


八上u1 where did you go on vacation?sectiona一、短语呆在家里                            去爬山                      去纽约市                           去海滩                      拜访我叔叔      &(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;                  参观博物馆                      去夏令营                           度假                      去中心公园                         买特殊的东西                      有趣的人                          好久不见                      很多                             大多数时间                      没有人                           为某人买某物                      没买东西                         尝起来确实好                      玩的开心                         当然                      在乡村                            似乎感到无聊                      去1朋友的农场                        喂一些母鸡                      看到一些小猪                         写日记                      除了读书没什么事可做                      你为什么不给自己买些东西呢                      你觉得它怎么样                      你的假期怎么样                      二、课文填空2d :hi,helen.                                            . : hi,rick. yes, i                                last month.:oh,did you go                       ?:yes,i                       guizhou          my family. :wow! did you see huangguoshu             ?:yes, i did. it was          ! we                                                           there. what about you? did you do                       last month?:not really . i just                                                                           to read and             .1.——你和别人一起去的吗?   did you go with              ? ——不,没有人在这儿。大家都度假去了。no,                was here.                                                       2.你买特别的东西了吗?    did you                                    ?是的,我为我爸爸买了些东西,但是没为自己买。yes,i                                  my father, but           for myself.3.大家都玩的很开心吗?   did                                               time?     4.唯一的问题是晚上出来读书没什么事可做。the only              was that there was                         to do in the evening                        .5.仍然没有人看起来无聊。still                          to be             .6.我们喂了一些鸡并且看到一些小猪。we          some         and        some                             .7.所有东西尝起来真的很好!                              really good. .             section b                                           monday, july 15thi          in penang in malaysia this morning                               .it was         and           , so we                                                                                                    near our hotel. my sister and i                          .i                         i was a bird. it was                       ! for lunch, we had             very            —— malaysian yellow noodles. they were               !  in the afternoon, we                         to georgetown. there are a lot of new            now, but                          the old             are still there.in weld quay , a really old place in georgetown, we saw the houses of the                                    100 years ago. i             what life                         here in the past. i really                                     the town.                                                                               tuesday , july 16th what a              a day            ! my father and i                      go to penang hill today.  we wanted to                   &(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nbsp;                  the top, but then it                                                    so we decided to take the train. we                         an hour         the train .because there were                                  .             we got to the top, it was          really              . we didn,t have an           so we were            and            . it was           ! and                        the bad            ,we           see                           . my  father didn,t                                   ,so we only had                       of rice and some fish. the food                       because i was so             .  一小时后                         又走了2小时                      到达山顶                        看起来很美从山顶   &nb(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sp;                  沿途                             但是第二天没有这么好                      学重要的东西                                       拍照                       北京烤鸭                       不喜欢做某事                      最喜欢                       在购物中心                       为什么不                       带着有水和食物的包                                      3小时后                       看地图                       发现                       如此……以至于                       告诉某人做某事                       保持做某事                       继续                       兴奋的跳                       开始做某事                       升起                       过去的5小时                       我没有从马来西亚带回来任何东西。 i didn,t                                    from malaysia.我们等了很长时间火车.we                                              for the train.  我们步行走到山顶。we                        the top.你发现什么活动让人快乐?                       do you find             ?你觉得……怎么样?  


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