




  This summer vacation is different. Not only have a holiday, and also moved, cousin and cousin come to my house to stay, I attended the school held a swimming interest class, I tell you, this year's summer vacation, I had a very, very happy.

  You don't know! One day, two classmates to call me out, is to do a survey of people in the city fitness, is the investigation of project activity time and activity, the three of us after good task allocation, started! Small qi and xiaoyue together responsible for ask passers-by, I courage small, afraid to ask, is responsible for them to hear words written four list, four respectively: 7 to 15, 16 to 28, 29 to 50 years old and 51 to 80 years of the four tables, they call a kind old woman, gently said: "grandma, what's your activity time is how long? What events?" The old woman listened to them, and answered them in detail, and I wrote them in a piece of paper. In this way, the three of us kept asking about the middle of the day, and there were about 80 people in each of the four, and there were 20 people each. I went back to her own home. Hee hee! This is a homework assignment for the teacher!


  Time passed quickly, and half a semester ended in a tense exam, followed by our long-awaited summer vacation. The students are swimming around in the mountains. Some go to colorful lushan. Some of them go to the sea of qiongi, which is lightly applied; Some go to the long history of the qinglong temple -- in short, each has its own plans, each has its own happiness. I, however, joined the fire on the parade night.

  On the morning of August 15, I got up early and was "armed". Excitement and excitement have been incorporated into every cell in my body, and I think many of them must be in the same mood as I am. I was dreaming of the night, with the burning torch of the light, and dancing at the fire, at the moment, so unfettered.

  At 2:30 p.m., I was so excited that I went out for a walk. There were more people out there t han before, and the police officers were busy. I happened to meet a foreigner, and I couldn't help saying to him: "Welcome to the beautiful city -- Xichang." "Thank you," he said with a smile. Because of my English, he said something "Bye" to him and went away. At that moment, my heart was pounding, but there was a sense of pride, a sense of pride.


  How do I stay in the classroom? I also want to go to see the world, so in the summer vacation, I go to zhangjiajie with my parents, the scene is vivid, it really makes me unforgettable.

  I have heard that zhangjiajie is charming and I would like to have a chance to visit there. I'm looking forward to the day. This summer holiday, I went to visit zhangjiajie with my parents.

  On the 18th of July, we went by train, and by the way of yonggu, we went straight to zhangjiajie. As soon as I got off the bus, I was fascinated by the strange scenery here.

  The gold whiprock is more attractive in this mountain of water. After lunch, we can't wait to swim to the golden whip. After a short walk, from the place where the water was in the glass, it reached the golden whip. The three sides of the rock were vertical, three hundred meters high, and the sudden rise of the stone, and the light of the sun, the golden whip of the golden whip, was splendid and magnificent. The ancient pine on the top of the rock, with long arms, seemed to welcome us tourists.

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