Unit 9 My fancy RoomUnit 9 My fancy RoomUnit 9 My fancy Room


Unit 9 My fancy Room

Unit 9 My fancy Room

unit 9 my fancy room一、单元教材分析:本教材是北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材版英语第12册(七年级下学期用),本单元是本册书的第九单元——my fancy room。单元话题具体内容围绕着“rooms in homes”展开,功能主要是“describing space,house,rooms;material measurement”,语法内容是地点介词和不定代词。本单元共有四个部分:第一部分listening and speaking,第二部分reading and writing,第三部分language in use,第四部分self-assessment and bonus reading。关于描述地点的方位介词,本教材在第11册starter部分有过初步简单的涉及,本单元将进行进一步的学习。

二、单元教学目标:1. 知识目标:a) 词汇:能够听说读写的词汇:sofa, toy, lamp, table/desk lamp, bedroom, dining room, living room, study等。能够听说认读单词:closet, centimeter, design。b) 语法:preposition of place; indefinite pronounsc) 功能:describing space,house,rooms;material measurementd) 话题:rooms in homes

2.技能目标:a) 听:能够听懂有关描述虚拟主机及居室的听力材料。b) 说:能够运用已有知识谈论有关虚拟主机及居室的相关内容。c) 读:能够读懂关于描写虚拟主机及居室方面的文章。d) 写:能够写出一篇关于描述虚拟主机或居室房间的小短文。

3.学习策略目标:  1)通过课堂观察帮助学生形成听前预测和通过记笔记把握听力关键信息的学习策略;  2)通过运用图表Lenovo记忆相关单词,培养学生记忆单词的学习策略;  3)通过课堂阅读训练,培养学生粗读,略读,精读的学习策略。(具体阅读策略见课时计)。

4.情感态度目标:  通过本单元的学习,培养学生养成良好的生活习惯。

三、单元教学重点难点1.教学重点 1)四会掌握本单元重点词汇。2)听懂有关描述虚拟主机及居室的听力材料。3)用所学的词汇及目标语言谈论与居室相关的话题。4)读懂有关描述居室的文章。5)方位介词的正确恰当应用。6)写一篇有关描述居室的文章。

2.教学难点 1)怎样描述居室。 2)方位介词的正确恰当应用。 3) 怎样书写一篇有关描述居室的文章。

四、课时教学设计表 part i----listening and speakingteaching objectives:knowledge objectives:   1. all the students will be able to understand the meaning and pronounce the followindowsg words correctly: sofa, toy, lamp, table lamp, living room, bedroom, study, against, dictionary, telephone, map, blanket, pillow, between, alarm clock, bookshelf and share. some of the students may master the words in four skills.  2. most of students will be able to get the main idea and details through listening.  3. most of students will be able to describe rooms simply by using of the target language: where is the sofa? it is against the wall.etc.

ability objectives:  1. students will be able to understand the listening materials about describing rooms.  2. students will be able to talk about rooms by what the have learnt.共2页,当前第1页12

Unit 9 My fancy Room

learning strategy objectives:1. students will be able to know how to remember words by pronunciation and word map.2. students will be able to know to predict before listening.3. students will be able to know how to make notes during listening.

 moral objectives:  students will be able to have the consciousness to form good habits of life after this class.

key points and difficult points: 1. understand the listening materials about describing rooms.2. to know how to describe rooms.teaching procedure

教学活动       教师活动     学生活动       设计意图 时间安排

step 1pre-listening show some pictures about rooms and ask the students what they are about. then write “rooms” onto the bb and ask “when you see this word, what other words can you think of in your mind? ” then talk about a picture to revise some prepositions they knew.

 look at the pictures and answer the questions. 利用word map形式激活学生原有的相关词汇,进而利用图片学习新词汇,为听力做好话题和语言上的铺垫。 


step 2while-listening 1. go through part 3 of this lesson and ask the students to predict what is about. then ask them to listen to the dialogue for the first time and check their prediction.2. ask ss to listen to the dialogue for the second time and then tick the answers.3. ask ss to listen to the recording for the third time and fill in the blanks. 1. have a look at part3 and predict, then listen and check their prediction.

2. listen and tick.

3.fill in the blanks




15minsstep 3post-listening 1.  ask students to ask and answer questions according to the pictures and words that are given.2. ask ss to make an interview about their rooms.3. ask at least 3 students to present their result of the interviews. 1. ask and answer in pairs.

2. work in pairs and prepare the presentation.3.  listen and give evaluation. 操练本课的目标语。

运用新语言,检测学习效果,引导学生评价。 5mins

15minsstep 4sum-up 1. sum up what we learned.2. homework:  ask ss to write down their interview. sum up in pairsand then talk about it together 小结本课内容 5mins



Unit 9 My fancy Room
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