



工厂英文自我评价怎样写 篇1

  I work, has been engaged in a line of electrical work, over the years, I have strict demands on themselves, work conscientiously. Mainly from the followindowsg aspects to sum up:

  First, the ideological and political learning and democratic management

  I earnestly studied Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and guided the production practice in the spirit of the three represents.

  Actively participate in all kinds of democratic activities, participate in democratic management, work hard at home, work well, and do a good job as a production frontline electrician.

  Second, the safety aspects

  1, implement the spirit of the higher documents to improve the safety awareness of workers, enhance the sense of responsibility of workers.

  2, to implement and improve the safe use of electricity organizational system, improve safety management rules and regulations.

  3, to strengthen safety management team to consolidate the security base.

  4, one to ensure that electricity consumers to ensure their own safety and security of others.

  Third, training and learning

  Over the years, I actively participate in various learning and training, and strive to learn the basic knowledge of electrician knowledge, power supply system knowledge, line devices, lighting devices, grounding devices, transformer operation and maintenance, motor repair and maintenance, electrical control circuit, PLC Control and other related knowledge system. Every time I learn, I have learned some new theories, and used to guide the work practice, applied to the work, to the factory power supply system, the control system improvement, receives the consistent high praise.

  Fourth, in terms of energy saving

  In energy saving, I actively use the knowledge has been learned for the factory to do a lot of energy saving aspects of the contribution. Such as the transformation of the factory line, the annual energy saving for the factory more than ten million degrees. While the old factory equipment, electrical transformation, so that some of the old equipment to rejuvenate.

  Fifth, the practice of production

  In the production practice, for example: motor electrical fault detection and troubleshooting examples. Electrical: 1, check the lead wire insulation is intact, the motor is overheated, check whether the wiring meets the nameplate requirements, windowsding and the first, the end of power is correct; 2, measuring insulation resistance and DC resistance test insulation is damaged. 3, power on the check after the end of the problem found, you can directly power test with a three-phase voltage regulator began to impose a lower voltage, and then gradually increased to the rated voltage, etc .. 3, power-on check whether there is no open circuit, short circuit and grounding; . Use the above inspection method, for the factory more than one motor to find fault, and fix it. Timely summary of various symptoms and solutions, and documented, to guide the practice, but also improve their business level. In short, the production practice in the rules and regulations on the wall, in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. Over the years, the factory did not occur with a life-related electrical safety problems, and the factory through a number of technical transformation, equipment operation more scientific and rationalized.

工厂英文自我评价怎样写 篇2


工厂英文自我评价怎样写 篇3

  巫蛊之祸以后,武帝的病体日渐沉重,在怀念刘据的同时,选立心的太子成为他不得不考虑的事情,思来想去,他决定立幼子刘弗陵为太子,可当时的刘弗陵还是个天真可爱不满七岁的小孩,而刘弗陵的妈妈正值青春年华。武帝猛然想起汉初吕后的故事,更何况他自己也经历了太皇太后窦氏和 孝景后干政的痛楚,他深知“母强子弱”意味着啥,想着想着心中不由一惊。所以武帝再立刘弗陵为太子的同时,忍痛处死了刘弗陵的妈妈,也就是他晚年最深爱的妃子钩弋夫人。即使武帝心中有万千不舍,为了大汉的江山他也别无选择。



工厂英文自我评价怎样写 篇4


工厂英文自我评价怎样写 篇5



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