discipline. what about you?  s7: i don’t like wearing uniforms because it’s too ugly.  t:  you have different ideas about wearing clothes. what about you, s8?   s8: i’d like to wear my own clothes. i don’t like to look the same as others.  t:  if we have to wear the school uniforms, what should we do?  s9: maybe we can try to design the uniforms by ourselves.(解释画线部分。)  t: good idea! you’d better make a survey about the styles of school uniforms.  (教师和学生交谈中,提示引入1a。)step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现本课活动1a内容并引入宾语从句。1. (呈现1a内容。)  t:  we have talked so much about school uniforms. kangkang’s classmates are talking about them, too. do you want to know what they said?  ss: of course!  t:  ok, please listen to 1a and answer the following question.  (板书)can miss wang allow her students to design their own uniforms?  (给“allow”画线,领读并写出句型allow sb. t(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)o do sth., 给学生解释并举例子。)2. (播放1a录音。)  (听完录音后,教师叫学生回答问题。)  t:  well, tell me your answers. volunteer? s1, please.  s1: yes, she can.  t:  do you think it’s a good idea?  s1: yes, then they can wear their favorite school uniforms.  t:  thank you! let’s listen to 1a again.3. (让学生阅读并理解对话。)  t:  then read the dialog and find out the key words.  (学生阅读完毕,教师与学生共同板书关键词,讲解一些难点。)make uniforms——miss wang says——look ugly on us——wear my own clothes——allow——design our own uniforms——show good discipline—— agree with——make a survey——be glad to step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间: 5分钟)巩固1a,完成1b和3。1. (根据关键词复述1a。)  t: please look at the key words. then retell 1a.2. (学生找出1a中含有宾语从句的句子,然后根据1b中的图片和例子分组练习1b。)t: let’s find out object clauses in 1a, then practice 1b in pairs according to the picture and example.3. (双人活动。根据3中例子,让学生双人做对话。选出不同的工作场合应穿的衣服。完成3。)  t: people should wear different clothes for different jobs. now, work in pairs to make dialogs according to the example.  (例如:简的爸爸在办公室工作,他应该穿什么呢?他应该穿制服/套装……)  example:  s1: can you tell  me what jane’s father should wear at the office?  s2: yes. i think he should wear uniforms / a suit……step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间: 15分钟)完成本课活动2,练习重点词句。1. (给学生创设一种游戏情境,制造一种宽松融洽的学习氛围,为本节课注入新的学习兴奋点。) t: i’m pleased with your dialogs. i’m sure you can do better next time. let’s play the“go and stop”game.  t: i’ll ask one of you in each group to interview the other members. the interviewers should ask the other members of your own group a question.  (利用动作呈现生词interview。)  ss: what question?  t:  you should ask“how do you like school uniforms?”. understand?  ss: yes.  g1: we think school uniforms are important, because they can show …  g2: we think …  t:  well done! now can you tell me when a policeman should wear his uniform?(出示图片教单词policeman。)  ss: he should wear the uniforms when he is at work.  t: good! is it important that he wears uniforms?  s1: sure. people can find him easily when they’re in danger.  s2: it may stop some people from doing something bad.  t: quite good! you know a lot.2. (完成2。)  t: now kangkang is interviewing a policewoman. he is making a survey. go! let’s see what is happening. listen to 2 and read after it.  (学生跟读录音,找出难理解的句子,教师出示小黑板。)could you tell me when you usually wear your uniforms?is it important that you wear uniforms at work?our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.uniforms can also show good discipline and make you look important.  (教师解(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)释这些句子,重点注意画线部分。让学生齐读一遍。)  t: now do you think it is important for policeman to wear uniforms?  ss: sure. then we can find them for help easily.  t: you’re right. now please practice in pairs, one acts as kangkang, and the other acts as the policewoman.  (学生两两操练后,准备模仿表演。)  t: stop here, please! now act it out.  …step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)通过讨论让学生掌握制服的重要性。1. (四人一小组调查讨论: 通过采访医生、厨师和战士来说明制服的重要性。)t: now, let’s make a survey in a group of four. one acts as an interviewer, and the other three act as a doctor, a cook and a soldier. let’s talk about how important it is to wear uniforms.job why to wear uniforms[来源:学。科。网]doctor cook soldier example:   interviewer: is it important that you wear uniforms?  