



When is the better time to learn a foreign language? Should we learn knowledge or go to work at our youth?

今天,给大家看一段关于时间宝贵的一段话,作为写作中对童年和青少年时期的论证支持。 All time is precious; but the time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than any other portion of our existence 我们的生命. For those are the periods when alone we can acquire knowledge and develop our faculties and capacities 才干与能力. If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away 溜走unutilized, we shall never be able to recoup the loss弥补损失. As we grow older, our power of acquisition gets blunted 获取知识的能力越来越笨拙, so that the art or science which is not acquired in childhood or youth will never be acquired at all. Just as money laid out 投资 at interest doubles and trebles itself in time, so the precious hours of childhood and youth, if properly used, will yield us incalculable advantages 产生不可估量的好处. “Every moment you lose,” says Lord

Chesterfield, “is so much character and advantage lost; as on the other hand, every moment you now employ 利用 usefully is so much time wisely laid out at prodigious interest 巨大的利益.”



A survey by the society for Human Resource Management shows that at any given time, one in three American workers are keeping their eyes peeled for a new job opportunity. Whether it's inside their existing company or in another city or around the world, they are thinking about taking on a new professional challenge. For most people who voluntarily quit, a better pay is the main reason for jumping ship. Other popular reasons for turning in a resignation letter are better opportunities at another company, feeling that there's no room for

professional growth and being bored with the job. So, what should you consider when you are thinking about taking a new job? Experts say if you are dissatisfied with the culture at your current company, you should actively consider a change. Unhappy workers are less likely to contribute all they can. And that means, future growth and raises might be limited. Better

compensation at another job should also be a big consideration. More money means financial security and that leads to higher job satisfaction.


Now it could mean a revolution for the publishing business. It's been called electronic paper, computer device which can hold 100 books or receive

newspapers downloaded whilst you sit on a train or anywhere else. But instead of a flickering computer screen to give you a headache, the makers claim it's just like reading from normal paper.

Britons have a voracious appetite for words, each year we buy around 300 million

books and every day digest miles and miles of words in 13 million newspapers. Since the time of Gutenberg, all those words have been printed on paper. But it's this device or something like it about to change the way we get our words forever. Farewell to the dog-eared novel, the well-thumbed but out-of-date guidebook and the grubby newspaper. Meet Iliad, the first E-paper device to come to Europe.

It's a whole new technology in screen display. It produces a very stable very clear image; you can read this in bright sunlight. It's a stable display; there is no flicker, so it's completely different to what you would now expect from the computer screen or a PDA.

It's very light weight, so you can carry it around like a regular magazine. And this is incredibly robust, you know, I can just take my shoe and do this to it, and nothing happens to the display. This is just R&D electronics, the real product will look something like this, we will be able to shrink all the electronics into something on the edge of the device, so it will be like a magazine.'

A paper-like device that can store hundreds of novels, update the news while you browse the headlines and weighs less than a paper back, almost certainly has a future. But as long as sand gets stuck between pages and corners are folded to keep your place, new technology isn't going to consign paper to the waste basket.


We’re really promoting 鼓励 water, not fizzy drinks 泡沫饮料, in schools. We’re really promoting a range of sports 一系列的体育运动, and not just football, but yoga 瑜伽, and t’ai chi 太极 and swimming. But for other schools, it’s even a struggle 困难/挑战 to keep up with the minimum requirement 符合最低要求 of two hours sport a week.

With Government targets for literacy and numeracy 读书识数的目标, teachers feel duty bound 感到责任重大to ensure that they meet those targets because those are the ones that we are judged on at the end of the day 最终. 雅思写作素材(五):Internet

很多同学碰到作文题目中关于Internet或者Computer Technology,就如碰到了福音一样,大喜。因为非常熟悉话题,看似有很多内容可以讨论。但每次在批改完作文后,发现一个非常严重的问题,就是几乎全班同学的讨论观点和理由都是八九不离十,无非就是方便沟通、搜索信息、快捷便利等,极少能够有比较独特的例证。且不说考官会怎样评价,光我们几个老师看着都越来越觉得不是个滋味,很是担忧学生是否能够得到比较理想的分数。所以,若想要在写作中取得好的成绩,一定要好好推敲下观点、理由是否能够吸引住考官的眼球! 今天,我们先看其中的一部分,以后逐步增加更多的写作素材。当然这些内容灵活掌握也可以运用到口语当中的。

Hi-tech companies strive to lead in 努力领先the invention, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies, and translate 转变 these advanced technologies into value for customers through its professional solutions, services and consulting businesses worldwide全球范围内的.

Over the past 40 years, innovative technology has transformed how we access and share information, changed the way businesses and institutions operate, and made the world smaller by giving us instant access to及时的触及到 people and resources everywhere.

Companies should recognize its responsibility to help make the Internet safer. Their ultimate goal终极目标 is to help create an environment in which adults, children, and organizations are more secure更有保障 and can enjoy the full benefits of the Internet.


Children who spend hours every day on their video consoles 游戏控制板 may not be rotting their brains 退化大脑, as many parents fear. A report from the

European parliament concluded yesterday that computer games are good for children and teach them essential life skills 生存技能.

Contrary to fears about the violent reputation 负面影响 of some games, there is no firm proof 充足的证据 that playing them has an automatic negative impact on children's behavior, for example by causing aggression 侵害/伤害, said the report from the committee on the internal market and consumer protection. Instead, "video games can stimulate learning of facts and skills such as strategic thinking, creativity, cooperation and innovative thinking, which are important skills in the information society."

Toine Manders, who drafted the report, said: "Video games are in most cases not dangerous. We heard evidence from experts on computer games and

psychologists from France, the US, Germany and the Netherlands and they told us that video games have a positive contribution 积极作用 for education." The study called for 号召 schools across Europe to consider using games for educational purposes and urged parents to take a greater interest in 投入兴趣 them.

"Schools should pay attention to video games and inform children and parents about benefits and disadvantages that video games can have," the report said. The findings are likely to surprise supporters of tougher regulation 更严格的管制 of computer games, some of which have been blamed for influencing violent crime among children.

Last yeara 14-year-old boy from Leicesterwas murdered by a 17-year old wielding 挥舞 a knife and a claw hammer 钉锤, and his mom claimed her son's killer was influenced by the computer game Manhunt in which players earn points 赚积分 for stealth killings 秘密刺杀.

The European parliament conceded that "violence in video games can in certain situations 某种情况下 stimulate violent behaviour 暴力行为," but said there was no need for legislation. It called for a approach to prevent the sale to children of games intended for adults 阻止儿童购买为成年人设计的游戏 and urged the

introduction of stricter identity checks 身份检查 at the point of sale and a wider

application of the age-rating system 广泛应用分级体系 that currently applies to computer games in many European countries.

Total revenues from the video gaming sector amounted to 上升到 more than

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