



dear leaders:


xx i am a foreign trade department of foreign languages school of informatics students in english, willing to more than 16 years of accumulated knowledge and training to your organization's ability to contribute to, and exert my utmost best to your company's contribution to the progress and development of the full power of their own . sincere hope that your organization for giving me a chance!

i know very well that "only tend to have the opportunity to prepare the minds." in school, i seize every opportunity to learn all aspects of knowledge, training of all aspects of their ability to own a modern society towards the needs of innovative talent development compound. period at the university level access to a certificate of expertise in their efforts to learn at the same time, i have a broad range of philosophy, law, literature, economics and other fields, other than completion of a professional multi-economic sectors course.

"learn to work in the workplace, in learning how to learn." as a student cadre, i will pay more attention to their own ability. optimism, persistence, hard work is my beacon in the dangerous shoals department扯起hope of sailing, highlighted in the rapids brave in character, is the credo of my life. i am creative and organized numerous large-scale activities have been recognized by teachers, students praise, so i have more enthusiasm to devote themselves to new challenges, and toward the goal of higher impact.

in order to more fully exercise their abilities, i make use of holiday units in enterprises and institutions of social practice, and these experiences for me into the community, involved in the operation of commercial operations has laid a good foundation, but also learn how to man-made good, bare in good faith.

in social status is about to embark on, i wish to apply, looking forward to the sincere and filled with enthusiasm to join your company, your company culture and enjoy the charm of a dump evans韬略only give you the effectiveness of intrinsic quality.




thank you for your busy schedul to read my weeping self materials, first of all. passion to work for a univers student open a door of hope!

forthcom in june from 20, my name is chen quan.006 in nanj normal univers graduate, to take thi career, i with a sincer heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.

through the care guidanc of mentor as well as their own work hard, from the threshold of the dai into the university. i gradual becam abl to adapt to a new era of commun colleg student

i serious study, and to make a knowledge-bas builder of social lai a solid foundation. in college. plai to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thu improv their learn abil and analyt abil to deal with the problem. at the same time, i also did not forget to pai attent to more aspect of the qualiti of their own culture, to borrow a larg number of variou type of books, to cultiv their own character, so. while studi at the school serv as minist of propaganda depart of the hospital, the hospit debat team

i also activ take part in a varieti of social practic activities, and achiev a certain score. in addition. which ha an independ plan bodi to implement a large-scal promot activities. in social practice, i try to studi success people, will hone their own quality, and enhanc interperson commun skills, cultiv teamwork philosophy, studi a varieti of corpor culture, base in good faith, and strive to becom professional, high quality, plastic of good talent.

your compani is will to caus thrive achievements, thank you for your busi schedul to give me concern. but also wish you a success and good health!

read harbor the sincer confidence, low job-seek hold a book. i look forward to your company to become one!


 first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my weeping self materials, passion to work for a university student opened a door of hope!

my name is chen quan, forthcoming in june from 20,006 in nanjing normal university graduate, to take this career, i with a sincere heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.

from the threshold of the day into the university, through the careful guidance of mentors as well as their own worked hard, i gradually became able to adapt to a new era of community college students。

and to make a knowledge-based builders of socialism lay a solid foundation. in college, i seriously study, play to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thus improve their learning ability and analytical ability to deal with the problem. at the same time, i also did not forget to pay attention to more aspects of the quality of their own culture, to borrow a large number of various types of books, to cultivate their own character, so. while studying at the school served as minister of propaganda department of the hospital, the hospital debate team。

and achieved a certain score. in addition, i also actively take part in a variety of social practice activities, which has an independent planning body to implement a large-scale promotional activities. in social practice, i try to study successful people, will hone their own quality, and enhance interpersonal communication skills, cultivate tea(更多精彩文章请关注好 范文网Www.haOwORd.COm)mwork philosophy, studying a variety of corporate culture, based in good faith, and strive to become professional, high quality, plasticity of good talent.

thank you for your busy schedule to give me concern, your company is willing to cause thriving achievements, but also wish you a successful and good health!

low job-seekers holding a book, read harbor the sincere confidence, i look forward to your company to become one!


dear sir/madame,

your advertisement for a network foreign trade business on november interested me.because the position you described sounds pretty good like a kind of job i'm seeking.

i've ever worked on the foreign trade business in shenzhen for two years.on the one hand i was tracking the goods which were exported abroad,on the other hand i was developing the foreign customer.and also i'm a vice president's assistant.i was responsible for the main business in this company,such as automobile parts,arranging the meeting,translation the english documents and so on.i'm able to communicate with foreign customer by phone,emial,face to face.my english is pretty good.

i looking forward to have a chance to attend you for an interview.

enclose is my resume,if you have any additional information,please contact me freely.

thanks and best regards

yours faithfully

wang tingting


respected sir/madam:


thank you for taking your time to visit my this letter of recommendation, to a graduate from college students a chance, in the time i have expressed deep thank!!!!!

first please allow me to introduce myself, my name is cheng xx, is the south china university of technology of 2014 foreign trade of the english major graduates, informed the expensive unit attracts talented people, my name to the tent of meeting and, sincere desire to join in, for the expensive unit of shenzhen tomorrow, the more willing to sacrifice their own labor and wisdom.

according to the desire for knowledge of english learning of grasping, during the period of school i learn professional knowledge seriously, and passed the college english test band 4 and band 6, but also by the national professional computer the computer exam grades. in the class took office as an organization committee, organized class and grade body outing, in class activities such as interesting games, and of course all of these is the small things, but the opportunity to develop my very good ability of organization and coordination ability. in the extracurricular i took an active part in school activities, has represented my professional knowledge has won the first prize in the contest, i also participate in the social practice, during the period of school served as a tutor one job, also had in the net cafe served as a steward one job, also for noah electronic dictionary for market research, through the social practice i learned a lot of knowledge can not go to school classroom to society, and have some knowledge of and the understanding. in the summer to shenzhen students work company, to the foreign trade operation and operation of the things a personal experience, i think this is the most precious experience. my hobby is widespread at ordinary times, like music, sports, can play the guitar, during the period of school also represents my professional to the football match. at the same time for military and political rather attention, often buy about military and political aspects of the newspaper magazine study, in the world of electronic products consumption also to have certain attention. with the passion of youth and a desire to learn, i will go after four years of knowledge trip, good university life, and train i rigorous scientific thinking method. the more made me positive and optimistic attitude towards life and forge ahead of innovation. class social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and open vision, i got to know the society; in the continuous learning work of a rigorous, practical work style and the unity cooperation of excellent quality, has convinced me that their jobs completely can in the sovereignty, dedication, and the more can venture!!!!! le eye, start a journey. the force of the windowsd tests the strength of the grass, it's horsepower. ancient have maosui cover, this is at bole. you may borrow "needs to be you through the" use "to prove.

finally i wish your company prosperity! i am enclosing a resume details my basic material, social practice, skills and qualifications. thanks to review, be obliged!



applicant: cheng xx


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