Unit6 Geography学案Unit6 Geography学案Unit6 Geography学案


Unit6 Geography学案

一.学习目标(1). when did laurie edmonds go on a tour?a. in may    b. in june    c. in april    d. in march (2). how many other students would go on a tour with laurie?        a.  nineteen    b. twenty    c. twenty-one    d. twenty-two    (3). what language did the word geography come from?        a.  chinese    b.  old english    c.  latin    d.  greek (4). what does geography mean?(5). according to the text, why is geography everywhere?二. 知识解读(1).laurie edmonds was really exited about the trip she and twenty other students from across canada were about to begin in the morning. laurie edmonds 对今天早上即将开始的有她和来自加拿大的二十个十年级学生一起参加的旅行真地感到激动。 ①句中she and twenty other students from across canada were about to begin in the morning,作the trip 的定语。 ②from across 从……的一边。类似的表述还有 from behind, from under。如:the enemy jumped out from behind the door, gun in hand . 一个敌人手里拿着枪,从门后窜了出来。(2). as she lay in her bed, her bags packed and waiting by her bedroom door, her backpack ready with camera, books, and more books, she recalled the day in january when mr. mader, her geography teacher, told the class about a canada-wide essay context, open to all grade 10 students.当她躺在床上的时候,她的包已包好,放在卧室的门边,她的背包里装好了相机、书、还有更多的书,此时他想起了一月的一天,在那一天,她的地理老师告诉了他们有关一个对全加拿大XX年级学生开放的一个作文竞赛。①as 引导的为时间状语,此时相当于when②lie vt. & vi.& n. 躺;位于;在;处于某种状态;谎话eg:  the book is lying on the table.书平放在桌子上。i am tired, i have to lie down.我累了,我得躺下。lie 当“谎话”讲,是个很严肃的词。说谎常用lying.eg:  lying is a form of dishonesty.说谎是不诚实的一种形式。因为lie 是一个很严肃的词,英美人一般改用委婉一些的说法,不说he tells a lie., 而说he tells a story.或he is untruthful.或you can’t believe all he says.等。 ③recall n./vt./vi.召回,叫回; 记忆力;记得;收回;取消eg:i can’t recall seeing him.我想不起看见过他the government recalled the general after he lost the battle.那位将军大了败仗,政府把他召回去了。the makers have recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe.制造商已把许多不安全的汽车都收回去了。mary has total recall and never forgets anything. 玛丽的记忆力非常好,从不忘记任何事情。(3)how does such a large mass of hot, dry land affect the people who live near it ?如此大的一块炎热、干燥的土地是如何影响住在附近的人们的?①such pron.如此,这样such a large mass of land如此大的一块地可换为so large a mass of land②affect vt 影响effect n. have an effect on 对……有影响          come into effect 生效,实行(4)some believe that the ability to label a map with the world’s countries are a geographer.一些人认为,有给各国的地图归类能力的人就是地理学家①believe vt.&vi. 相信,认为 (相信所说)i believe you. =i believe what you say.我相信你所说的话。  believe in  信任  i believe in you .我信任你。②make vt. 造就,成就what makes a good teacher?是什么造就了一位好老师?cold tea makes a good drink in hot summer.凉茶在炎热的夏天是一种很好的饮品。        (5)if you can’t locate ourselves in the world, we will have trouble understanding much about this planet earth.如果我们不能在地球上找出我们自己的位置,我们将很难理解这个地球。①have trouble/difficulty (in) doing 做某是有困难。do you have difficulty (in) practicing english every morning ? ②locate vt. 找出……位置; 坐落be located 坐落于,位于         our school is located at the foot of mountain tai.三.自我测评1)                  单选1. a man is being questioned in relation to the_______ murder last night.   a. advised   b. attended  c. attempted d. admitted2. he was a young sailor _____ his first voyage.a. for  b. at  c. on  d. in3. they had a bitter quarrel ______ some money three ago and they ___to each other.a. over; haven’t spoken  b. about; hadn’t spoken c. for; haven’t spoken   d. for; hadn’t spoken4. put the book ___ it ___ after reading it.a. at the place; belongs b. which; belongs to c. where; belongs to     d. where; belongs5. my mother always gets a bit ____ us if we don’t arrive when we said we will.a. worried for b. anxious for c. anxious about d. worry about 6. people there plant vegetables ____ in the valleys there.a. in the great abundance   b. in abundancesc. in an abundance          d. in much abundance 7. the man was questioned, but he looked _____ nothing had happeneda. even through  b. as through  c. as  d. like 8. man is still ___ cleverer than the cleverest robot.                                                 a. much more b. a lot more c. far more d. /9. try to imagine ____ what life must have been ____ for neolithic man 10000 years ago.

a. how; like                        b. what; like                   c. how; looking like                d. what; looking like 10. i will be looking forward to ____ you at the party and you had better bring your _____ friends.

a. seeing; 2 others                 b. seeing; other 2               c. see; 2 other                     d. see; other 22)                  翻译句子1.在这小孩的带领下,我们毫不费力的找到了这家医院.with the boy leading the way, we had ___ ____ ____ the hospital.2.在那些日子里,我们都担心你的安全。in those days, all of us ___ ____ ____ your safety.3.他总是犯错误,他应该受到惩罚。he ___ ___ ___ mistakes, he should be punished.


he ___ ____ ____ escape from the house, but he failed.


i ___ ___ ___ do my homework when somebody knocked the door.答案:一. 1—3bbd  4.geography is the study of the earth including its people, resources, climate, and physical features.  5.because you find it in science, history, math and art.  三. 1) 1—5 ccadc  6—10 abdba2) 1.no trouble finding  2. were unconcerned about  3.is always making   4. did attempt to   5.was about to


Unit6 Geography学案
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