高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)


高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)

高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 unit 5)一、单词拼写1.living conditions in the camp were pretty_____________(原始)2.a lot of _____________(分析)of the accident showed what had happened.3.he is very ____(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)_________(有条理的)in all he does.4. the other day the crowd a__________ his wonderful performance for five minutes.5. it’s polite to i________ others when they are talking.6. after another glass of wine,i began to feel d_______________7. the knife needs s____________; when i cut it up meat, it doesn’t work well.8. it is impossible to i__________ the man among so many people.9.he is making a _________________(试探性的)plan.10.pay attention to the _________ (标点符号)of this sentence.二、单项选择11. ---sorry to ________ you, but could i ask you a quick question?  --- no problem.  a. worry      b. prevent        c. interrupt       d. disappoint12. he has made a ________offer –he will make it clear as soon as possible.  a. sure   b. certain    c. tentative     d clear13. some people act regardless _________what will happen afterwards.a. of      b. with       c. as        d. for14. -- where does mr. green come from?   --- i’m not sure, but his accent ____________ australia.  a. suggests    b. sounds    c. advises     d. shows15. --dad, i'm confused what i am going to do after graduation.  --you'd better first explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out __________ your real interests lie.a. what         b. where            c. in which         d. how16. don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself. be optimistic and ________.  a. look at      b. look forward        c. look ahead       d. look behind17. the butcher is skilled at _________ the pork.   a. cutting down   b. cutting up  . cutting off    d. cutting out18. he hurried to the station only ______ that the train had left.    a. to find     b. finding      c. found      d. to have found19. in ______ archaeology you will often be asked to write a description of the artifacts(人工制品) that have been found in ______ excavation.


高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)
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文章名称:高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 5)





