Finding your way教案Finding your way教案Finding your way教案


Finding your way教案

unit 3 finding your wayperiod 4课前预习一、写出下列单词的词义、词性和音标crossroads_________ ___________ ________ sraight __________ __________ ________traffic __________ ___________ __________ zebra __________ ___________ ________entrance _________ ___________ ________ correct _________ ___________ ________二、将下列词组译成英语1. 斑马线_________________________ 2. 向右转_______________________________3. 来到十字路口___________________ 4. 路的拐角处 __________________________5. 穿过马路 _______________________ 6. 在你的右边 _________________________

learning procedures:activity 1 revision                                                                            step 1. t: please look at the map on page 46 c2. can you retell the story in your own words?(turn right, turn left, traffic lights)   step 2. t: show them signs of ‘turn left’, ‘turn right’ and ‘traffic lights’.which one is ‘turn right’? which one is ‘turn left’? which picture means ‘traffic lights’?s:…activity 2 presenting        step 1. t: look at these three signs. (zebra crossing, straight on, crossroads)     step 2. t: now, can you come to the blackboard and write down the correct words on the right places? ( give them some road signs)s: …  t: when you cross the roads, you must know about these signs.                                   &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp;                                     activity 3 doing activitiessep 1. ask one student to come the front and show others the road signs. divide the other into 2 groups. one group ask: what can you do when you see this sign? the other group answer: i can (must) turn left/turn right/go straight on/be careful/cross the road.step 2. ask the students do the exercises on page 47 part a.  activity 4 presentingstep 1. draw the map on page 47 part b, read the article to the students and invite some of them to choose which one is right. step 2. t: now please open your book and check the answers together. step 3. key structures: 1)  turn right and you will find it on the left.2)  walk along the road and turn left. it’s on the left.3)  come to the crossroads and walk straight on. you’ll see it on the right.4)  when you come to the corner of the road. turn right and you’ll find a hotel. cross the road and the museum is opposite the hotel.activity 5 supplementary exercises1) is there an underground near here?2) a: how can i get to the zoo?b: go straight on and turn left at the second crossing.3) a: where’s the library?b: it’s down bridge ro(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ad on the left.4) a: could you tell me the way to the museum?b: go down this road till the corner, turn right and you’ll see it.5) a: please tell me the way to the sunnyside park?b: walk along the street and take the first turning on the right.. they got out of their car at once. 他们立刻从汽车里出来。    out of…  介词短语,“从…出来;从…离开;出于,由于;缺乏;没有”。例如:    jim’s mother has been out of danger. 吉姆的母亲已脱离危险。    fish can’t live out of water.鱼离了水就不能活。    we are out of tea.我们的茶叶用完了。

课后练习一  英汉互译1. 穿过马路,警察局就在你的左边。

2. 你能告诉我去警察局的路吗?




二 句型转换.1. susan wants to close the window, but it doesn’t work. (改为同义句)susan wants to close the window _______ _______. (but fails)2. take the second turning on the right. (改为同义句)________ ________ at the _________ turning. ( turn right, second)3. let’s go along the lake. (先改为反意疑问句,再改为同义句)______ ________ go along the lake? ( why not)let’s go along the lake, ________ ________? (shall we)4. to my surprise, i meet a friend of mine here. (改为同义句)i _______ _______ ________ _______ a friend of mine here. (am surprised to meet) 5. there is a big building near my home. there is a supermarket near my home.(将两句并为一句)    there is ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______ near my home.6. my school is between a park and a shop.(对划线部分提问)______  ______  ______  ______? 7. on, a, through, the, take, walk, zhongshan, park, road (连词成句) ________________________________________________________ 8. there is a big supermarket next to this road.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)    _____  ______ a big supermarket next to this hotel? _____  ______  ______. 9. how, me, you, to, tell, let, there, get(连词成句)   __________________________________________________                                                


Finding your way教案
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