Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)


Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)

Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)

Unit 2 The Storm 篇1

  lesson two(一)大声读单词:1. radio   n. 收音机  2. rock   n. 岩石   3. noise  n. 噪音  4. sky   n. 天空   5. street  n. 街道6. story  n. 故事   7. lesson   n. 课 8. sound like    听起来像  9. end   v. 终止,结束10. shine   v. 照耀,发光11. start   v. 开始;出发   12. fly   v. 飞13. close   v. 关,合上 14. wait   v.  等候   15. pass  v. 前行,经过  16. wake  v. 醒来  17. usual  adj. 通常的,平常的    18. heavy  adj.  重的19. strange   adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 20. scared   adj. 惊恐的,恐惧的21. gray   adj. 灰色的  22. suddenly   adv. 突然地  23. away  adv. 离开   24. across  adv. / prep. 从一边到另一边 (二)重点词汇1. 名词 复数变化:radio – radios story – stories rock – rocks noise – noises street – streets lesson – lessons 编故事,记单词:today, the sky is blue. i am listening to the radio. there is no noise around the street. there’s an english lesson from the radio. it is about a story of a rock. 2. end   v. 终止,结束要点:n. 末端;尽头例句:my friend waited for me at the end of the street.  我的朋友在街道尽头等我。要点:vt. 结束 例句:they ended the party off with a song.    他们唱支歌结束了晚会。3. shine   v. 照耀,发光要点:vi. 发光;照耀例句:the sun shone bright and warm.   阳光灿烂和煦。要点:vt. 照向例句:he shone the flashlight on the water. 他用手电筒照了照水面。拓展:擦皮鞋例句:your shoes need a shine.你的皮鞋要擦一擦。4. start   v. 开始;出发   要点:vt. 开始例句:when did you start to learn english?  你何时开始学英语的?要点:vi.出发,起程例句:we'll start at six on friday morning.我们星期五早上六点出发。要点:vi. 开始例句:summer vacation starts in early july. 暑假在七月初开始。要点:n. 出发; 出发点; 出发时间 例句:we'll make an early start for the beach.  我们一早出发去海滩。5. fly   v. 飞要点:v. 飞例句:several birds flew across the sky.  几只鸟飞过天空。要点:乘飞机旅游例句:i'll fly to london tomorrow.  我明天搭飞机去伦敦。要点:v. 使飞;放(风筝)例句:our boys are flying kites.  我们的小孩们在放风筝。要点:n. 苍蝇6. wait   v.  等候    要点:等,等待例句:mike is waiting to have a word with you.  麦克正等着和你说话。we're waiting for the bus.  我们在等公车。they waited for zhou xingchi's coming.  他们等待周星驰的到来。7. pass  v.  要点:经过例句:the storm will pass quickly.  暴风雨很快就会过去的。 要点:通过例句:i want to pass the exam.  我想通过考试。要点:传递例句:please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。8. wake  要点:v. 醒来;醒着例句:i woke up at six this morning. 今天早晨我六点钟醒来。 要点:v. 唤醒,弄醒例句:please wake me up at 7:00. 请于七点钟叫醒我。 (三)课文解析: 1. a storm is coming. 译文:暴风雨就要来了。要点:现在进行时表将来。一种伴随的状态。there’s a storm coming. 译文:一场暴风雨来了。要点:coming 现在分词做伴随状语,表示一种伴随的状态。容易发生的错误是:there’s a storm is coming. (×) 2. the sky is clear and blue. 译文:天空晴朗,蔚蓝。 要点:and 连词,表示“并列关系”this book is good and useful. 这本书也好也有用。 3. i am playing with my brother. 译文:我正在和我的哥哥玩耍。 要点:play with sb. 和某人一起玩i like playing with my friends.  我喜欢和我的朋友一起玩。 play with sth.  玩弄  the cat is playing with a ball.   小猫正在玩弄一个球。 4. look up and see dark storm clouds. 译文:抬头看到阴云密布。 要点:look up  1) 抬头看,向上看2) 查字典you can look up this word in the vocabulary. 你可以在词汇表里查这个词。5. they are moving quickly across the sky. 译文:他们快速地在空中移动。 要点:move – moving  across  prep.  横越,穿过we walked across the street. 我们穿过马路。6. my brother and i go inside. 译文:我哥哥和我进到里面。要点:表示尊敬,把他人放在前面,把我放在后面。my parents and i live in harbin.  我和我父母住在哈尔滨。 7. we should listen to the radio. 译文:我们应该听收音机。 要点:should 意思:应该用法:should + 动词原形listen to sth.    listen to the radio / tape     听收音机/ 听磁带listen to sb.     listen to me / the teacher    听我说/ 听老师说  8. we turn on the radio.译文:我们打开收音机。  要点:turn on  he asked me to turn on the radio for him.   他让我替他打开收音机。turn off turn off the light before you leave.  离开前请把灯关掉。9. there is a lot of noise outside. 译文:外面有很多的噪音。 要点:there's a loud noise in the classroom.  教室里的吵闹声很大。 there is so much noise in this restaurant; i can hardly hear you talking.这个餐厅里太嘈杂了,我几乎听不到你说话。10. the storm sounds like rocks hitting the house. 译文:暴风雨听起来就像石头击打着房子。 要点:sounds like 听起来像hitting the house  现在分词表伴随状态his song sounds like a wolf howling at night.  他的歌声像狼在夜晚嚎叫。   

