牛津英语8B Unit5 Main task学案及教案牛津英语8B Unit5 Main task学案及教案牛津英语8B Unit5 Main task学案及教案


牛津英语8B Unit5 Main task学案及教案

8b unit5 main task [自学探究] 一.预习p89-p90 ,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译. 1.不在害怕飞行     2.为奥比斯工作 3.关心别人         4.做一份重要工作 5.感激某人         6.毕业 7.帮助人们重见光明 8.习惯于做某事 9.过去常常做某事   10.在一家大公司的办公室工作 11,训练当护士      12.把她的工作情况告诉学生们 二.完成课本p89-90partsa.b练习 三.根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语或英语单词的适当形式填空. 1.a uncef worker came to our __________(村庄). 2.mary really ____ (关心)about other people. 3.many people are ______ (感激) to her. 4.she decided to go back to school and____ (训练)as a nurse. 5.i couldn’t read _____(和)write. 6.mary ______(use ) to work in the office of a big company. 7.she loves helping people see again and ______(teach) other nurses. 8.she is used to _____(work) on a plane. 9.she learnt about the _____(fly) eye hospital. 10.a knife is_____(use) to cut things. [教案] 课题8b unit 5 main task 课型习作课\新授课教学目标1.按逻辑顺序整理思路. 2.用从图片中获取的信息,写一篇关于一个印度女孩的报告. 3.给全班陈述报告.重难点分析教会学生如何根据图片选用适当的关联词串联故事学情分析描述每一幅图片对学生来说并不难,但如何根据图片有条理的写出一份报告对于他们而言并不容易,所以要教给他们使用适当的关联词将图片的描述巧妙串联起来,就可以形成一篇较好的报告.教学方法过程性写作教学教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充step 1 revision  revise the passage in reading. step 2 presentation orbisdoctors and nurses have done important work for poor children .do you want to be one of them? get the students to talk about it.  教师提问复习所学课文,帮助学生激活所学关于描述dr ma现在过去生活工作的句子. 教师导入本课话题学生回答(齐答或个别回答),再现所学表达dr ma过去现在工作生活的句子.   学生的思维进入本课内容step 3 part a1 amy wants to write about the work of an orbis nurse called mary for her class  presentation. she found some pictures about mary. get the students to talk about it . step 4 parta2 get the students to use the pictures to finish a2 stept 5 work out the structure analysis the structure of the report and work out how to write a report step 6 partb1 let the students go through the pictures in partb1.look for the suitable words to form the report(见板书) step 7 writing  write a report on mandeep’s life. you can make a flow chart to organize your ideas first. give the students 3 minutes to make a flow chart and then give them enough time to make a draft and present your report to the class. finally,finishb2 step8language points go through the article and help the students to locate some important sentence patterns. explain some important language points.教师引导学生用适当的语言描述这些图片. 教师带领学生核对答案后叫学生按照正确顺序齐声朗读,引导学生找出报告中承上启下的关联词. 分析报告得出结构. 教师在写作前,让学生看b1中的图片,梳理故事的条理:(见板书)引导学生按照课本a2的模式,选用关联词串联故事. 给学生足够时间去写. 事先定一个评价标准,学生在陈述报告后,参考标准给出等第,并给出建议便于修改.学生大胆积极描述这些图片. 学生按照正确顺序齐声朗读报告并找出报告中承上启下的关联词. 理解并记忆写报告的结构 学生看图并梳理



学生根据参考标准及建议修改报告.   作业设计1.       完成作业. 2.       完成相关练习 3.       熟读范文,记忆重点词汇和句型.板书设计mandeep’s life in the past----mandeep used to … changes----one day… mandeep’s life at present----now…           mandeep hopes…           i think…教学反思{当堂巩固} 一.   选择填空. (  ) 1. she  does_____ that many people are grateful to her.  a. such an important work      b. such important work                               c. so  important  work                                   d. so important job (  ) 2. i hope ______become a teacher.  a. him to    b. he will   c. he to  d. he would (  ) 3 . i hope to have a job like ______.  a. him     b. his      c. her   d. she (  ) 4. she works ______orbis.  a. in        b. to     c. at   d.  for   (  ) 5. let’s surf  the internet and find out ______poor people around the world, shall we?  a. do the charities how help           b. how do the charities help                     c. the charities how help                            d. how the charities help 二.   词汇应用. 1.mary used to work in the office of a big_____(公司). 2.she saw a tv______(节目)about orbis 3.she ______(决定) to go back to school. 4.some girls are _______(害怕)of dogs. 5.i think she really cares about other people and ______(want) to help them. 三.   完成句子. 1.他习惯于在农场工作. ______________________________________ 2.她不在害怕飞行. _______________________________________ 3.他不关心他的儿子去了哪? _______________________________________ 4.你觉得这部电影怎么样? ________________________________________ 5.玛丽如此想帮助穷苦的病人,以至于她想训练做名医生.                                           ________________________________________


牛津英语8B Unit5 Main task学案及教案
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