Unit 3 Travel journal  Period 5 Extensive ReadingUnit 3 Travel journal  Period 5 Extensive ReadingUnit 3 Travel journal  Period 5 Extensive Reading


Unit 3 Travel journal  Period 5 Extensive Reading

unit 3 travel journal  period 5 extensive reading

整体设计this is the fifth teaching period of this unit. the teacher should first check the students’ homework and offer chances for the students to go over what they learned in the last period at the beginning of the class.in this period, the teaching emphasis will be put on developing the students’ reading ability by reading extensively and getting them learning to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning. as to new words and phrases, the teacher can first find those the students feel most difficult and help them to understand. some important points should be explained and practiced.we will deal with two reading passages. the first one is the second (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)part of journey down the mekong:a night in the mountains. part of the purpose of this entry is to reach students in the affective domain. it tells us what wang wei and wang kun saw, heard and did, also how they felt in tibet. in order to lead in the topic of this part, the teacher can first show the students a picture about the tibetan mountains and ask some questions about tibet. then ask the students to fill in the chart designed according to this part by skimming and to locate particular information by scanning. while checking their answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems the students can’t work out by themselves. later on, ask the students to listen to the tape, mark the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentence and practice reading aloud. the second passage is still part of the travel journal that makes up the whole of this unit. actually it is about the end of the journey. so this reading assumes information from other parts of the unit. the cyclists began their journey in qinghai province and passed through tibet, laos, cambodia and vietnam. then there is the exercise which requires the students to use information not only from this reading passage but also from other parts of the journal. so encourage them to discuss the topics in the chart and look elsewhere in the unit for the answers.during the course of reading teaching, the teacher can not only develop students’ reading ability, but also get the students to learn about common knowledge about tibet, laos, cambodia and vietnam.to consolidate the contents of the reading passages, the students should be required to retell the two parts. in order to arouse the students’ interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.教学重点develop the students’ reading skills by extensive reading. 教学难点enable the students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.教学方法1. task-based teaching and learning2. cooperative learning3. discussion教具准备a tape recorder and other normal teaching tools三维目标knowledge aims:1. get the students to learn the new words and expressions:shorts, camp, as usual, so far, put up2. get the students to know about tibet, laos, cambodia and vietnam.ability aims:1. develop the students’ reading skills by extensive reading.2. enable the students to learn to use different reading strategies.emotional aims:1. enable the students to love and enjoy nature.2. develop the students’ sense of group cooperation.

