Unit 1 Success storiesUnit 1 Success storiesUnit 1 Success stories


Unit 1 Success stories

unit 1 success stories1. he was watching a tom and jerry cartoon on television when he first heard western classical music.  当他第一次听见西方古典音乐时,他正在看电视播放的漫画《猫和老鼠》。

2. he was practising the piano while other children his age were playing games. 他在练钢琴,而这时同龄的孩子正在玩游戏。

3. lang lang began taking piano lessons at the age of three.  朗朗在三岁时开始上钢琴课。

4. from then on, he won many awards.  从那时起,他获了许多奖。

5. lang lang's success came at a price.  朗朗的成功是有代价的。

6. his father was very strict with him.  他父亲对他很严格。

7. his father gave up his work and took lang lang to beijing.  父亲放弃他的工作,带朗朗去北京。

8. a pianist suddenly fell ill.  一位钢琴家突然病了。

9. lang lang was chosen to play in place of that pianist.  朗朗被选去代替那位钢琴家演奏。

10. he played with the greatest orchestras in the world such as the london symphony orchestra.  他和世界最伟大的管弦乐队合作,诸如伦敦交响乐团。

11. lang lang is grateful to parents.  朗朗很感激父母。

12. he is a man of many talents, and she has many interests.  他多才多艺,她也兴趣广泛。

13. he was curious about science,he was always searching for answers.   他对科学很好奇,他总是寻求答案。

14. these experiments led to a number of very important finds.  这些实验导致了一些非常重要的发现。

15. he did invent lightning conductor.  他的确发明了避雷针。

16. he was tired of always taking them on and off.  他厌倦了总要把他们(眼镜)戴上又取下。

17. these glasses let him see both near and far things at the same time.  这眼镜让他能在同一时间看到近的和远的事物。

18. nowadays, these glasses are known as bifocals.  如今,这被称为双光眼镜。

19. benjamin franklin set up the first fire company.  本杰明富兰克林创建了第一个消防公司。

20. she plays the violin for love, not just to win competitions. 她拉小提琴是因为爱好,而不仅仅是为了赢得比赛。

21. we sometimes forget about people like that.      我们有时会忘记象那样的人。

22. come on, let me give you a hand.        得了,让我帮你一把。

23. i saved up about 100 yuan and bought a dictionary.    我攒了一百块钱买了本字典。

24. he fought for his belief all his life. &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;    他终身为他的信仰而奋斗。

25. he thinks that black people are equal to white people.       他认为黑人和白人是平等的。

26. in total, the team won the nba championship six times.     这支队总共赢得六次nba冠军。


Unit 1 Success stories
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