




  Summer vacation, this is a the students expect long-lost happy time, simply can and play, no more unpleasant sound alarm clock in the morning... But we looked at those high expectations, a less-pressured treasure mom, has arranged everything for us: early in the morning to go to remedial class, noon to classes every day and every day go to remedial classes in the afternoon. I every day in ask him, who invented the remedial class! Deprived of the time I watch TV, if let me know who it is, I will regard that man as my enemy.



  During the summer vacation, I read an interesting book of fairy tales.   I like to read this book, because it is the best I have seen the book of fairy tales in the book, I read it three or four times, I was one of this book.   This book is about it: there are four children inadvertently entered a wardrobe, and came to a place called "Narnia", where a witch to witch ruled, "Narnia" into windowster. The children and the lion beat the witch, spring is coming, the children also became a foreign queen. Many years later, the children have grown up, they pursue a fairy deer, inadvertently back in the closet.   I read this book, the thought of another end, I think this is more suitable for the end of the book, is still in the closet:, family, you do not believe it to have a look!

  暑假里,我看了一本有趣的童话故事书。我喜欢看这本书,因为这是我看过的童话书中最好看的一本书,我反复看了三、四遍,我对这本书是爱不释手这本书大概描写的是:有四个小孩无意中进入了一个衣橱,来到了一个叫“那尼亚”的地方,那里由一个本站女巫统治着,女巫把“那尼亚”变成了冬季。小孩们和一头狮子打败了女巫,春季回来了,小孩们也当上了国外和女王。许多年后,小孩们都长大了,他们追捕一头仙鹿时,无意中回到了衣橱里。   我看完这本书后,想到了另一个结尾,我觉得这个结尾更适合这本书,就是:至今,衣橱还在那个人家里,你不信就去看看吧!


  Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Porter and I was so impressed by it. The magical world was so wonderful that I wanted to live there. My thoughts were so active that I always dreamed about myself walking in the magical world and taking the risk. So I decided to write down the things I dreamed about and then made these become a book. This is my little dream, when the book is finished, I want to read them to my friends and my brother. Now I have written down a few pages, I continue to write every day. I get great motivation to finish my little dream. I imagine how happy I will be when I finish the book, so I keep writing it when I have the thoughts. I am so proud of myself for I never giving up to finish my dream.


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