I used to be afraid of the dark教案I used to be afraid of the dark教案I used to be afraid of the dark教案


I used to be afraid of the dark教案

unit 2  i used to be afraid of the dark. reading (总第八课时)[学习目标]1. 熟记并灵活运用本课的单词和短语:death, cause, patient, in the end=at last, make a decision, to one’s surprise, exactly, even though, no longer, take pride in, pay attention to, give up[学习重点]掌握used to 句型。[学习过程]i. 热身1、听写前一课的内容。2、检查新单词。ii. 知识呈现   section 1.  before you read小组讨论:when you have a problem, how do your parents help you? section 2.  while you read1.read the passage quickly and find the main idea.2.read it again and put the missing sentences into the correct places in the reading. (3a)3.read it carefully and find out the language points.小组讨论,然后交流展示合作的成果。(1). afford sth/to do sth                负担得起he couldn’t afford to pay for his child’s education.(2)..cause a lot of trouble (for sb.)   引起很多麻烦(3). get into trouble with the police  陷入警察手里(4). be patient with sb               对…有耐心(5). finally=in the end=at last               最后(6). make a decision on sth/doing sth   决定做某事  =make up one’s mind to do sth=decide to do sth(7). it’s necessary to do sth      &nbs(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)p;  必须做某事(8). to one’s surprise              使某人吃惊   be surprised at sth              吃惊于…to my surprise, a phone call changed his life.(9). even though=even if (+让步状语从句)   即使even though he is eighty, he looks young and healthy.(10). no longer=not...any longer      不再(延续性)   no more=not…any more       不再(短暂性)(11). take pride in=feel/be proud of    为…而自豪   i take pride in being a chinese.   i am/feel proud of being a chinese.(12). pay attention to sth/the grammar   注意语法4.小组合作找出文章中的语言点,质疑解惑。5.听录音跟读,纠正发音。section 3.  after you read   小组讨论完成3bsection 4.  go for it!   discuss it in group and finish the chart.iv.习题精选一、英汉互译。1.我过去怕黑。 _____________________________________________2.i go to sleep with my bedroom light on. _____________________________________________ 3.i used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. _____________________________________________4. 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会. (hardly ever)_____________________________________________5.在过去的几年里,我的生活发生了很大的变化。_____________________________________________二、阅读理解。grown-ups are always te(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)lling kids what to do. do you listen to them? usually, they know what is best for you, but sometimes they can be wrong.so, china has a special law to keep people under 18 safe. it is called the underage protection law(《未成年人保护法》).teachers can punish (惩罚) bad students, but they can not just do anything they like. if a teacher tries to get you out of class, you can go to the headmaster and tell him you have the right to stay in school.school buildings and playgrounds must also be safe for children. if the things you use in p. e. class are unsafe, the school must fix them or get new ones, according to the underage protection law.do you know anyone who can’t go to school because their parents aren’t willing to pay for it? this is also against the law, which says parents must pay for their kids’ education.kids have a right to privacy (隐私) under the law, which says parents and teachers can’t read children’s own letters .the law also protects children’s health. it says there should be no smoking in schools and other places where many teenagers go.have you ever wondered (想知道) why tickets for parks and museums are cheaper for students? it’s also because of the underage protection law. it says that kids need to have lots of chances to learn.1. the underage protection law keeps _____ safe.a. all the people        b. only people under 16c. people under 18      d. kids and women2. the underage protection law protects your right ______.a. when a teacher tries to kick you out of classb. when the things you use in p. e. class are unsafec. when your parents don’t’ allow you to go to schoold. all of the above3. who can read children’s own letters?a. children’s parents.      b. children’s teachers.c. children’s friends.      d. children themselves.4. why are tickets for parks and museums cheaper for students?a. because few students like to go to those places.b. because students have no money to buy tickets.c. because the underage protection law says students have the right.d. because students don’t need to have lots of chances to learn. 5. how many rights does the underage protection law say in thepassage?a. three.      b. six.      c. five.      d. seven.v. 作业布置1、 完成《同步》。    2、units 3 1a-2c , 听音。


I used to be afraid of the dark教案
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