八年级英语下册Review of units 6八年级英语下册Review of units 6八年级英语下册Review of units 6


八年级英语下册Review of units 6

review of units 6---8  一. 重点词汇短语  1. feel like     意思是“觉得好像…”,相当于feel as if/feel as though,like为介词,其后可加名词或句子做宾语。   如:   when he knew he was cheated,he felt like a fool.当他得知被骗后,觉得自己像一个傻瓜。    feel like 还有“想做某事”的意思,其后要接doing形式。    如:    he felt like eating something,because he was very hungry.  他想吃些东西,他太饿了。  (1)would like 的意思为“想做某事”,但是它的用法不同于feel like,后面要接to do sth.    如:    he would like to swim in the river.    他要去河里游泳。  (2)would love 也是同样的用法。    如:    i would love to go to japan.    我想去日本。  2. answer,reply和respond  (1)answer 表示“回答”的意思是普通用语,使用范围较广,指对问题、问候、请求、信件、电话等的口头或书面回答,可以用作及物或不及物动词。    如:    what shall i answer?    我将怎么回答呢?    i've answered his letter.    我给他回信了。    she answered that she knew nothing about it.    她回答说,她对此一无所知。  (2)reply 的用法比answer正式些,有时作“答复”解,其句法与answer 基本相同,但它一般用作不及物动词,后接 to sb./sth.    如:    i don't know what to reply.    我不知道该回答什么。    i wrote,but she did not reply.    我写了信,但她没有回信。    they replied that no one would go.    他们答复说,没有一个人愿意去。  (3)respond 指对他人的要求、号召、主张等,“做出(自觉地)反应”或“响应”,它是个不及物动词,后接 to sb./ sth.     如:   he responded(to my suggestion)with a laugh/by laughing.他(对我的建议)以笑作答。  we quickly responded to our neighbor's appeal for help.我们很快响应了邻居的求助呼吁。  3. other,the other,another  (1)other是代词,用作定语时,意思是“另外的”、“别的”、“其他的”;有单、复数两种形式。others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。   如:   i'll come again some other day.     我改日再来。   they live on the other side of the street.    他们住在马路的另一边。   some people came by bus,others came on foot. 有些人乘公共汽车来,另一些人步行来。   those are yours and the others are mine.    那些是你的,其余的是我的。  (2)the other表示“另一个”的意思,指两个人或事物中的“另一个”。the others(=the other+复数名词)指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”。    如:    the two brothers look so alike that i can’t tell one from the other.    兄弟俩长得很相像,我分不清谁是谁。     i have two books,one in chinese and the other in english.    我有两本书,一本是中文的,另一本是英文的。    this composition is better than the others.     这篇作文比其他那些都好。  (3)another亦表示“另一个”的意思,但它指同类人或事物不定数目中的“另一个”。another前面不能用定冠词the,它作为定语通常与单数名词连用,它后面也可以跟few或基数词的复数名词。    如:    i don’t like this.show me another,please.我不喜欢这个。请再拿另一个来给我看看。    this glass is broken,get me another please.这只玻璃杯坏了,请给我再拿一个。     i'll stay here in another few days.     我要在这儿再呆几天。

    注意:    other和another都可以用来修饰数词,表示“另外的;附加的”,但是结构不同。other的位置是“数词+other+复数名词”,相当于more的用法;而another则是“another+数词+复数名词”。    例如:     今天下午我又写了两封信。     i wrote another two letters this afternoon.     =i wrote two other letters this afternoon.     =i wrote two more letters this afternoon.   4. anyone和any one    anyone 仅指人,any one 既可指人,也可指物。    例如:     anyone would know that.     人人都知道那一点。     did any one see the accident?     有谁目睹这次事故了吗?      (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)any one 和 anyone 可以互用  5. how many,how much,how long,how often,how far,how soon     how many 多少,后面总是跟一个可数名词的复数:how many books do you have?     how much 多少,也可以问价格,价钱,后面总是跟不可数名词: how much meat do you want?     how long 多长时间:how long have you been to china?     how often 表示多经常,问的是频率:how often do you come here to study english?     how far  表示问距离多远: how far is it from here to the post office?     how soon 问多久,用于将来时:how soon will you come back?        6. “穿”的几种表达    wear 是“穿着”,“戴着”,强调状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时表示暂时状态。    例如:     we wear our rain boots on a rainy day.    我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。     does she wear glasses?    她戴眼镜吗?     is she wearing the same clothes?    她穿着同样的衣服吗?     put on 是“穿上”,“戴上”的意思,强调动作。    例如:     she put on a red coat and went out.    她穿上红色大衣出去了。     注意:    put on是一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。    