Chapter3.Places of interestChapter3.Places of interestChapter3.Places of interest


Chapter3.Places of interest

一、章节分析(language section )(一)综述本章节主要语法----过去完成时。在初中阶段是曾接触了过去完成时,但只要求理解。本课要求在此基础上巩固掌握和运用过去完成时。可适当接触将来完成时。(二)语法目标     学习过去完成时的结构、语法含义。(三)教学法     口语情景教学法( 教师创设情景,学生主要通过口语训练达到对语言知识的掌握)(四)重点和难点过去完成时的语法含义二、教学设计(teaching designs)




revision and presentation 以现在完成时引出过去完成时的结构和含义。具体处理这部分内容的建议见[衔接1]。

practicel         口头听说操练句型l         课本第43页练习 a和第44页练习b具体处理这部分内容的建议见[衔接2]。t43

productionl         根据情景编对话。具体处理这部分内容的建议见[衔接3]。[链接1]说明:这是关于过去完成时的引入。以听说问答的形式从现在完成时着手,引出过去完成时的结构和含义,向部分同学呈现将来完成时。step one  t: when did you begin to learn english? s: i began to learn english when i was in grade 3/ about 7 years ago.t: so you have learned english since you were in grade 3/ 7 years ago.  or you have learned english for about 7 years.  that is to say, you had learned english for 6 years by the end of last year.  and by the time you graduate from senior high school, you will have learned  english for 9 years.step two  t: ever since you came into senior high school, you have mastered a lot of new words, about 80 in chapter one, about 50 in chapter two, and you will master another 50 in chapter three. we had learned about 130 new words before we began to learn chapter three last week.and we will have learned 180 new words by the time we finish chapter three next  week. [链接2]说明:这是关于过去完成时的操练。第一部分以听说问答的形式进行,刺激学生关注时态的结构形式和意义(awareness);第二部分完成课本第43至45页 的练习a和b,在meaningful drills 中强化语言结构和对语法意义的理解, 做到从accuracy到fluency的转化。step one  awarenessquestions for oral practicewrite the following questions on sheets of paper, give them to half of the students and let them work with other students in pairs.examples:student a: what did tom tell you about john? (catch a bad cold)student b: he told me that john had caught a bad cold.1. what did linda tell you a moment ago? (buy a bicycle)2. what did they say just now? (finish their homework) 3. what did susan tell rebecca in the letter? (be in london for five days)4. what(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) else did you learn from the letter? (already visit many old buildings)5. what did david tell you yesterday? (lose his dictionary)step two meaningful drills     language exercise a &b on textbook p43-45[链接3]说明:这是关于过去完成时的应用。向学生提供若干情景提示,让学生形成应答,正确、熟练应用过去完成时的语言结构和语法含义。situational dialoguetopics:1.       if one of your classmates didn’t go to see the film with you, talk about it with your partner.2.       talk with your partner about one of your friends whose english is very good.3.       if you receive a letter from your friend in beijing, talk about it with your partner.


Chapter3.Places of interest
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文章名称:Chapter3.Places of interest





