1B Unit 41B Unit 41B Unit 4


1B Unit 4

1B Unit 4

lesson plan people who help usthe 1st period of oxford 1b unit 4learning objectives:1 .      learn to use postman / fireman / policeman / milkman / driver to identify people’s occupation.2.      learn to describe people.3.      know thanks giving and be willing to help others.difficulty: the usage of the article aaids: media, exercise paper and word cards procedurecontentsmethodspurposesi.pre-task     ii while-task                                                            rhymes : five little monkeys look at you and me  wordsmilkman         driver   policeman, postman          fireman   all of the words           patternshe is a …     he is a …he is …       he is a …he is …he has got …he can … ss: say and act     screen: the elephant elmert: introduce elmer and tell a story about himscreen: elmer needs milkss: make a rhyme.   milk, milk,   i love you.   milkman, milkman,   come, come quickly. screen: elmer gets on the school busss: say hello to the driver screen: elmer sees a policeman and a postman on the road. sa: act as a policeman and a postman screen: elmer is in the school.ss: act out the story school is fun.  movie: on firess: say  something about the fireman.  ss: mime the wordspicture game: which word is missing?ss: read the wordsscreen: guessing gamess: read the word and act outscreen: different situationsss: say which one must come herescreen: different job, different help. sa: actt: say he is a …ss: guesspassing gamegroup work: what are they? ss: listen to the song on p21 then try to say what he is and how he is.screen: about a policemansa: describess: readscreen: about a milkmansa: add the sentences screen: about s postman and a drivert: ask some questionsgroup work: describe one of the postman and the driver  用儿歌进行热身,使学生进入英语学习的状态。    7个单词不同的引入办法让学生的精神始终处于兴奋状态。不同的操练方式也让学生兴趣浓厚。                          guessing game 是较常用操练的方式,可激励学生,发挥学生积极性,让他们积极地运用语言。   由单词到句子再到语段,实现了知识材料的逐步积累、知识难度的逐步加深。iii post-task          information gap movie: elmer puts off the fire pair work screen: if you can, just do it.put your shoulder to the wheel.共2页,当前第1页12

1B Unit 4

鼎力相助。two heads are better than one.一个好汉三个帮。there is kindness to be found everywhere.人间处处有温情。 最后的交际性操练的游戏让学生积极使用语言,通过问答的方式及新鲜有趣的图片来刺激了学生的主观能动性。   中英文谚语的出示便于学生理解,也提升了课堂教学的立意。iv. assignment1.       words on p19: listen, read and spell2.      patterns on p20: listen and read3.      song about more jobs: enjoy (on the internet of yifu primary school) 教学反思:这节课借助sonia提出的主题people who help us, 教授职业名词 fireman/ policeman/ postman/ milkman/ driver,学生能运用he is a …描述人物的职业,同时学过的句型 he is … / he has got …/ he can …等,较详细地简介人物。我们设定的情感目标是让学生了解职业特征,激发他们的感恩之情,培养助人为乐的好品质。实践下来,效果不错。在教学过程中,有以下亮点:ø        pre-task preparation: 用节奏明快的儿歌five little monkeys 活跃课堂气氛;用以前学过的自编儿歌look at you and me 复习描述人物的单词。ø        while-task procedure: 用故事描述的办法引出新授单词,引人入胜;通过不同的操练方式让学生体验职业特点,理解职业价值;运用多种器官活动帮助记忆。ø        post-task activity: 用出人意料的故事结尾帮助学生理解“以我所能,助人为乐”                      的现实意义。ø        assignment: 利用校园网为学生习得课外知识搭建平台。   有待改进之处:²       媒体制作的精美程度。²       单词呈现的自然顺畅。 共2页,当前第2页12


1B Unit 4
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