试译:他整天戴着草帽。     误:he put on a straw hat all day.     正:he wears a straw hat all day.     dress 可指穿衣服的动作,用作不及物动词时,表“穿好衣服”,用作及物动词时,后面要接“人”,不接“衣服’”,表示“给某人穿衣服”。     如:    she washed,dressed and went out.    她洗完脸穿好衣服就出去了。    my daughter is old enough to dress herself. 我的女儿长大了,可以自己穿衣服了。    have on 指穿的状态,其后可以接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西。have on不能用于进行时态。    如:    he has on a blue coat and grey trousers today. 他今天穿着一件蓝上衣和一条灰裤子。    介词in表穿着,后接衣服,也可接颜色。除作定语外,可与be连用作谓语。    如:    the girl in red is a good student. 那位穿红衣服的姑娘是个好学生。    she was in light blue silk.    她穿着浅蓝色的绸衣。  7. arrive /reach/get     arrive 是不及物动词,后面需接介词at或in,再接表示地点的名词。arrive at常用于到达较小的地方,如车站,学校,邮局,机场等,arrive in常用于较大的地方,如:城市,国家,地区等。    例如:    when does the train arrive at the station?    火车什么时候到(车)站。     we arrived in shanghai this morning.    我们是今天早上到达上海的。     reach 是及物动词,后面跟表示地点的名词。    例如:     they reached shanghai this morning.    他们是今天早上到达上海的。     get 是不及物动词,后面需接介词to,再接表示地点的名词。    例如:     write to us when you get to the place.    到那里后请来信。     注意:    get 和arrive 后面是表示地点的副词时,则不需要接介词。    试译: 她是昨晚到达这儿的。     误:she got to here last night.         she arrived at here last night.     正:she got here last night.         she arrived here last night.

  二. 重点句型  1. would you mind…?和do you mind…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。  (1)mind后面可以用-ing形式,复合结构 one’s doing或if引导的从句。  (2)这个句型的否定形式是在mind后加not,即would you mind not…?或do you mind not…?    (3)回答do/would you mind…? 提出的问题时,表示允许要说no或not at all等;    如果介意要做肯定回答yes. 或yes,i’m sorry,but i do.等。 如:         如:    would you mind not playing basketball here?    你不要在这打篮球好吗?       --do you mind if i ask you a question? 我可以问你的一个问题吗?    --no,please do.可以,请问吧。  2. why don’t you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情,发出礼貌地邀请的句型。这个句子还可以写成why not do…?    如:    why don't we come more often?    咱们为什么不经常来这里呢?    why not get her a camera?    为什么不给她买个相机呢?    why don’t you have a drink of tea?    请喝茶。    = why not have a drink of tea?   3. how / what about…? 表示……怎么样 / 好吗?    这个句型是询问说话对方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。    如:    how about his playing football?    他足球踢得怎么样?    what about swimming with us?    和我们一起游泳怎么样?    how about her english?    她的英语怎样?  三. 重点语法  1. 现在完成进行时    现在完成进行时表达“某一动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去”,现在完成进行时的句子中多用延续性动词。    如:  (1)i have been learning english for ten years.    我学英语已经十年了。  (2)she has been skating for four hours.    到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。    构成:肯定句:主语 + have / has been + 现在分词    否定句:主语+have/has+not+been+doing    一般疑问句:have/has+主语+been+doing?        如:  (1)have you been doing your homework since this morning? 从今天早晨起你就一直在写作业吧?  (2)has he been writing the letters to his friend?    他是一直在给他的朋友写信吗?  (3)i haven’t been seeing films for a long time.    我有很长时间没有看电影了。   (表明没有看电影这个动作从过去一直持续到现在,还要继续持续下去。)    现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别:  (1)现在完成进行时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时侧重的是动作的持续、进行。    如:     i have read a book about birds. (已经读完)    i have been reading a book about birds. (一直都在读,现在还在读,有可能会继续读下去)  (2)两种时态都有延续性, 但现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,无感情色彩;现在完成进行时表示一个动作的延续、重复,有时有一定的感情色彩。    如:    she has been singing all the day. 她都唱了一整天了。(抱怨、厌烦)  2. 现在完成时    过去的动作对现在造成的影响和结果,动作从过去持续到现在。常用的时间状语already,yet,for,since,just these days,ever,never等,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。      have(has)+动词的过去分词    have been(to)曾去过    have gone (to)去了(某地)人不在此地      i have worked here for ten years.    i have never been to guangzhou.    she has made quite a few friends since she came to china.     一般情况already用于肯定句,yet用于疑问和否定句中;    for +一段时间,since +过去的时间点,从句用一般过去时。  