Where is the post officeWhere is the post officeWhere is the post office


Where is the post office

Where is the post office

unit 1 where’s the post office?no. 110 middle school of chongqing  by cao yiteaching goal:1. general aims:   a. ask for directions on the street   b. give directions on the street2. particular aims:  a. language focus.  (1). ask the way on the avenue.  (2). show the directions on the street.b. language goals(1). is there a bank near here?   yes, there’s a bank on center street.(2). where’s the supermarket?   it’s next to the library.(3). is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?   yes, it’s on bridge street on the right.(4). go down off the fifth avenue.(5) . take a walk straight.c. language structures:(1). special question with where(2). there be …. (pay attention to be singular or plural)(3). preposition with position(4). sentence with yes.d. useful words and phrases:  words: hotel, bank, park, supermarket, street, avenue, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy, left, right, near, pay  phrases: post office, video arcade, next to, pay phone, across from, between…and, turn left /right, go straight, take a walk, excuse me, go through, take a taxi, arrive at/ine. grammar language: (1). there be … (2). where is the place? (3). position prepositionf. learning strategies: (1). using what you know (2). inferring contentg. interdiscipinary: (1). geography (2). art (3). societyh. emotion and manner: (1). expression (2). help othersteaching time: 6 periodsteaching procedures:

                   period one (p1)step 1: warming up1. greeting  first wish the class have a happy, healthy new year.2. warming up  what do you do during the spring festival?step 2 presentation1. leading-in  for example: (say to myself)  i go to nanping park. i go down the shanhu avenue, there is a hotel, a bank, two pay phones and so. turn left and go straight to the jiefang street. it’s on my right.  draw a picture and write down some places on the blackboard as i am talking.2. teaching the new words.post office, video arcade, pay phone, bank, supermarket, hotel, library, street, straight, turn, left, rightstep 3: practice1. ask students to act out about turn left/right. (each team every time, at last only one who windowss gets a award.)2. section a 1a readingask ss to read the places and match the words with the pictures.3. guess the place where i am.共5页,当前第1页12345

Where is the post office

for example:i am standing here. (point to the picture) go down bridge street and turn left at the first crossing. go along fifth avenue. it’s on my right. it’s next to library. where am i going?show them in the screen.4. ask ss to follow the conversation above and complete the conversation.5. have the line in the classroom as the street and desks as the buildings and practice the conversation above. (1). teacher tells four students each time to act out, others judge if they walk in the street correctly. (2) ask ss to judge “wrong” or “right”.6. section a 1b listeningplay the recorder, ask ss to circle the place they hear on the picture in 1a.7. pairwork: have ss ask and answer the question followindowsg 1c about other places in picture.step 4: homework1. copy the words in 1a.2. make a conversation like 1c.

step 5: classwork: translation:1. 图书馆在超市的对面。               2. 公园在银行的旁边。3. 超市在第五大街上。4. 投币电话在数码游戏中心和超市之间。design blackboard:unit 1.  where’s the post office?1. is there a …near here?     between … and…2. where’s the …?   next to  it’s on /across from …  on the left /rightteaching note after class:

period two (p2)step 1: revisionrevise the words of 1a using the followindowsg pictures.

   sixth                    avenue

step 2: presentation1. teach these words using the pictures:across from   next to    between…and   on2. help them make sentences with these words.  the hotel is across from the bank.  the cinema is between the hotel and the library.  video arcade is next to the supermarket.step 3: practice1. section 2a reading  get the students to read the sentences in the box first. then match each sentence with one of the pictures.2. section a 2b listening and understanding  first read the words in the box together.  play the recording twice for the students to write down the words they hear.  play again, let the class know these conversations:  ---where is …?  --- it is …  ---is there a …?  ---yes, …3. section a 2c oral practicelet the students look at the picture of page 1.   ask and answer in pairs (or in a t-s way)   then ask several students to repeat some of their conversations for the class.共5页,当前第2页12345

Where is the post office

step 4 homework1. copy and master the sentences in 2b.2. finish sentences in 2bstep 5 classwork1. choose the best answer:(1). my best friend sits next _____ me.   a. to     b. on     c. in     d. beside(2). is _____ a bank near the library?   a. have     b. there    c. has      d. there(3). ---is there a bike in the supermarket?   ---_______.   a. yes, it is        b. no, it isn’t    c. yes, there isn’t   d. yes, there is2. translation:(1). 附近有一个公园吗?是的,在旅馆和邮局之间有一个。(2). 公用电话在哪里?在学校的对边。teaching note after class:

period three (p3)step 1 revision1. using a map of our school to revise the words of 2b.2. revise the conversation:---where is the …?---it is ….

