Lesson 12 The U.S.Lesson 12 The U.S.Lesson 12 The U.S.


Lesson 12 The U.S.

lesson 12 the u.s.      课时:1leaning aims:    1.了解美国的首都,国旗,语言以及名胜。                        2. 掌握本节课的重点短语以及句子。       leaning important:1. 了解美国的首都,国旗,语言以及名胜。                        2.  掌握本节课的重点短语以及句子。       leaning difficult: remember the imporant phrases and sentences.        leaning method:  情景教学法       teaching steps:                   step1:organize teaching.                          review lesson 11.翻译。1.加拿大地图2,讲英语和法语3.首都城市4.落基山脉5.尼加拉大瀑布6.加拿大的国旗                   step2: showing the learning aims and ask the students to read them together.                   step3:listen to the tape and answer questions.                         1._______ is the capital city of the u.s..                         2._______ is the west of the u.s.                         3.in the u.s. they speak ________.                         4.what colour is the flag of the u.s?                         5.___________________ lives in the white house.                         6.what is in new york?                    step4.check the answers.1. washington,d.c.2. china.3. english.4. it’s red,white and blue.5. the president of the u.s6. the statue of liberty.           step5.listen to the tape again.                 then read the text together.           step6.do exercises.a.match the english with the chinese.1.a map of the u.s.           a.用英语2.the white house             b.说英语3.in english                  c.美国地图4.speak english               d.纽约5.new york                    e.白宫               b.read and choose.                 1.the president ___ the u.s. lives in the white house.   ( a.to   b.of     c.in )                 2.do yuu know what country is ____ of the u.s?                   a. east         b. west      c. south 3.is the statue of liberty ____ new york?                   a.to            b. at         c.in             step7: writing on the bb. lesson 12 the u.s.a. words and phrases.1. the u.s. =  the uinted states2. a map of the u.s 3. the capital city of the u.s.4. the white house5. speak english6. new york   7. in englishb. sentences.1. do you know what country is west of the u.s ?2. washington,d.c.is the capital city of the u.s.3. the statue of liberty is in new york.4. the president of the u.s. lives in the white house.

推荐站内搜索:2级建造师报名时间、榜样5 观后感心得体会、二本大学排名及分数线、三年级作文300字、厉害了我的国 观后感、我的乐园作文300字、600字周记、心得体会文章、渭南事业单位报名入口、读书笔记、

Lesson 12 The U.S.
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