



unit 6 some stories are more interestingthan the others.teaching aims:1. can listen and say new words and phrases: a piece of meat,butcher, dropped, bridge, better.2. can listen, understand and say the text.3. know about the “more +adj”,can say the sentences“it ’s  more ... than...  ”important and difficult point:1. understand and say the text.2. can repeat the text.3. sentences pattern:  he likes some books more than others.    some stories are more interesting than others.it is more exciting than swimming in a pool.teaching aids: tape, computer. period 1 teaching procedures:step 1 warming up1.      greeting.2.      review the words. is          wasgive         gavetake         took carry        carriedwalk         walkedsee           sawhave          hadthink         thoughtopen         openedwant         wanteddrop         droppedlose          lost step 2  presentation 1.      look at the computer.   what does peter like doing?t: oh! peter likes reading. he likes stories. he also likes readingstories to his friends. now listen to him.2.  listen to the tap(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)e.t:  at  last , what happened? step 3 teach 1.  t: at  last ,the dog lost the piece of meat.  the piece ofmeat dropped into the water.2.  teach word: a piece of meat, drop, dropped,3.  show a picture, t: what’s the man’s job?  where is he?he is a butcher. he is on the bridge.3.      teach words: butcher, bridge. step 41.      listen to the recording again.2.      understand the text.3.      answer the teacher’s questions.who gave the dog a piece of meat?what did the dog see in the river?4.      complete the part c.a                       b共3页,当前第1页123


1. peter likes              its piece of meat.2. he is reading            another dog in the water.3. the dog saw             to his friends.4. the dog dropped          reading. step 5  intensive readingread after recording sentence by sentence. homework:   listen and copy words.   period 2teaching procedures:step 1  warming up1.      greeting.2.      review. review these words : a piece of, butcher, dropped, bridge, better.more---less , interesting---boring.3 . repeat the story. step 2   presentation and drill1.  t: oh! it is hot today. i want to go swimming. i like swimming  in a pool.  i also like swimming in the sea. it’s exciting.teach “pool, exciting.”2.   watch tv.t: he likes swimming in the sea.  it is more exciting than swimming in a pool.3.  discuss in pairs and complete the part d.①             he likes reading an english book.it is more interesting than reading a chinese book.②             she likes watching television.it is less boring than listening to music. step 3  practice  and  consolidation:which club would you like ?  why?  (in our school,there are many clubs:play the  piano /sing /dance /play basketball /football/  )ss: i like playing the piano,  it’s  more interesting  than sing. ... homework :    listen and read.   period 3teaching procedures:step 1  greetings: step2  review 1. review words : worried, tired, expensive, friendly, helpful. step 3  practice1.look at the part e. listen to the tape. tick the correct picture.(1)who is more worried?  (mrs he )(2)who is less tired? (john  )(3)whose watch is more expensive? (john’s )(4)who is less friendly? (sarah )(5)who is more helpful? (sally )2.  write a sentence about the other picture.(1)mrs he is more worried than mrs tang.(2)john is less tired than james.(3)john’s watch is more expensive than tony’s watch.(4)sarah is less friendly than may.(5)sally is more helpful than david.共3页,当前第2页123


3.  read after the tape.4.  ss  try  to  change the sentences with “more and less”: mrs he is more worried than mrs tang.--- mrs he is less happy  than mrs tang. . . . step 3  do their exercises.homework:listen and copy.   后记:在上个单元“there are more shops in picture one”中学习“more 、fewer、less”的比较级形式以及相关句型的应用时,教材上和实际教学活动中采用较多的是用实物、动作等将比较级的概念传授给学生,并通过鼓励学生结合实际情况进行举例、操练的方式加深巩固。但本单元更加大难度,要掌握的是双音节和多音节形容词的比较级需用“more”获“less”加在形容词前面来构成。 相对前一单元来说,不光单词难度加大,并内容也不如前一单元直观形象。课文仅有引子部分与重点难点结合紧密,因此我认为在教学课文时,完全可以抛开其他,把文章好好利用进行阅读训练,再利用其他课时专门攻克难点句型;同时,尽量把比较内容形象化。例如,把peter的story book 和science book相比,把海洋中畅快逐浪与游泳池中缩手缩脚比较等。      此阶段学生抽象思维还不够强,但是呢求知欲较强,适合于利用事实来建立概念、动口实践等学习办法。此外,他们具有一定的听说读写的英语基本能力:并在前几课中已经有了形容词比较级的基本概念,对该知识点并不陌生,所以可以在教学过程中用旧知识牵引新知识。本节课注重引导学生从机械模仿到活用,设置与实际相符的活动,尽可能使活动的内容个性化。同时让学生接触与本节课语法相关的真实语言材料,在对话操练中活用该语法。但是呢一定要帮助学生好好理解“more---less , interesting---boring”这两对反义词组合后的实际意义。       对话表演在英语教学中是比较常用的办法之一,是提高学生英语学习兴趣以及口语交际能力的办法之一。但是呢,在实际的教学过程中,受学生英语水平、课堂时间限制等问题,往往不能得到有效的操练。特别是六年级学生,表达的积极性已有所下降,对自己的英语水平不够自信而羞于开口,加上课堂时间有限,更多的时间偏向于笔头练习,平时的口语操练也只是一些free talk、ask and answer。在这方面可能还需多多思考。 



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