step 2 presentation1. say: the post office, bank, supermarket are in my school’s neighborhood.  i am at school. i want to go to the bank. how can i get there?  teach the students to describe directions using the followindowsg: go/ walk straight, turn left /right, on the left /right, go /walk down the street fore example: go straight and turn right. it’s on the jiefang street. it’s on the left. the bank is next to the supermarket.2. practice:  ask the students to practice more description of directions. make sure they learn it well.step 3 practice1. section a 3a reading  have the students read the conversation together.  ask one of the students to put the conversation into chinese.  remind the students of the expressions in the table.  draw the route pointed by nancy and find out the position where nancy and paul are standing.2. section a 3b writing   tell the class these three pairs are in the picture above and find them in it. the first pair is on the corner of the new street. the second pair is across from the first. the third pair is on the corner of the bride street.  ask the students to have a discussion first and then make sentences after the model of 3a.step 4 gamepractice using the target language:  ---is it + position + place?  ---yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.let students look at the picture of p1(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) ask and give directions in groups of four.step 5 homework1. stabilities of the words.2. make the sentences according the picture in 1a.共5页,当前第3页12345

Where is the post office

step 6 classwork1. complete the conversation a: excuse me, is there a bank ____(1) the neighborhood? b: yes. just _____(2) straight and ______(3) left. it’s down the second avenue _____(4) the right. it’s next _____ (5) a post office. a: ____(6) there a supermarket near it? b: yes. it’s _____(7)from the bank. a: thank you very much. b: you’re ______(8)2. make a sentence.(1). the, neighborhood, is, a, post, office, in, there________________________________________(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)__________?(2). next, the, to, it, is, library____________________________________________?(3). bank, is, a, pay, there, the, park, between, phone, and, the________________________________________________________?teaching note after class:

period four (pp4-5)step 1 revision1. revise the conversation of section a 3a2. make sure they can use these phrase correctly.go/walk straight, turn left /right, on the right /leftstep 2 presentation1. teach the followindowsg description words by the picture of section b 1a.  big /small, clean /dirty, busy /quiet/ noisy, new /old2. section b 1a  read the words aloud.  say each word’s meaning.  then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.step 3 practice   section b 1b first, read the dialogue together. second, work in pairs according to the model.  ask some students to present their dialogues for the class.step 4 listening1. play the recording the first time, ask students to circle the places they hear in 1a.check answer. (shorten)  2. play it again. this time draw a map of micheal’s neighborhood in the box.step 5 pairwork    1. let students show the maps of their family houses.      then tell their partners where they live.    2. ask one or two students to talk about their family locations in class, the other students draw maps of their families.3. check if the maps are correct.step 6. reading    1. reading the passage by themselves and find out the new words or the points they can’t understand.the new words: garden district take a walk through  pass  beginning tour    2. read the passage together. ask them to circle the description words.3. read after the tape and then read it together.step 7. homework1. use the old words to describe your own house2. complete the passage in 3bstep 8. classwork1. write the followindowsg forms共5页,当前第4页12345

Where is the post office

(1). dirty(opposite)         (2). beginning (v)         (3). tour(job)(4). pass (past form)        (5). old(opposite)         (6). visit (gernous)2. change into english1.玩得高兴             2. 在长椅上              3. 一家古老的旅馆4. 在你住的附近        5. 一条繁忙的街道         6. 散步3. written  describe your neighborhood and draw a map of itteaching note after class:

period five (pp5-6)step 1 check     check the students’ dialogues and maps.step 2 reading and writing    1. students look at the picture of 3b. ask them to describe the picture.2. let students read the passage of 3b and fill in the blanks.show the correct answers  (shorten)3. if necessary, explain some difficult points:   have fun =have a good time    busy  be busy v-ing sth or with sth    enjoy sth, enjoy v-ing sth, enjoy oneself   ifstep 3 revision   shelf check 1   1. read aloud together     then talk about their meaning one by one     find out their opposite of the words in 12. reading and drawindowsg   have the students read the e-mail by themselves. find out the new words in the passage.   words: airport,  pass,  arrive, yours taxi   phrase: take a taxi, turn left, on your right, go through   try to understand the meaning of the e-mail   get the students to draw the route from the airport to mike’s house.   check answers.   ask the students to read e-mail together.step 4 just for fun   read the dialogue in two halves.   question: who breaks the mobile phone?step 5 homework   do the study guide in chongqingteaching note after class:

period sixtesting (weekly paper and nan’an paper)




Where is the post office
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