doctor: yes. the pat ients can find me easily.  cook: sure. it is clean.  soldier: of course. it shows good discipline.  g1: we think it’s important that they wear uniforms. the patients can find doctors easily. it is clean for cook in uniforms. it can show good discipline when a soldier wears it.[来源:学,科,网z,x,x,k] 2. homework: (1) (设计一套你喜欢的校服。)t: try to design a school uniform that you like.(2) (你的父母是做什么工作的?采访一下你的父亲/母亲,然后做一个对话。)t: what do your parents do? interview one of them and make a dialog. (3) (预习section b。)    t: preview section b.  section b   section b needs 1 period. section b 需用1课时。the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。ⅰ. aims and demands目标要求1. learn new word:  business2. go on learning the pattern “it’s + adj. + t(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)hat …”.it is important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion.it’s impolite that the man wears jeans to go to the formal party.3. go on learning the pattern “it is +adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.” and object clauses.  it’s necessary for us to wear sports shoes on the playground.can you tell me what i should wear here?coul d you tell me where the special shoes are?4. talk about the suggestions of dressing on different occasions.you should wear a suit.you have to change your leather shoes.you should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in japan.you should wear your sports shoes.people should dress correctly.   5. regreti’m so sorry.ⅱ. teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/小黑板ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间: 10分钟)复习section a 导入新课。(方案一)1. (检查作业,复习上节课内容。)(1) (学生复述他们的采访内容。)t: boys and girls, you have interviewed one of your parents about the uniforms. let’s share your ideas.(对采访效果好的、有代表性的学生,可把他们的对话表演一遍以示鼓励。)(2) (检查上节课学生设计校服的图片。)t: please show us the school uniform you designed yesterday.(展示一些设计有特点的、有代表性的图片,把他们设计的服装张贴在学习园地,以示鼓励。)2. (引入1a。)t: i’m pleased with your homework. but does a doctor wear uniforms after work?ss: no.t: so people should wear different clothes on different occasions.(板书画线部分,让学生跟读句子。)people should wear different clothes on different occasions.t: that is to say, it’s important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion.(板书画线部分,让学生跟读句子。)it’s important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion. (教师在黑板上贴上如下三幅图片。)

图1                   图2                      图3 t: ok, please look at the pictures on the blackboard. then answer my questions.t: picture 1. where is the student?ss: he is in the classroom.(教师手指着图1中学生的帽子。)t: what’s he wearing?ss: he is wearing a hat.t: so we can say, it’s wrong that a student wears a hat in class.(教师说出句子并板书画线内容,把这个句子写在it’s important …句子下面,以便归纳。)it’s wrong that a student wears a hat in class.t: please give the student some suggestions.(帮助学生用i think …回答。)s1: i think he should take off his hat in class.(板书画线部分,呈现于黑板的这句话是为下面课文练习作铺垫的。)i think he should take off his hat in class.t: what about next picture? where is the man?ss: he is in the office.t: what’s he wearing?(教师手指图2 中该男士所穿套装,并帮助学生回答。)ss: he is wearing a business suit. it’s suitable that he wears a business suit in the office.(板书画线部分并解释生词,把该句写在同类句子下边,以便学生归纳。)it’s suitable that he wears a business suit in the office.t: now look at this picture (picture 3). do you think where they are?ss: i think they are in japan.t: can you tell me what the girl should do?ss: she should take off her shoes.t: right. you should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in japan.(板书画线部分,另选一处板书该句。)you should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in japan.t: now we know that we should dress correctly, is it right?ss: yes, it’s right.t: but if some people don’t know it, what will happen to them? let’s listen to 1a carefully.(自然过渡到下一步。)(方案二)1. (教师出示三幅图片。)

