SBIA Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 考点复习教案SBIA Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 考点复习教案SBIA Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 考点复习教案


SBIA Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 考点复习教案

sbia unit 4 unforgettable experiences    铁达尼号的沉没素材新挖掘考点1. rescue  n. & vt. 援救;营救the rescue(课文标题) they were trying every possible means to rescue the miners trapped underground.他们正在千方百计设法营救被困在井下的矿工。rescue …from  解救;营救;救出come to one’s rescue 营救(1)had jim not dived in to _________(营救)him, the boy      would have drowned.(2)trying to ___________(营救)a little boy from drowning, the      young man himself was drowned. (3)we came to his __________(营救)and pulled him out of the     river. (4)我该如何拯救我的好友?(写作小练笔:主谓宾;friend)     __________________________________________rescuerescue rescuehow should i rescue my friend?考点2. advance vi.& vt. 前进;提前 n. 前进;提升there she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. i roared, advancing toward her.我大喊一声,朝她走去。advance vi. & vt.   提升;进展advance towards/to   前进advance n.    前进;进展in advance   预先advanced adj.   先进的;高级的(1)he is to _________(提升)to a higher position. (2)the allied troops are _____________(挺进)to the camp of the      enemy. (3)you must pay for the book _____________(预先). (4)军队向那个城市推进。     (写作小练笔:主谓+介词;army, towards)   __________________________________________advanceadvancingin advancethe army advanced towards the city. 考点3. destroy vt. 摧毁;毁坏the garden that was once so beautiful was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water. the earthquake destroyed several stores in the business district.那次地震摧毁了商业区的几家商店。destroy vt.   摧毁 destruction n.   毁坏, 破坏destructive  adj.   毁灭性的 damage vt. & n.  (部分)损坏 ruin vt. & n.   毁坏(1)all the enemy’s hopes were ______________(打破). (2)the house was ____________(毁坏)by a bomb.(3)这场大火毁了我的全部书籍。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;fire)   ____________________________________________destroyeddestroyedthe big fire destroyed all my books.(4)all the roads and bridges to the front line _______ to prevent      the enemy's supplies from coming up.   a. were damaged          b. were harmed          c. were hurt          d. were destroyed d。were destroyed “被摧毁”。考点4. fear n.害怕;担心 vi. & vt. 害怕;畏惧the child’s small body shook with fear. everybody hears it with fear.每个人听到它都惧怕。fear sth/that    害怕某事fear vi. & vt.   担心;害怕fear for    为……而担心with fear  由于害怕for fear of /that  生怕;以免(1)those who ________(害怕)nothing are most dangerous.(2)i _________(害怕)that he drinks too much.(3)he often ___________(担忧)for his son’s safety.(4)我担心他一定发生意外了。    (写作小练笔:主谓宾(从句);must, accident)        __________________________________________【高考链接】he got to the station early, _______ missing his train.    a. in ease of     b. instead of         c. for fear of        d. in search of【答案】c。【解析】for fear of missing his train “担心耽误火车” 。考点5. touch  vt. & vi. 触摸;(使)接触;感动 n. 接触;联系 the monkeys really liked to touch my hair. don't touch my white shirt! it will get dirty.不要接触我的白色衬衣!它会变脏的。fearfear fearsi fear that  he must have had an accident. touch vi & vt.   接触;触摸;使感动get in touch with  与……取得联系; keep in touch with 与……保持联系; lose touch with  与……失去联系stay in touch  保持联系(1)don't let your coat __________(接触)the wall, as the paint's still     wet.(2)don't ___________(摸)that pot; it's very hot. (3)the police asked us_______________________(别碰任何东西).(4)不要触摸电线。(写作小练笔:谓宾;electric, (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)wire)     __________________________________________考点6. on fire 失火your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor. stop playing with those matches or you'll set the house on fire.别玩火柴了, 不然要把房子烧了。touchtouch not to touch anythingdo not touch the electric wire.on fire    失火set fire to   放火catch fire   失火set …on fire   放火set …on fire  生僻义:大获成功put out a fire   灭火(1)the grass was _________(失火)for a short time. (2)he ____________(放火)to the dry grass.  (3)the grass caught __________(失火). (4)i can set the world on fire.(英译汉)   _____________________________考点7. a terrible noise went through the house. 可怕的声音响彻房子。 he was such an impatient driver that he went through the red light.他是这样没有耐心的司机,所以他闯红灯了。on fireset fire fire我可以获得巨大成功!go through    通过;经受;仔细检查go through fire and water  赴汤蹈火get thr(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ough    结束,完成;接通电话(1)the police _____________(仔细检查)the house looking for    evidence.(2)she _______________(经历)two wars.(3)the rope is too thick to ____________(穿过)the hole. (4)professor smith said he had to _______________(看完)those    papers in one hour. 考点8. before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还没来得及迈步,就听见一声巨响,接着就是可怕的隆隆声。he ran off before i could stop him.我还没来得及阻止他,他就已经跑掉了。went throughwent throughgo through go throughbefore…could…  还没来得及……就……before    才能……before    以免……before   在……之前(1)he had scolded me ____________________________    (我还没来得及插话). (2)_________________________(我还没来得及说话), he rushed out     of the room. (3)it will be a long time ____________(才能)we finish this dictionary.(4)i'll do it now __________________(以免我忘记了).【高考链接】you can’t borrow books from the school library _______ you get your student card. (XX年高考上海卷)  a. before    b. if      c. while    d. as【答案】a。【解析】此题考查状语从句。before引导时间状语从句,意思是“在……之前”。before i could get in a wordbefore i could say a wordbeforebefore i forget it             一、名词和冠词                                                                考纲新研读                                              名词       名词辨析是考查的重点,准确把握部分抽象名词的意义,在句子提供的语境中选择。例如:1. power, strength, force, energy 2. soul, spirit, heart, mind3. atmosphere, state, situation, phenomenon4. moment, situation, place, chance5. exchange, bargain, trade, business6. affair, event, matter, variety7. point, idea, attitude, sight8. look, sign, sight, appearance9. sense, view, means, idea10. prediction, promise, plan, contribution1.名词的分类