四. 练习检测  ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。  1. i have been playing the violin since i ______(be) seven years old.  2. would you mind not ______(move) my bike?   3. you'd better stop __________(read) in the sun.  4. some people threw their food away after ________(get) a doll.   5. this hat is too small. would you mind giving me a ________(big) one?  ⅱ. 单项选择  1. the soup tastes ________. i like it.   a. well     b. good     c. had     d. badly  2. i'd like ______ stamps because they are beautiful.  a. collecting    b. collect     c. to collect    d. to raise  3. sam has been playing the violin ______ five years ago.   a. since     b. for    c. in    d. before  4. -what do you think of these flowers?   -they smell _________. i like them very much.   a. boring     b. terrible     c. nice    d. well   5. -it's said that there's going to be a meeting. _________ will it start?    -in two days.   a. how soon    b. how long     c. how often     d. how far   6. -there is a flower show in the park. when would you like to go,saturday or sunday?     -______ is ok. i'm free these two days.  a. either      b. neither      c. both       d. none  7. would you mind ______ baseball here?    a. no playing   b. not playing   c. not to play   d. no to play  8. this pair of trousers is too big. i want ____ pair.  a. other     b. the other    c. others     d. another  9. he'll ask his teacher if he ______ some help.   a. needs   b. need     c. will need    d. is needing  10. look! that house is on fire. let's call _________ quickly.     a. 119    b. 114     c. 120     d. 121  11. the doctor _________ the girl and then said nothing was serious.    a. looked for     b. looked over     c. looked after   d. looked out   12. mother keeps telling her son not to get of until the bus _________.    a. will stop    b. is going to stop    c. stopped    d. stops   13. we'll go to visit tian' anmen square _________ it doesn't rain tomorrow.   a. if     b. as soon as     c. when     d. since   14. excuse me. read the text louder,please. i __________ hear you.   a. can't    b. wouldn't     c. needn't     d. may not   15. oh,the milk ___________ strange---do you think it's ok to drink?     a. was tasted    b. tasted     c. is tasting     d. tastes   ⅲ. 改错。每题的四个画线部分中有一个是错误的,找出并改正  1. could you mind not playing the violin at 9:00 p.m.?   a     b    c    d  2. how long have you run yesterday?   a    b     c  d  3. i didn't finish to read this book because i ran out of time.      a    b              c    d  4. how many women there are in the room?       a    b    c   d  5. i am not say it in english.   a   b    c   d  ⅳ. 完形填空  mobile phones(手机) have become a problem for middle schools. some middle schools in australia have banned(禁止) students from ___1___ mobile phones during school hours. mobile phones use ___2___ children has become a problem for schools this year. mary bluett from the government ___3___ mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事物) to students during school hours and it also gave teachers so ___4___ in their classroom. teachers were also saying that sometimes students ___5___ use phone messages to cheat during exams. she said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. some parents felt unhappy ___6___ they couldn't get in touch with their children. many teachers explained ___7___ the students should not have mobile phones at school;they were ___8___ to lose and were a distraction from studies. many (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)people say that they understand why parents would want their children ___9___ phones,but they ___10___ schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.   