教学过程设计方案(一)→step 1 revision1. check the homework exercises.2. ask some students to retell part 1 the dream and the plan.→step 2 lead-inshow the students the picture:the tibetan mountains. brainstorm the following questions:have you ever been to tibet? do you want to travel in tibet? can you tell me something about tibet?after talking about tibet, tell the students:wang wei and wang kun are going on with their journey down the mekong. they are in tibet now. turn to page 22. read part 2 a night in the mountains quickly and then answer me several questions.→step 3 reading1. get the students thinking about the picture and the topic of the passage, then discussing in pairs to predict what it says.2. skimmingget the students to read quickly and fill in the chart.seeheardofeelsuggested answers:seesnowfallclear skybright starshearalmost no sound but that of the firedoride bicycle in the snowchange autumn clothes to winter clotheschange winter clothes back to autumn clothesput up tents to make campfeel(legs)heavy and coldto climb the mountain was hard work, but to go down the hills was great fun.can hardly wait to see their cousins3. scanningwork in pairs. read the passage again to locate particular information.1)how does wang kun feel about the trip?2)what do you think has changed his attitude?3)is it natural for wang kun not to feel lonely?4)would you feel the same way in this situation? why or why not?suggested answers:1)she is starting to like the trip.2)seeing the beautiful land.3)yes. because the scene wang kun saw is beautiful. the sky was clear (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)and the stars were bright. also their cousins are waiting for him.4)you may have different opinions about this. just speak it out and let us share your idea, will you?4. language pointswhile checking the students’ answers, deal with any language problems to see if the students can guess the meanings of the new words and expressions. 5. reading and underliningread the passage quickly again and underline all the useful expressions and collocations in it.collocations:although, ride bicycles, in front of, as usual, need to do sth. , be great fun, reach a valley, much warmer, change. . . into. . . , t-shirts, shorts, in the early evening, stop to do sth. , make camp, put up, after supper, go to sleep, stay awake, at midnight, become clear, so. . . that. . . , the sound of the fire, so far, join sb. , hardly wait to see, change one’s attitude6. reading aloudplay the tape for the students to listen and mark the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentence. then practice reading aloud.→step 4 dialogueimagine that the dialogue happens the next morning before wang kun and wang wei leave their camp. write a short dialogue between them with your partner.several minutes later, ask some students to show their dialogue to the class.sample dialogue:wei:you look so tired.kun:yes, i stayed up late last night.wei:really? what did you do?kun:i watched the clear sky and the bright stars.wei:that’s nice. they must have been pretty.kun:yes, they were.→step 5 reading task(on pages 58-59)1. ask the students to turn to page 59 and read the passage:the end of our journey. then fill in the form with the information from the travel journal.topiclaoscambodiavietnampopulationweatherlearningfarming2. check the answers with the whole class. deal with any language problems.suggested answers:topiclaoscambodiavietnampopulationhalf the population of cambodiatwice the population of laosalmost seven times the population of cambodiaweathercool and dry in autumncooler in the north and much warmer in the southlearninghalf of its people couldn’t read or writefarmingrice and fishrice and fishrice, fish and fruit→step 6 consolidationretell each part of journey down the mekong. work in groups.1. fill in the chart.journey down the mekongpart 1part 2 a night in the mountainspart 3part 4part 5part 62. choose one for each group to report their retelling.→step 7 homework1. finish off the workbook exercises.2. write a summary for each part ofjourney down the mekong.设计方案(二)→step 1 revision1. check the homework exercises.2. ask some students to retell part 1 the dream and the plan.→step 2 lead-inshow the students the picture:the tibetan mountains. brainstorm some questions about tibet.→step 3 reading1. get the students thinking about the picture and the topic of the passage, then discussing in pairs to predict what it says. 2. skimmingget the students to read quickly and fill in the chart.seeheardofeel3. scanningwork in pairs. read the passage again to locate particular information.4. language pointswhile checking the students’ answers, deal with any language problems.5. reading and underliningread the passage quickly again and underline all the useful expressions and collocations in it.6. reading aloudplay the tape for the students to listen and mark the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentence. then practice reading aloud.→step 4 dialogueimagine that the dialogue happens the next morning before wang kun and wang wei leave their camp. write a short dialogue between them with your partner.→step 5 reading task1. ask the students to turn to page 59 and read the passage:the end of our journey. then fill in the form with the information from the travel journal.2. check the answers with the whole class. deal with any language problems.→step 6 consolidationretell each part of journey down the mekong. work in groups.→step 7 homework1. finish off the workbook exercises.2. write a summary for each part of journey down the mekong.


unit 3 travel journal

extensive readingjourney down the mekongpart 1part 2 a night in the mountainspart 3part 4part 5part 6

活动与探究go to your school library or surf in the internet to collect information about tibet in order to make preparations for your travel journey.sample passage:tibet lies on the qinghai-tibet plateau of the southwest border of china. the average height of the whole region is more than 4000 meters above sea level, for which tibet is known as “roof of the world”. the highest peak of tibet, also the highest in himalayas and in the whole world, is everest peak, which is as high as 8846. 27 meters above sea level.although it is a part of china, tibet has a unique culture of all its own. it is mainly inhabited by tibetans, a minority nationality of old and mysterious people. tourist attractions include the potala palace in lhasa, jokhang temple, and a number of buddhist sacred places.tibet is to the south of xinjiang uygur autonomous region and qing hai province, to the west of sichuan, to the northwest of yunnan and to the north of india and nepal. its population of 2. 3 million people come from a variety of ethnic groups including tibetan, han, monba and lhota. its capital city is lhasa.northwest tibet, mainly qing hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. across the northern expanse of tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yaks and sheep roam freely. the world’s lowest valley, the grand yarlun-tzanpo river valley lies in east tibet(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容).it is freezing cold in most time of the year. most tourists come to visit tibet only in the warmest seasons, june, july, august and early september.


Unit 3 Travel journal  Period 5 Extensive Reading
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