Unit 5 Nelson MandelaVocabulary and useful expressions学案Unit 5 Nelson MandelaVocabulary and useful expressions学案Unit 5 Nelson MandelaVocabulary and useful expressions学案


Unit 5 Nelson MandelaVocabulary and useful expressions学案

unit 5 nelson mandelavocabulary and useful expressions学案please underline the following phrases and sentences in the text and learn them by heart.在课文中划出下列词组和句型,并加以背诵。重点词组1.devote…to sth/doing sth为…奉献          2.die for为…而献身3. work as以…作为工作                   4.believe in信任5. be free from从…中解放                  6. fight for为争取…而斗争7.be in prison坐牢                &nb(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sp;        8 .the first man to do做某事的第一人9.land on 着陆                            10. go for advice去问建议11. offer guidance to提供指导               12. on their legal problem在法律问题上13.be generous with 对…慷慨               14.be grateful 感激15.be three kilometers away 三公里远         16. continue to 继续做17.worry about 担忧                       18 .become out of work失业19.become more hopeful 变得更有希望        20 .youth league青年团21.reach a stage 到了一个平台              22 .be put into a position被置于一个位置23.either…or  两者之中…或… 之一         24.attack the law攻击法律25.break a law 破坏法律                    26.as a matter of fact事实上27.blow up 摧毁                          28. be put in prison 被投入监狱29.achieve one’s dream 实现某人的梦想      30 .make ….equal使…平等31.be willing to愿意做                     32.turn to violence转向暴力 33.pay for money 付款            重点句型1. the time when i first met nelson mandela was a very difficult period of my life.5.when he organized the anc youth league, i joined it as soon as i could..6.the last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our right and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all .7.…we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.8.…only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.ii using language( p38-40)重点词组1.spend the hardest time 度过最艰难时期            2. begin a school开办学校3. the lunch breaks午饭休息时间           4. be allowed to被允许做5. stop from studying阻止学习             6. feel good about oneself某人自我感觉很好8.. come to power掌权                    9.beg for sth. 乞求某事              9. take tourists around sth带旅游团参观     10 .be proud to do 做某事感到骄傲11.show visitors over the prison给参观者介绍有关监狱情况  12.make people free 使人们自由           13.set up建立         14. be sentenced to被判刑               15.what do you think of…对于…你有怎样的想法    16. how do you feel about that 关于…你有怎样的感受   17.to one’s understanding 依某人的理解       18. i’m with you我认同你重点句型1. you can not imagine how the name of robben island made us afraid.2.since i was better educated, i got a job working in an office.3. i felt bad the first time i talked to a group.iii reading task (p73)重点词组和句型1. for a long time过了很常一段时间            2. be good at擅长3. be against sb反对某人                     4. set up a company开办公司5. make a lot of money赚很多钱               6. be (un) fair to sb.对…不公平 7.make sure that…确定                      8.compete with sb.与某人竞争9. work on doing sth.从事某事                10. by fair means通过公平的手段11. around the world环球                    12. be used widely被广泛使用13 .stop from doing sth.阻止做14. everyone should be able to do what they can to make their company bigger.15.you could not meet a better man than bill gates. iv complete the short passage with a proper word for each blank.   nelson mandela, born on july 18, 1918, is the first black president of south africa. he studied law _after he entered university. in 1944 he formed/ founded the anc youth league. then in 1952 he set up a law office_ to help poor black people. because of his fighting against_ the government and anti-black laws, he was sentenced_ to five yeas hard labour. fighters from anc began to blow_ up buildings in 1963 and he was put into prison again for life imprisonment(监禁) on robben island. twenty-seven years later, he was freed__ at last by the white government. in 1993 he was made the first black president of south africa. a lot of people in the world think nelson mandela is really a great person. what do you think of him?

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Unit 5 Nelson MandelaVocabulary and useful expressions学案
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