《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录


《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录

《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录

  《牛津小学英语5a》shapes 英语听课记录


  unit 9 look, read and learn


  step one : greetings

  t : good morning, boys and girls!

  s :good morning, miss jin!

  t : shall we sing a song ?(s : yes !)

  s : 齐唱歌曲are you happy?

  step two : everyday english

  t : who’s on duty today?

  s : i am.

  t : answer my questions, please.

  what day is it today?

  what’s the weather like today?

  it’s a cold day today, isn’t it?

  is everyone here today?

  t : well. please say something about yourself.

  s : (根据所学句型简介自己的家庭或者自己的兴趣爱好)

  t : please answer my questions.

  e.g. :how many people are there in her/his family?

  what’s her/his mother’s job?/what does her/his mother do?

  what does she/he like?

  can she/he swim?

  what time does she/he get up?shapes 英语听课记录-2[/page]

  step three : revision

  t : yesterday we learned some shapes. now, look!

  what shape is it? (看图片,复习旧单词:an oval, a diamond, a heart)

  step four : presentation

  ⅰ.t : ok! so much for the revision. today we’ll learn other shapes. lookat the picture. what’s in the picture?

  (a clock)

  s : it’s a clock.

  t : what time is it?

  s : it’s ten o’clock.

  t : what shape is the clock? do you know?

  s :….

  t : it’s a circle. “a circle”. read after me, please.


  ⅱ.t : look at this picture. what’s this?(a national flag)

  s : it’s a flag.

  t : yes. it’s our national flag. what colour is it?

  s : it’s red.

  t : great. what shape is it?

  s :….

  t : it’s a rectangle .“a rectangle”. read after me, please.


  ⅲ.t : good. but what’s on it?

  can you see?

  t : five stars.

  t : there’re five stars on the flag. can you see the stars?

  s : yes ,i can .

  t : where are they ?

  s : they’re on the flag .

  t : what colour are the stars?

  s : they’re yellow .

  t : yes. the stars on the flag are yellow. you’re right.

  “a star”. read after me, please.


  ⅳ.t : look. what’s this? (a paper)

  s : it’s a paper.

  t : what shape is it? do you know?

  s :….

  t : it’s a square. “a square”. read after me, please.


  ⅴ.同法教授单词a triangleshapes 英语听课记录-3[/page]

  step five : games

  ⅰ.t : now, let’s play.

  (播放电脑课件“let’s play”)

  what shape is the…?

  it’s a/an…?

  ⅱ.listen and draw

  t : 1.draw a circle, please .

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  t : 2.draw a triangle, please.

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  t : 3..draw a triangle, please.

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  t : 4.draw a heart, please.

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  t : 5.draw a star, please.

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  t : 6.draw a rectangle, please.

  s : (在作业纸上画相应的图画.)

  ⅲ.ask and answershapes 英语听课记录-4[/page]

  e.g. t : what shape is it?

  s : it’s a/an….

  t : do you like it?

  s : yes, i do./no, i don’t.

  ⅳ.read the words and draw the shapes


  ⅴ.use the toothpicks to make shapes

  t : here are…toothpicks. what shape can you make?

  how many…can you make?

  ⅵ.use the shapes to make something.

  step six : homework

  1、listen to the tape and read the text .

  2、do the exercise book.


  (1) 是比较成功的一节课, 备课思路正确, 过程的安排符合小学生的认知规律, 即图-音-文字。

  (2) 直观教具的使用充分得当, 给学生的印象会比较深刻,并能充分利用多媒体呈现,教学的环节规律好,注重学生创新能力的培养。


  (4) 教学效果很好,教学目标达成度较高。但学生和学生之间的交流互动可以再增加一些。

  (5) “值日生”环节很好,但可以让学生也来尝试着提问,学生会听的更好。

  (6) “牙签拼图”的环节很有创意,在这部分也可以分组让学生进行讨论、拼图,再展示作品。

推荐站内搜索:江苏自考分数查询、江西省自考成绩查询、陕西高考试题答案、福建省自考成绩查询、建党伟业 观后感、我的心儿怦怦跳作文400字、ted演讲稿、安徽会计考试时间、辽宁自考网、安徒生童话读后感、

《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录
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文章名称:《牛津小学英语5A》Shapes 英语听课记录