Unit 2 The Storm 篇2

  lesson four(一)大声读单词:cloudy  adj. 多云的,阴天的building  n. 建筑物, 楼房kid   n. 孩子       (二) 重点词组:during a storm    在暴风雨期间   stand near the windowsdows    站在窗户附近   listen to the weather report 听天气预报    work in groups of four  四人一组make a sentence  造句go back  向后走go ahead  向前走   

  【典型例题】一. 单项选择:1. where is your  _____ house? a. grandparent  b. grandparents  c. grandparents’2. hold _____. lily is coming now.  a. in           b. on            c. at   3. it is a _____ day.     a. beautiful     b. beautifully     c. beauty  4. jenny, we should go _____!   a. quick        b. quicker        c. quickly5. i look _____ and see dark storm clouds.  a. down        b. up             c. into   二. 阅读理解:thanksgiving day is an american national holiday which often lasts four days. americans celebrate it on the fourth thursday of november each year. the day is set aside(忽视) for giving thanks, it becomes a traditional day for family reunion(重聚). as it is a day of a family reunion, on the eve of thanksgiving, members of the family will drive and even fly home. the next day, they sit around a table, enjoying the traditional dinner together. roast turkey, sweet potatoes and a pudding(布丁) are cooked for the thanksgiving supper. thanksgiving day is also a day for students to give thanks to parents and teachers for people still think of it as a day for giving thanks. on thanksgiving day, all stores are closed. in some big cities, there are carnival parades(狂欢游行) for children. in other cities, there are always important football games. important football games are televised(电视播送). as a result the streets become very quiet, as if the whole city was a deserted(荒芜的) place. the followindowsg day, however, everything becomes especially alive and active. people go to supermarkets and big department stores for there is a big sale. they get what they need at much lower prices. 根据短文内容,判断正(t)、误(f)。 1. americans celebrate thanksgiving day on the fourth thursday of november each year. 2. thanksgiving day is a day for giving thanks. 3. american people usually eat noodles, chicken, and sweet potatoes for the thanksgiving supper. 4. on thanksgiving day, all stores are open. 5. things in the supermarket are very cheap during thanksgiving day.  [参考答案]一. 单项选择:c b a c b 二. 阅读理解:t t f f t