名词  专有名词(大写)  人名,地名  rose, russia, japan, china, britain  机构名称 the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland  普通名词  可数名词 个体名词  girl, flower, bird   集体名词  staff, crew, police  不可数名词  物质名词 air, milk, water, food   抽象名词 energy, love,beauty

2.在句中的作用(1)主语:the film is worth seeing.(2)宾语:i like english very much.                 he works hard at his lessons.(3)表语:we are students.        &nb(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sp;       he turned writer. (turn后跟名词不用冠词)(4)宾补:we think it a good idea.(5)定语:a car factory will be built in our city.                 we need two tea cups.(6)状语:the meeting lasted an hour.                (一般是表示时间的名词:today, week, sunday, month                 等。)(7)呼语与同位语:                miss wang, our english teacher, speaks very fast.3.名词的特指与泛指(1)名词的特指:名词前加 the, this, that, these, those, my, tom’    即表示名词的特指。(2)可数名词的泛指:      a (the) student should work hard.      students should work hard.翻译:“电话很有用。”可以有三种译法:    a telephone is useful.    the telephone is useful.    telephones are useful.【注意】个体能代替全体的性质,可以是上面三种译法;个体不能代替全体的性质时只能用定冠词。    the telephone was invented by bell.    the tiger is in danger.    (具体到某一只老虎,如上海动物园里的老虎,它的处境并不危    险,一只不能代替全体)   (3)不可数名词的泛指:       不可数名词的泛指前面一般不用冠词。         air is important to animals.        where there is water, there is life.        但在一些介词短语当中需要用定冠词:        some animals hibernate in the earth, and others sleep under         the snow.   (4)可数名词抽象化:        go to bed (school, hospital, college)以上名词分别译为       “睡觉,上学,住院,上大学”。                                                                      冠词1.不定冠词(a ;an)用法:用在可数名词前。  (1)表类别;“一个;每一”:       we study eight hours a day.    (2)表“某个”:         a (some) mr. smith came to see you this morning.2.定冠词(the)的用法:表特指,相当于this, that, these, those:    (1)特指(人、事):       &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp; here are the books you want.    (2)序数词前:the first class, the fifth lesson;但在表示“又;再”         的含义时用不定冠词:        he failed in the experiment, but he tried it a second time.    (3)形容词和副词最高级前:the longest river, one of the           biggest cities          he ran (the) fastest.(副词前可省略the)         比较级前加the表示“两者中更……的那个”:         the younger of the two brothers came into the room.    (4)形容词或过去分词前,表示一类人:            the rich are not always happy.(5)在姓氏的复数前,表示夫妇或一家人:    the smiths live upstairs.(6)用于词组中的身体部位前:     he took me by the hand.(7)表泛指,表示某一类:     the panda is in danger.                                   高考新剖析 1. china has got a good ________ for fighting against the flu with      its careful and smooth organization.[XX年高考安徽卷]   a. reputation   b. influence      c. impression    d. knowledge 2. from their________ on the top of the tv tower, visitors can        have a better view of the city.[XX年高考陕西卷]    a. stage  b. position   c. condition  d. situationab3. the world health organization gave a warning to the public      without any___________ when the virus of h1n1 hit mexico in      april,. [XX年高考福建卷]    a. delay  b. effort    c. schedule  d. consideration 4. hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. it may also be      good for___________ building.[XX年高考湖北卷]     a. respect  b. friendship   c. reputation  d. character 5. — you are always full of ___________.can you tell me the secret?     —taking plenty of exercise every day.     a. power  b. strength   c. force  d. energy 6. he and his wife are of the same___________; they both want      their son to go to college.     