picture1             picture 2                picture 3(教师出示第一幅图片。)t:  now look at the picture here. do you think they are polite?  ss: no. they’re impolite.  t:  yes, it’s impolite that they fight with each other. (教师可提示帮助学生答完后半句。)(教师出示第二幅图片。)  t:  look at this one. what’s the  monkey doing?  ss: it’s performing ballet.  t:  is it funny?  ss: yes. it’s funny that a monkey performs ballet. (教师可提示帮助学生答完后半句。)(教师出示第三幅图片。)  t:  where are they?  ss: they are in a meeting room.  t:  what are they wearing?   ss: they’re wearing suits.  t:  right! business suit. i think it’s suitable that people wear business suits to meet business partners.(教师板书,并解释句子意思,讲解结构: it’s + adj. + that …)business suit  商务套装

  t: now please make sentences according to the structure of the sentence.  (一分钟以后,教师让学生读出所造的句子。)  t:  show me your sentences, please.  s1: it is important that people keep quiet in a hospital.  s2: it is good that people do some exercise every day.  s3: it’s important that ……t: well done!  (教师点评学生造的句子,表扬表现好的学生并鼓励其他学生。)step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间: 12分钟)呈现本课活动1a。(方案一)1. (播放1a录音,完整听一遍,让学生对该对话有一个初步的理解;然后播放第二遍,这一次让学生带着问题听,且分段播放。)t: listen to 1a carefully, and get the main idea.(听完一遍后,再听第二遍。)t: now listen to dialog 1 of 1a again, and then answer the question:   what’s the second man wearing?(“the second man”指的是第二个说话的男士。)(听完录音,学生回答问题。)s1:he is wearing jeans.t:well done! now tell me what he should wear on that occasion.s1:he should wear a suit.(板书该句于第一步的 “you should …”后。)t: very good. let’s go to dialog 2.(播放对话 第二部分。)t:can you tell me what the man should wear?s2:yes. he should wear the special shoes.t:how clever! what about dialog 3?(听第三段对话。)t:what should you do when you enter someone’s home in japan?s3: we should take off our shoes.t:great! (听第四段对话。)t:what happened to kangkang?s4:his feet hurt.t:what should he wear on that occasion?s5:he should wear sports shoes.t:excellent! we’ve learned many sentences about suggestions in 1a. can you find them?ss:yes.(板书“you should …”的句子,让学生齐读。)you should wear a suit.you should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in japan.you should wear your sports shoes.2. t: good. now look at those sentences and tell me what you find.(出示小黑板。)can you tell me what i should wear here?could you tell me where the special shoes are?i don’t know why.(教师讲解并分析结构。用彩笔画出what/where后的句子。引导学生注意从句的结构及句末的标点符号。)(教师向学生们讲解规则,主要是训练学生变换句式结构的能力。)t: ok! let’s have a competition:“add head ”. i will read out a sentence, then you have to add “can you tell me” to complete the sentence, ready?ss: yes. t:  let’s go! where should i stay? s6: can you tell me where i should stay?t: when can the bus arrive?s7: can you tell me when the bus can arrive?t: what should he do?s8: can you tell me …(在比赛过程中同时以同样的方式练习“ i don’t know …” , “ could you tell me …” 的句型。)(在比赛过程中,以小组为单位发言,以又好又快为标准评出优胜小组。同时,纠正学生出现的错误。)t: well done! congratulations to group×!(方案二)1. (师生就不同场合的穿着情况问答,引出1a。如:)t: when i go hiking, what should i wear? can i wear a suit?ss: no. you should wear sportswear.t: if we go to a party, what should we wear?ss: we should wear suits, leather shoes …t: i think it’s important that we wear different clothes in different seasons and on different occasions. we should dress correctly.2. (让学生听1a录音,回答下列问题。)  t: let’s listen to the tape, then answer the questions below.  (用小黑板出示。)(1) there are four different occasions. on the first occasion, the man wears jeans. is it suitable?(2) on the second occasion, what should we wear?(3) on the third occasion, what should we do when we enter someone’s home in japan?(4) do you think it’s suitable for a person to wear leather shoes when he is doing sports?3. (读1a,掌握表示建议的句子。)  t: read 1a, and please pay attention to the sentences used for making suggestions.(板书)(1) you should wear a suit.(2) you have to change your leather shoes.step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间: 5分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (让学生听1a录音,跟读模仿,然后分角色朗读。)  t: please listen to 1a and read after it. then act it out in roles.2. (再听一遍1a,然后要求学生表演对话。)t: we’ve learnt the dialog well. let’s go through it again, and then practice in pairs. now who wants to act it out?  (此次表演可借助动作、合适的服装、道具,力求逼真。)3. (完成1b练习。)  t: you have performed very well. now please finish 1b.  (学生根据1a完成1b练习,然后教师与学生核对答案。)  t: ok! let’s read it together and check the answers.step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间: 13分钟)练习本课活动2和3。(方案一)1. (教师挑选作业中设计较好的校服。)t:  boys and girls, look at these beautiful uniforms.  