Module 2 My neibourhoodModule 2 My neibourhoodModule 2 My neibourhood


Module 2 My neibourhood

module 2 my neibourhoodunit 4 signs and rulesmore practice应掌握的词汇:agency  n.  代理,代理处our company has angencies all over the world.   本公司在全世界都有代办处。estate  n.  地产, 住宅区  he owns a large estate in scotland.  他在苏格兰有大量的地产。

认知词汇:pretend  v. 假装, 佯作she pretended that she was not at home when we rang the bell.  我们按门铃时,她假装不在家。change  v. 变,改变you have changed a lot since i last saw you .  自从我上次见到你以来,你改变了很多。role  n. 角色     the key role of the teacher in the learning process        教师在教学中的关键作用sign  n. 标志     she gave us a sign to leave the room.      她示意我们离开房间。 circle  v. 围绕,画圈the plane circled the airport before landing.  飞机着陆前围绕机场盘旋。

应掌握的短语:at an estate agency  在房产代理处lily is looking for a flat sat an estate agency.  莉丽正在房产代理处找房子。sitting room  客厅     we are watching tv in the sitting room.       我们在客厅看电视。in different places  在不同的地方   &nbs p; talk about the signs in different places.       谈论不同地方的标志。

应掌握的句型:a.  how big is the flat ?     公寓有多大?     类似的还有:how deep is the river ?  这条河又多深?                 how wide is the room ?   这个房间有多宽?b.  how many rooms are there in the flat ?     这个公寓有多少个房间?c.  what do they mean ?   他们的意思是什么?

教学过程:step 1  revision    translate the sentences:   a. athough they are old, they still work every day.   b. although they are very poor, they do not want any coins from me.    c. athough they have not got many clothes, they do not want to buy any new clothes.   d. if possible, help the students tell the story in their own words. the teacher can give some key words.

step 2  look, think and say      look at the two pictures ,ask and answer about them. s1: how big is the flat?       s2: it’s….. s1: how many rooms are there in the flat? s2: there are..  s1: does it have a….?    s2: …… s1: is there a…nearby?   s2:…..

step 3  look and talk      talk about the signs.

step 4  listen and read     help the students listen and read them

板书设计module 2   more practice   lesson 2       p 48--49

agency         how big is the flat ?  estate          how many rooms are there in the flat ?                what do they mean ?



Module 2 My neibourhood
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