a. soul  b. spirit   c. heart   d. mind7. of the seven days in a week, saturday is said to be the most     popular___________ for a wedding in some countries.    a. way  b. situation   c. event  d. choiceadddd8. washing machines made by china have won ___________     worldwide attention and haier has become ___________      popular name.[XX年高考重庆卷]    a. a; the  b. /;a    c. /;the   d. the; a 9. we can never expect ___________bluer sky unless we create       ___________less polluted world. [XX年高考安徽卷]     a. a; a  b. a; the   c. the; a  d. the ;the 10. the biggest whale is ___________blue whale, which grows to       be about 29 meters long—the height of___________9-story       building.[XX年高考北京卷]     a. the; the    b. a; a   c. a; the   d. the; a                                                                                       精题新探究 1. now that women have broken through in the field of medicine,     we can expect more __________doctors.    a. woman  b. women’s   c. woman’s  d. womenbadd2. what gave you the___________ of using a male actor for the      part?    a. idea  b. opinion   c. mind  d. thought3. ___________are flesh-eating animals, that is, they feed on other    animals, especially grass-eating animals.    a. lions’  b. the lions   c. the lion  d. lions 4. every society has its own peculiar customs and ___________ of     acting.     a. ways  b. methods  (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) c. means  d. manners 5. his job is to sell the ___________carvings in the ___________     department of the company.    a. wooden; sales   b. wood; sales      c. wood; sale    d. wooden; sale 6. at the international conference the scientists discussed the      weather and other___________ .    a. headlines      b. meanings            c. topics     d. theoriesadabc 7. tom’s air conditioner is more extraordinary than___________.    a. his brother’s and sister    b. his brother and sister   c. his brothers and sisters   d. his brother’s and sister’s 8. i met a man in the elevator this morning and he asked me      where___________ office is.    a. the editor’s-in-chief’s    b. the editor-in-chief    c. the editor’s-in-chief      d. the editor-in-chief’s 9. you’ll not only learn something new, but you’ll have___________       fun with your partner at ___________same time!      a. the; the       b. 不填;the          c. a; the        d. a; a 10. i’m chinese and i do feel___________ chinese language is       ___________most beautiful language. what’s your opinion?       a. the; a  b. 不填;the   c. the;不填   d. 不填;adbad11. ___________killing of so many protected animals made     ___________ stir in the local people in africa.      a. 不填;不填       b. the;不填        c. 不填;a       d. the; a12. suppose you are in___________ position of an architect. what       would you do when___________ worker breaks the rule in        your company?     a. a; a  b. the; the   c. the; a  d. 不填; the13. the fantastic driver was at _________loss when ___________      word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding on the       highway.      a. a;不填  b. a; the       c. the; the      d. 不填;不填14. alfred didn’t have _________common sense to send for        ___________ doctor in time of danger.      a. 不填;a  b. the; a   c. the;不填   d. a;不填15. we grew up in ___________ countryside, surrounded by the       beauties of___________ nature.      a. 不填;不填     b. 不填;the      c. the;不填      d. the; thedc abc 


SBIA Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences 考点复习教案
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