t:  look! picture 1’s designer is × ×. is it beautiful?  ss: yes.  t:  do you like the style?  ss: yes.  t:  what about the color?  s1: i don’t like it. i prefer … / i like it.  (教师根据图画提出一些问题,供学生讨论。最后,教师拿出一张没署名和没颜色的校服图片展示给学生。)   t:  look at this picture.  s2: who designed it?  t:  pardon? what does he/she ask?  (教师假装没听到学生的问题,引出宾语从句。)(其他学生一起回答。)  ss: he/she asks who designed it.t:  it was me.  (板书)what does he/she ask?¬he/she asks who designed it.  (板书后再次强调宾语从句的用法。)  t:  what color do we want? (故意又快又小声)  s3: pardon?  s4: he asks what color we want.(如果学生句式结构答错可予以纠正,然后板书。) he asks what color we want.   ss: i like blue/pink/black and white …  (要求学生根据以上对话进行类似的练习。)  example:  s5: when will you go?  s6: pardon?  s7: he asks when you will go.  …  (学生根据范例问答,注意改变后的宾语从句的人称与语序。)  (教师引导学生练习2,并板书,要求学生根据板书的句型并结合图片造句。完成2。)

it is +            + …

  example:  it is suitable that people wear business suits to meet business partners.  …  t:  ok! (go to 2) look at the pictures in 2 and make similar sentences following the examples.2. (准备进入3。)  t:  we all know clothes change with seasons. when it’s summer what should we wear?  ss: we should wear t-shirt, shorts, shirt, skirt, …  t:  good! what about winter?  ss: we should wear coat, sweater, …  t:  yeah. you are right. anyway we should wear suitable clothes on every occasion. is it right?  ss: yes!  t: (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) next we’ll listen to five dialogs about wearing suitable clothes. go through 3, listen carefully and then choose the right answers.  (播放3的录音两遍后,核对答案。)  t:  just now we learned we should wear suitable clothes on different occasions. do you think so?  ss: yes.  t:  good! now let’s make a survey.  (过渡到下一步。)(方案二)1. (让学生竞赛。教师将全班分成两组,一个组的一名学生造一个特殊疑问句,另一个组的一名学生用“he / she asks …”完成句子。)   t:  let’s have a competition. first divide the class into two groups. one student from group 1 makes a special question sentence. the other student from group 2 finishes it using“he /she asks ….”.  s1: what should i wear?t:  what does he /she ask?s2: he/she asks what he/she should wear.2. (教师讲解“特殊疑问句”充当宾语从句。) t: i’ll explain the usage of special question sentence as object clauses. 3. (让学生根据范例,两人一组完成2。)  t: work in pairs, and finish 2 after the example.4. (教师可总结1a来完成3。)  t: let’s sum up 1a. then finish 3.step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)讨论穿着礼仪。1. (调查活动。将全班按四人一组分成若干组。讨论在参加宴会和做户外活动时应穿什么样的衣服。)t:  suppose you would go to a party, what should you wear? then when you go out to do some exercise, what should you wear? please discuss in groups of four. then report your answers to us. are you clear?  ss: yes.activity what to wearattend to a party do some exercise   (3分钟之后,让每组选代表汇报结果。)  t:  ok. tell us about the clothes we should wear. g1?  g1: if we go to a party, we should wear formal clothes, such as suits and leather shoes. and when we are going to do exercise, we should wear sportswear such as t-shirt, sports shoes.  g2: …  (教师挑几个小组回答后,进行小结。) t: well done. thanks.2. homework:   (1) (收集一些关于不同的国家正确着装的资料。)  (2) (将服装的名称按场合分类。)section csection c needs 1 period. section c需用1课时。the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。ⅰ. aims and demands目标要求1. learn some new words:   ceiling, soldier, hide, pilot, airport, police, officer2. learn different jobs,(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) different uniforms.3. learn the purposes of differen t uniforms. firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them from heat and falling ceilings.soldiers wear green clothes to help them to hide in the forest.ⅱ. teaching aids 教具人物图片/录音机/服装图片/小黑板/学生自备的家庭照ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间: 8分钟)复习section b, 引入1a。1. (师生对话复习上节课所学内容。)  t: good morning, boys and girls.  ss: good morning, miss … / mr. …  t: all of you look beautiful today!  ss: thank you!  t:  we all want to look nice. girls want to look more attractive and boys want to look more handsome. but it is important that we wear suitable clothes on every occasion.2. (学生分两组表演短剧。教师引导学生在活动中复习“it is + adj. + that …”。)(1) (出示课本section b, 1a中的第一幅图片,选两名学生表演,鼓励学生运用自己的语言。)