Unit 2 The Storm 篇3

  lesson three(一)大声读单词:drop  n. (液体的)珠,滴tornado  n. 龙卷风damage  v. 破坏,损坏 traditional  adj.  传统的without   perp. 无,没有 unkind   adj.  不亲切的,不和蔼的stay  v. 停留 hold  v. 拿住,抱住   (二)重点词组:drops of rain  雨滴 take a trip  旅游clean your bedroom  打扫你的卧室 (三)语法提示:1. should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作”应该”、”应当”。you should finish your homework in time.  你应该按时做完你的作业。you should tell your mother about it at once.  你应该立即把此事告诉你母亲。2. should 作为情态动词,可以表示谦逊、客气、委婉之意,译为”可……”、”倒……”。i should say that it would be better to try it again.  我倒是认为最好再试一试。should you like some tea ? 你可喜欢喝茶? 3. should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的。尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。how should i know it ? 我怎么会知道这件事?why should you be so late today ? 你今天怎么来得这么晚?4. should  的否定形式为  should not = shouldn’t   

Unit 2 The Storm 篇4


  一. 教学内容:unit two the storm  二. 重点、难点:  words, phrases and sentences “should “用法 三. 具体内容:

  lesson one(一)大声读单词:1. dark adj. 黑暗的2. scary adj.引起恐慌的3. quickly adv.迅速地 4. cloud n.云 5. windowsd n. 风  6. storm n. 暴风雨7. look for 寻找 8. hide v. 隐藏  9. inside adv./ prep. 在或向里面10. outside adv./ prep. 在或向外面 11. should v. 应该    12. shouldn’t = should not   不应该    (二) 重点词汇:1. dark adj. 黑暗的要点:adj.例句:1)黑暗的           it's getting dark. 天快黑了。2)(颜色)深的      there are dark clouds in the sky.  天空乌云密布。要点:n.例句:黑暗,暗处         she could see nothing in the dark. 她在黑暗中啥也看不见。2. scary adj.引起恐慌的    要点:(口语)   that's scary!     真令人害怕!3. quickly adv.迅速地 例句:it gets cold quickly when the sun goes down.   太阳下山后天气很快就会冷下来。例句:she runs quickly as a horse.   她跑得像马一样快。   要点:quick adj. 快速的 例句:some children are very quick.  有些小孩很敏捷。be quick! 快点!要点:敏捷的;伶俐的例句:she is quick at learning a foreign language.  她学外语学得快。he is quick to act.   他行动迅速。4. cloud n.云 例句:when there are black clouds you can tell it's going to rain.有乌云的时候,就知道快下雨了。the sky became suddenly covered with dark clouds.  天空突然变得乌云密布。要点:cloudy  a. 多云的,阴天的例句:the sky was cloudy, so i took my umbrella.  天阴,所以我带了把伞。5. windowsd n. 风  要点:strong windowsd 例句:the north windowsd is blowindowsg hard.     北风劲吹。要点:windowsdy adj. 有风的  例句:the windowster was cold, wet, and windowsdy.  那冬季也冷、也潮,加上多风。it was a windowsdy spring day.  那是个刮着风的春日。6. look for 寻找 例句:i am looking for umbrellas for my classmates.   我正在为我的同学找雨伞。  she is looking for her lost child.  她正在寻找失去的小孩。you can look for the book in the library.    你可以在图书馆查找这本书。7. hide v. 隐藏  例句: hide under a tree  藏在树下where did you hide it?    你把它藏到哪里去了?she's hidden my book somewhere.     她把我的书藏起来了。his words had a hidden meaning.     他话里有话。8. inside 要点:n. 内部,里面 例句:there is a label on the inside of the box.   盒子内侧有个标签。要点:【口】肚子,肠胃例句:i have a pain in my insides.  我肚子疼。要点:ad. 在里面;往里面例句:let's go inside. 我们进去吧。要点:prep.在……的里面,在……内部例句:he parked his car inside the gate. 他把车停在大门里面。要点:prep.  (时间)在.……以内,少于例句:we can't finish the job inside an hour.  我们一小时以内做不完这件工作。9. outside 要点:n. 外面,外部例句:the outside of the house is painted white.    房子外部漆成白色。要点:ad. 在外面,向外面例句:there is no light outside of the gate. 大门外面没有灯。it was raining hard outside.  外边雨下得很大。要点:prep. 在……外;向……外例句:outside the windowsdow it was a wonderful spring morning. 窗外是一片美妙的春季晨景。 (三)重点短语:watch television   看电视    in the east of + sp.  在~的东部


Unit 2 The Storm(通用4篇)
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