1. a. putting     b. buying      c. getting       d. carrying       2. a. with      b. during      c. among        d. for         3. a. told      b. said       c. spoke        d. talked        4. a. much trouble  b. many messages  c. many questions   d. much pleasure    5. a. need      b. should      c. might        d. must         6. a. but       b. because     c. so          d. and          7. a. why       b. what       c. when        d. where         8. a. difficult    b. different    c. important      d. easy         9. a. to give     b. give       c. to have       d. have         10. a. find      b. think      c. understand      d. know           ⅴ. 阅读理解 rules of reading club   the following rules will be used for the reading club   1. all books must be read from page one to the last page in the book.   2. the parent or the teacher will initial (write the first letter of one's name) the booklist after a student has finished reading a book. teachers will initial the booklist only for the books read at school. it is the responsibility(责任) of the student and parent to write the names of all books read,and the number of pages of the book on the booklist.   3. all books read must be of the student's reading level(水平) or above. example: a third grade student should not read first grade books if he or she is able to read at a third grade or higher reading level.   4. all books the student finishes during the school year (including the textbook read at school) will be counted towards the 100 books. comic books(漫画书) and the like will not be counted. books of good quality(高质量的) read from the school library,public library,classroom,home,etc. will be counted.   5. when a student has finished a club booklist (one sheet of 25 books or 1,500 pages),he/ she should bring the sheet to the office. the child will get a small reward(奖励) and may get another piece of booklist to go on reading.   it takes four booklist sheets for 100 books or four 1,500 pages to reach 6,000 pages. either way----you're a winner!   1. the student needs to ask his / her parent or teacher to initial the booklist ______.  a. as soon as he/she begins to read a book  b. before he/she reads a book   c. after he/she finishes reading a book  d. while he/she is reading a book   2. what kind of books will not be counted?   a. story books   b. picture books  c. history books   d. biology books  3. how many books should a student read before he/she gets another booklist?   a. 25    b. 1,500    c. 6,000    d. 100  4. according to the rules,which of the following is not true?   a. the student should read the whole book through.   b. the parent will initial the booklist for the books the student reads at home.   c. a third grade student can read the first grade books if he/she likes to do so.   d. the student needs to read 100 books,or 6,000 pages in the school year to be a winner.   5. according to the rules,which of the following is the most possible booklist?    答案:  ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空  1. was  2. moving  3. reading  4. getting  5. bigger  ⅱ.单项选择  1. b     taste尝起来,相当于系动词,后面接形容词。    2. c  would like to do sth.   3. a  since+过去的某个时间点。   4. c  smell闻起来,相当于系动词,后面接形容词。    5. a  be going to 表将来,问将来多久用how soon。   6. a  is 的主语是单数,应该用either,表示任何一个。   7. b  mind (not) doing sth.  8. d  another再一个,另一个。   9. a   从句用一般将来时,主句用将来时。  10. a  常识题。    11. b look over检查。    12. d    13. a  从句用一般将来时,主句用将来时。    14. a    15. d   ⅲ. 改错  1. a  应把could改为would  2. b  改为did   3. b  改为reading   4. c  are there    5. a  can’t   ⅳ. 完形填空  1. d   2. c   3. b   4. a   5. c   6. b   7. a   8. d   9. c   10. b   ⅴ. 阅读理解  1. c   2. b   3. a   4. c   5. c


八年级英语下册Review of units 6
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