t: look at the picture. then make up a short play and act it out.s1: sorry, sir. you can’t wear jeans here.s2: i’m sorry. i’ll change my clothes.t: why can’t he wear jeans there? ss: because it is impolite that he wears jeans there.(2) (出示课本section b, 1a中的第四幅图片,选出两名学生表演。)s3: what’s wrong with you, kangkang?s4: bad luck! my feet hurt.s3: you should wear sports shoes.t: why did kankang’s feet hurt?ss: it is not good that kangkang didn’t wear sports shoes.3. (出示图片,师生问答,引入1a。)  (1) (教师出示一幅消防员的图片,师生问答。)t: what does he do?ss:he is a firefighter.                        t: how can you guess he is a firefighter?ss:he is wearing a special coat and a helmet.t:you are very clever.(2) (教师出示一幅士兵的图片,师生问答。) t: what does he do?                         ss: he is a soldier.t: how can you guess he is a soldier?ss: he is wearing green clothes.t: you are smart. (教师总结、板书。)t: well, firefighters wear special coats and helmets, and soldiers wear green clothes. so we can say: different jobs, different uniforms.(板书)firefighter, soldier, different jobs, different uniforms 4. (教师引导学生们讨论1a前的两个问题。)  t: now, discuss the following questions together:(1) what do you know about uniforms?(2) when and where do you wear school uniforms?(讨论两分钟后,过渡到下一步。)step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间: 5分钟)呈现1a, 讨论制服的作用。(方案一)1. (教师用图片推出生词。)ceiling, hide, pilot, police, airport2. (学生带着问题阅读,边读边思考。)t: read the passage in 1a, and then answer the following questions.(小黑板呈现。)why do firefighters wear special coats and helmets?why do soldiers wear green clothes?how do officials look when they dress in their uniforms?who can help us if we have a car accident on the street?t: now, let’s check the answers: (板书以上问题的答案在黑板上。)firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them from heat and falling ceilings.soldiers wear green clothes to help them to hide in the forest.when officials dress in their uniforms, they look important.a police officer or a soldier can help us if we have a car accident on the street.3. (教师组织学生讨论制服的作用。)  t: now, let’s discuss the importance of uniforms together.(方案二)1. (让学生讨论1a前的问题。)  t: open your books, and let’s discuss the pre-reading questions. 2. (教师用图片推出生词。)firefighter , ceiling, soldier, hide, pilot, police, airport  t: i’ll give you some pictures. please look carefully and answer my questions. “is it important that firefighters wear the uniforms at work?”[来源:学+科+网]  s1: yes.  t: why?  s1: because …  t: what about soldiers/pilots?  s2: they need to wear uniforms, too.  t: are their uniforms the same?  s2: no.  t: yes, different jobs, different uniforms.3. (让学生读1a , 判断下列句子正误。)  t: now please read 1a, then mark the following sentences true (t)or false(f).(1) firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them.(2) soldiers wear green clothes to protect them from heat.(3) if we have a car accident on the street, we can get help from pilots.(4) different jobs, different uniforms, uniforms have many uses.  step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间: 12分钟)巩固1a, 练习1b。1. (教师播放1a录音,让学生大声跟读一遍。)  t: please read after the tape in 1a loudly.2. (根据黑板上的问题或句子,复述1a。)  t: let’s look at the questions or sentences on the blackboard and retell 1a.3. (学生分组讨论手中的照片,然后向全班报告。)  t: talk about the photo of your family according to 1b, then report it to the class.step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间: 10分钟)练习本课活动2和3。1. (让学生先看2中的图片,降低听力难度。)  t: now, please look at the pictures in 2. listen to the passage carefully, and check(√) the clothes sally likes wearing during the year.(播放2的录音,根据学生的特点,可播放2~3遍。)  t: now, let’s check the answers. 2. (学生进行小组讨论,归纳出所学过的服装名称。然后推荐一位代表向全班学生汇报,看哪一组归纳得最多。教师当裁判,给各组评分。)    t: n ow, work in groups to sum up the names of the clothes we have learnt and each group asks o ne student to report the results to the class. let’s find out the best group.(让学生准备两分钟。)t: now, let’s begin.0.(学生汇报服装名称,教师给各组评分。)group 1 2 3 4the names of the clothes    score    (对表现最好的小组,给予表扬。)t:  congratulations, group×.3. (再听2短文,根据自己喜欢的服装写一篇小短文。)t: well, please listen to 2 again, and write a passage according to the clothes you like wearing. you just have two minutes.(让学生准备两分钟写短文。)t:  now, who will have a try? read it in class.


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