



xian in my eyes

ladies and gentlemen: please pay

attention to me. today, my speech topic is xian in my eyes

xian is really a great and beautiful city.

the history of xian is evident and the ancient capital of 13 dynasties. this is why foreigners like xian. xian is really full of artistic breath. there are many interesting and beautiful buildings in xian, such as da yan pagoda and the bell tower. they are the emblems of this city.

if you walk on the streets, you suddenly feel hungry. don be worried, xian has a lot of delicious food, such as chinese hamburgers and cool noodles and so on.

now, xian is confronted with a lot of challenges, such as traffic jams, the environmental pollution, and millions of people

and so on. although xian has lots of difficults i am sure that people in xian can solve these problems, because i think people in xian are friendly, clever, hard—working, and generous. so i think that xian will be better and better.the world expo will be held in xian. i will be a volunteer. i think everyone should do something helpful for the world expo.

as time goes by, xian will be more and more beautiful, richer and richer, better and better!!! i love xian for ever!!!!

that’s all. thank you very much!



首先,再某种程度上,这种观点是正确的。根据最新的调查显示:世界上纸质报纸的种类最近几年减少很多,越来越多的报纸停止印刷,开始转向数码发售。传统印刷的书籍销量越来越少,与之相反,网络小说却越来越火爆。许多年轻人 更加钟情于网络小说。数码书籍具有更新快,阅读方便等优点。

但是呢,这种观点是非常片面的。纸质的书籍可以流传上千年,数码书很容易就丢失。另外,你可以仔细想想:你手捧一本精美的书籍,坐在大树下,可以深深地沉迷于其中。数码能否可以给你这种感觉?还有一个很好的比喻:把传统纸质图书比作是你的双腿,数码书比作是新发明的自行车。无论交通工具再怎样发展,也不会代替你(请收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问:wWw.hAowOrd.COm)的双腿。他们都有一个相同的道理,不是么?所以我说:纸质书籍永远不会消失!

with the development of science and technology, like electricity paper books,'t a mp5, computer, with reading the features of mobile phones and other electronic products is

becoming more and more popular. therefore, there are more and more people through the electronic products to reading books, newspapers, etc. hence, the society has a point: the traditional paper books will eventually be electronic books instead.

first of all, to some extent, this view is correct. according to the latest survey shows that: the world in recent years the type paper newspaper, reduce a lot more newspapers stop printing, begins to turn electronic sale. traditional printing of books sold less and less, in contrast,

network is more and more popular novels. many young people are more interested in network novel. electronic books are updated quickly, reading convenience etc.

however, this opinion is very one-sided. paper books can circulate, thousands of years, ebook easily lost. in addition, you can think carefully: you hand holds a fine books, sitting under the tree, can deeply wallow in. electronic could give you this kind of feeling? have a good metaphor: the traditional paper books to a your legs, ebook compared to the newly invented the bicycle. no matter how traffic tools, also won't again replace your legs. they all have the same truth, isn't it?

so i say: paper books won't disappear!


is optimism always better than pessimism

good morning everyone, today i will talk about optimism and

pessimism with you, many people will say that optimism is better .well, is optimism always better than pessimism? i don’t think so , and that is what i want to talk about today.

generally speaking, optimism is really beneficial to us, it can raise our will up, it can help us solve problem efficiently. when we meet

difficulties, an optimistic person take it as a challenge to show his

abilities up while a pessimistic person is always afraid ofit, they are failed before they face to those difficulties.

however, to some extent, optimism also has its shortcomings too, first, if a person is too optimistic, he will not have a deep understanding to a problem, and he always thinks he can do that, and it counts for nothing for him. it is really dangerous for him, take mr. good enough for example, he always doesn’t do something well, even if it may cause something terrible, he is always optimistic about it, in my opinion, he would rather to be pessimistic; after all, if you can not do it well, you’d rather not do it.so, in a word, proper optimism is better than pessimism and pessimism is better than over optimism. just be proper optimism and you will get your success.(221)


hello everyone, i’m happy to have an opportunity to give a speech here. i’m … today my topic is “failure is not a bad thing”

failure is a common occurrence in our daily life. whatever we do, there are always two possible results: success or failure. although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries, sometimes failure can’t be avoided.

different people hold different attitudes towards failure. when faced with it, some can stand up to it, draw a useful lesson from it and try their best to fulfill what they are determined to do. others, however, lose heart and give in. they do nothing but complain about themselves and objective conditions.

as a popular saying goes, “failure teaches success.” in my opinion, what really counts is not the failure itself, but the proper attitude we should take after it. i trust that as long as we keep to what is right and correct what is wrong, that is to say, learn a lesson from failure, we will be certain to succeed. so i am of the opinion that failure is not a bad thing. that’s all, thank you.



every leaders and teachers:

good morning! i’m very glad to stand here and give my short speech to you. i’m a young english teacher form chang tang primary school. as a teacher, i love my job, i love those dear children. and i also enjoy the wonderful feeling of to be loved. i have to say: to be a teacher is my pleasure.now, i want to share something about my teaching.

primary school english teaching, teachers should use all kinds of teaching means, to make students fully enjoy the fun of learning english, let the students “be happy to learn”, “be happy to practice”.to convert bitter learning to pleasure learning. really to make it “happy and easy to learn”. teaching must follow the principle of teacher's dominant and students subjectivity, stimulate students' positive emotion in english teaching is a bilateral interactive teaching between teachers and students, teachers always pay attention to the dominant, the subjectivity of the students into full play, put the standpoint of teaching activities in students.new teaching material puts forward five steps and four methods of classroom teaching, which to a great extent, changed the mode of classroom teaching, make students become the passive to active, change teachers “one person alone has the say” for students “all people have their say”. teachers' dominant is embodied in various aspects, such as learn the new lesson, the teacher should be a performer, to use facial expressions, gestures, and use of visual aids to create a vivid teaching atmosphere; in the language practice, the teacher1

should be a organizer, to explain to the students to practice the content, method and specific requirements, so that the students can practice accurately in accordance with the requirements, to achieve a deep understanding, the purpose of strengthening memory; in the review and consolidate stage, teachers should be students' good helper, through the review, helps the student to consider, to do a certain amount of practice, consolidate classroom knowledge. teachers play a leading role, only through students' active participation and cooperation, to make teaching and learning together, bring out the best in each other. teaching practice proves that the 鸿蒙 relationship between teachers and students is the key factor of emotional teaching, can produce good resonance effect, is a powerful guaranteed to implement and accomplish the teaching goal. teachers only attach importance to students' main body role, understanding students, love students. let the student feel the teacher’s “love”, will actively, efforts to accept education. so as to achieve “happy teaching funny learning”. before i finishing my speech, i would like to say: to be an english teacher is the best choice in my life. i shall do all i can to be a good teacher!

that’s all. thanks for your attention.

by zhang yuanling


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