高一英语模块1 Unit 1 词汇II教学案高一英语模块1 Unit 1 词汇II教学案高一英语模块1 Unit 1 词汇II教学案


高一英语模块1 Unit 1 词汇II教学案

高一英语模块1 unit 1 词汇ii教学案unit  one  (词汇ii)1. develop   v. 培养,养成;发展,开发;(胶片)冲洗  ①the girl  developed  an interest in dancing at her early age . ②the place    has developed   from a small village into a big city.③the company develops new software. 这家公司  开发   新软件。④i’d like the film    developed   this afternoon.adj. developing 发展中的;developed 发达的;china is a    developing   country while america is a    developed        one.n. development    with the   development     of industry, more waste is produced.2. gift   n.①礼物,赠品 (present)  the watch was  a       gift    from my mother.       ②天赋,才能(talent) …for sth. / for doing sth.         she has a great    gift         for   music.gifted adj. 有天赋的  一个天资聪慧的孩子      a gifted child                        3. please  v. 使满意;取悦      can’t the result   please        you?      adj. pleasing 令人高兴的 pleased 某人感到高兴的   pleasant 令人愉快的         ①a piece of    pleasing        news         ②′it is a     pleasant      journey ,’he said in a  pleased        voice.         ③she was very   pleased      with her exam results.         n. pleasure         ①it is a   pleasure      to meet you.==    pleasure      to meet you.②thank you for doing that. it is a      pleasure     .③can you help me to carry some books?    with pleasure        乐意地 4. cover  n. (书的)封面;盖子  back cover  (书的)封底      v. ①覆盖 cover with == be covered with she   covered     her face    with    her hands.  ②包括,涉及  这部词典里有那个单词吗? is that word covered in the dictionary?    这些讲座涉及各个学科。  the lectures cover a lot of subjects.                ③行走(一段路程)   by sunset, we had   covered      30 miles.   ④报道 the bbc will   cover      all the news.5. regret   v./ n. 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜          v. … doing sth. 对做过的事感到后悔 (事情已发生)            … to do sth. 很遗憾去做某事(某事没发生)            … that …          ①i regret   telling him the truth . (告诉他实情)          ②i regret  to tell you that you didn’t pass /failed the exam. (告诉你你考试没及格)    ③我姐姐很后悔没有帮助我。 my sister regrets not helping me.           ④使我后悔的是在我读书期间我没尽力。to my  regret  , i didn’t  try my best when i was at school.       类似的有:remember / stop …6. inform   v. 通知, 告知  … sb. of sth.            n. information  一则信息 a piece of  information              you’d better inform   them   of       the time for the meeting.    消息灵通的     well informed     见多识广的;知识渊博的                7. require   v. 要求,需求     … sb. to do  sth.                             … that…  (should) do                            sth. … doing / to be done          ①i ’m  required   to the teacher’s office at once.== the teacher requires that i   (should) go to his office at once.           ②我的表需要修了。my watch requires repairing.                            == my watch requires to be repaired.  类似  want / need doing / to be done       n. requiremeat (从句中也用should , should 可省)       they refused my   requirement   that we (should) have a rest.随 堂 检 测一、翻译①(书的)封底     back cover                                        ②对……满意        be pleased with                              ③后悔做过某事     regret doing sth.                                  ④通知某人某事       inform sb. of sth.                            ⑤一个令人愉快的夜晚     a pleasant evening                         ⑥发达国家           developed countries                          ⑦礼物,赠品         gift                                      ⑧要求某人做某事     require sb. to do sth.                        二、完成句子1、他对科学产生了兴趣。   he developed     an        interest         in       science.2、我昨天把胶卷拿去冲洗了。   i had the film developed    yesterday.3、你不可取悦所有人  you cannot please all the people.        4、昨天,tom在桌子上铺了一层纸(2句)       tom covered the desk with a piece of paper yesterday.                          the desk was covered with a piece of paper yesterday.                  5、很抱歉,我不能来        i regret to say that i cannot come.               6、这些花草需要每天浇水。(water)  the flowers and grass   requires/needs/wants     watering         every day.                       requires/needs/wants/     to    be  watered every day.


高一英语模块1 Unit 1 词汇II教学案
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