


pep小学三年级英语下册单词部分:重点单 词 复 习boy(     )  girl(     )  teacher(        )  student(     ) friend(     )   man(     )    woman(        )family(家庭成员)father(dad)(        )    mother(mom)(         )  grandmother(grandma)(        )   grandfather(grandpa)(        ) sister(        )        brother(        )   number(数字)eleven(        )      twelve(         )    thirteen(       )    fourteen(        )    fifteen(         )   sixteen(       )  seventeen(     )   eighteen(       )    nineteen(        )   twenty(         )     one(      )     two(      )   three(    )   four(    )    five(      )   six(      )   seven(      )    eight(    )    nine(    )   ten(    )fruit(水果)peach(        )    pear(        )    watermelon(        )   orange(        )   apple(        )   banana(       )   grapes(       )    strawberry(      )toy(玩具)bus(         )    bike(        )    taxi(       )    jeep(         )  形容词   small(        )    big(        )    short(        )   tall(         )   long(         )  animal(动物)giraffe(        )    deer(       )   ant(       )        fish(      )    goose(      )    kangaroo(      )  duck(      )    dog(      )     elephant(      )   lion(       )      mouse(       )    snake(       )    squirrel(      )   tiger(     )    fox(       ) zebra(      ) zoo(         )缩写can(       )   prc(        )   uk(        )    usa(        )  a.m.(a.m.)(        ) p.m.(p.m.)(        )    tv(      )   吃的食物ice-cream(       )   egg(       )    hamburger(        )    hot dog(      )喝的饮料coke(      )    coffee(     )    milk(      )    water(     )    juice(     )其他desk(        )   chair(        )   bag(      )    walkman(        )    lamp(        )     key(      )    night(       )  nest(      )    queen(      )    rain(    (请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)  )    rainbow(       )   umbrella(        )    vest(       )    violin(      )  window(       )    wind(       )    box(       ) yo-yo(       )

三、重点句型复 习 unit 11. a: nice to see you again.    b: nice to see you, too.2. a: where are you from?    b: i’m from china./america/canada/                                     prc/ usa/ can/ uk3. a: i’m sorry.    b: it’s ok.4.有人敲门你说:come in, please.5.怎么用英语欢迎同学回校:welcome back to school. unit 21. a: who’s this(that) man(boy)?    b: he’s my father(brother).2. a: who’s this(that) woman(girl)?    b: she’s my mother(sister).3. a: 当你要鼓励你的朋友一起和你玩时,英语怎么说:    b: come on!4. a: let’s watch tv.    b:ok!/great!5. a: is she your sister?    b: no, my mom.(yes, she is.)6. a: 怎么用英语表达“多大的一条鱼啊!”    b: what a big fish!7. a: 怎么用英语介绍自己的家庭:      b: this is my family. unit 31. a: how many kites can you see?    b: i can see twelve.(twelve.)2. a: how many crayons do you have?    b: i have 16.(sixteen crayons.)3. a: 怎么用英语集合:   b: line up.4. a:“对的”、“正确的”英语怎么说:    b: that’s right.(you’re right.)5. a:“我有一些巧克力”怎么说:        b: i have some chocolates.6. a:“有些什么在盒子里面”怎么说:    b: what’s in the box?7.你想知道盒子里装些什么东西?怎么用英语叫对方打开它?open it and see. unit 41. a: do you like pears?      b: yes, i do.(no, i don’t.)(sorry, i don’t like pears.)2. a: what about grapes?    b: yes, please.3. a: have some juice, please.     b: thanks.(no, thank you.)4. a: i’m hungry.(我肚子饿。)    b: i’m hungry, too.5. a: can i have an apple, please? b: certainly.(sure, here you are.)6. a: have some more.    b: no, thank you.unit 5www .xk b1 .co m1. a: where is my ruler? b: it’s under(in/on ) the book.(under(in/on) the book.)2. a: where is zip?    b: ha! ha! i’m here.3. a: 怎么用英语提醒别人“小心、当心、留神”:    b: look out!/watch out!4. a: 怎么用(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)英语说“对不起,打扰了!”    b: excuse me.5. a: can i use your pencil?    b: no problem.6. a: 怎么用英语说:“祝“三八”妇女节快乐!”    b: happy women’s day! 7. a: 怎么用英语说:“祝儿童节快乐!”    b: happy children’s day!unit 61. a: look at the elephant.    b: wow, it’s so big!2. a: i have a monkey.       b: cool. / super. / wow.  3. a:“它有一条长尾巴”英语怎么说:    b: it has a long tail.


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