Chapter 4 Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceChapter 4 Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceChapter 4 Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence


Chapter 4 Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence

chapter 4 tom sawyer paints the fence  i. teaching aims: to learn the vocabulary itemsii. teaching important points: the usage of the words and phrases.iii. teaching difficult points: to use the new vocabularies to make sentences iv. teaching procedures:pre-task activity: daily talk: a success story of…. while-task procedure new words 11. encourage (v.) : persuade; lead sb. to do sth. in a friendly wayencourage sb. to do sth.e.g., my friend has a good voice. i will encourage him to take up singing.miss chen always encourages us to study harder.2. bright  (adj.) : 1) (shining)  明亮的 e.g. the sun was very bright2) (intelligent; clever)  聪明的 e.g. a bright idea3) (light) 鲜艳的 e.g. bright red3. depressed (adj.) :e.g. he was depressed by the loss of his job.depress (v.)      depression (n.)  沮丧, 消沉e.g. a holiday will help his depression.depressing (adj.)   压抑的,沉闷的e.g. a depressing thought4. yard     n.    (unit of length, equal to 0.9144 meter)e.g. give him an inch and he'll take a yard !    can you still buy cloth by the yard in britain?5. dip (v.) : put sth. slowly into a liquid--dipped; dippinge.g. i dipped my pen into the ink.    i dipped my toe into the water, but it was very cold so i did not go swimming.6. section  (n.) : part of somethinge.g. one section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.7. make fun of sb. / sth. : laugh at sb. in a nasty waye.g. he thought his friends would make fun of his new hair style. the kids at school always made fun of jill’s clothes. 8. funny (adj.) : amusinge.g. he has funny habit of blinking when talking with (n.) : enjoyment; amusemente.g. have fun at the party tonight.what fun it will be when we all go on holiday together!9. go on doing sth.  : e.g., you can’t go on drinking so much. the party went on until 3 a.m.go on to doe.g. the teacher went on  to tell a story after he worked out the problem.10. ignore  (v.) : do not look at or talk to sb..she saw him coming but she ignored him.11. guess  (v.) : imagine; thinke.g., i guess i will go swimming at the weekend if the weather is nice. 12. a bit   (a small degree; somewhat)    (much, a lot, a little, even, still, far)e.g. a bit warmer       that's much better.       felt a little better       it's even colder than yesterday. he is tall enough, but his brother is still taller.      she is far better than me at writing.13. move: actione.g., what’s your next move?move   (v.) :    to change in positione.g. who has moved my book?move    (v.)    感动e.g. we were moved to tears by the film.movement    (n.) : the act of movinge.g. she watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements.14. while: a short part of timee.g.,  please take a seat. the doctor will see you in a while.       after a while       a long while15. properly (adv.) : in the right way e.g.,  wash those dishes properly, and make sure that they are completely clean.16. beg (v.) :  --begged; begging   beg sb to do sth e.g., i begged him to stay but he refusedthe poor man begged me to give him some food.  beggar (n.)e.g. let beggars match with beggars.17. joy: happiness a new baby brings joy to all the family.she was full of joy when her child was born.enjoy    (v.)  e.g. some elderly people enjoy beijing opera.18. end up doing sth.    以…而告终e.g.,  we were going to go out, but ended up watching video at home.19. marble      n.   (a small glass ball used in children's games)(a kind of rock)  e.g. these steps are made of marble.      let’s have a game of marbles.20. (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)and so on (and things continued in the same way; etc.)e.g.i like sports like swimming, jogging, playing football, and so on.21. late     adj. 1.迟的,晚的e.g. i was late for school.2.晚期的, 末期的e.g. he began the work in late may.3.新的;刚刚到的e.g. some latest news   late      adv.          e.g. i got up late.22. gain:  get; obtain; havee.g. he quickly gained experience.gain   (n.)e.g. no pains, no gains. homework: 1.抄写并背诵单词2.预习课文


Chapter 4 Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence
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