七年级英语Nice to meet you教学案七年级英语Nice to meet you教学案七年级英语Nice to meet you教学案


七年级英语Nice to meet you教学案

七年级英语nice to meet you教学案g7m2u3 teaching contents: module 3 unit 3 language in usematerial or student analysis:  students need to practice “can you/he/she----?”and “yes/no”again and again, so that they can use them fluently. it is difficult for the students to remember the words in this unit . then it is necessary to check them again and again.studying aims:  to summarise and practice the language covered in this module  to review and check vocabulary  to complete a task about personal informationimportant or difficult points:  can you /he/she-------?  yes,-----./ no,-----.teaching steps:1 warming up  let the students show their family photo and introduce their family photo.  first loot at the family photo and say the sentences individually with a partner. for example:this is my family .these are my parents. my father is a worker and he can play basketball.  then a few students say the sentences in the class.2 in put  let the students look at the pictures. say what daming and you can do and can’t do.  look at the example and ensure that the students know what to do.  ask them to write the sentences individually, then to check their sentences with a partner.  ask the students to call out their answers to the whole class.3 practice  look at the pictures and complete the sentences.  look at the example and ensure that the students know what to do.  ask them to write the sentences individually, then check with a partner.  call back the answers as complete sentences in a whole class setting.4 out put  let the students match the jobs with the work places.  ask the students to call out their answers to the wh(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ole class.  let the students discuss what they can do.5 feedback this unit ismainlyabout “ can “ .the students need to use “ can “ make sentences. [见达标题]6 summing up i think the most students can make sentences with “ can “.and lots of  students  can make aconversation.7 homework let the students finish off the activity 5 complete the personal information about their partner. 达标题一  用 can 和 can’t 填空1 ______daming play football?yes, he ______.2 ______mary swim? no , she ________.3 jack is from america. he ____speak chinese.4 we _____ play table tennis. we all play it well.二 补全对话a: hello, litao ! what’s your ___1__?b: i like ___2_ to music . what ___3_ you?a: i am___4_ in drawing ,and i can _5__well. b: i like horses __6__ ___7___. can you draw a horse ___8_me?a: of __9__.b: __10_ you.keys:一1can;can 2 can can’t 3can’t 4 can二 1 hobby 2 listening 3 about 4 interested 5 draw 6 very 7 much 8 for 9 course 10 thank单元检测题一 单项选择1 this woman is ______mother.a  zhou na and zhou hongb  zhou na’s and zhou hong’sc  zhou na’s and zhou hongd  zhou na  and zhou hong’s2 come and meet the _______!a home b family c house d people3tom can’t _____-but peter ______.a dancing ;can    b dances;canc dance;can’t     d dance;can4 welcome______my school.a in b to c at d for5 the girls ______english well and they like______english.a speak;learning        b speaks;  to learnc speaks;learns         d speaking;learning6 ---what’s your hobby?-----my _______  _______ playing basketball and swimming.a hobby is  b hobbies are c hobbys is d hobbys are7 gina is my friend .she can play ____piano.a a   b /   c the   d an8 i have a cat._____name is mimi.a it  b it’s  c it’s   d its9 “sit down ,please.” “_______”a fine,tha(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)nks       b helloc thank you        d ok10 ---what are these?  ----______pencils.a they’re  b these’re  c it’s   d there’re二、句型转换1 my father is a farmer.,(对划线部分提问)  ______ your father?2 put the book on the desk.(改为否定句)____  _____ the book on the desk.3dick’s. mother works in a factory. (对划线部分提问)

 _____  _____dick’s mother _____?4 miss liu is their english teacher. (对划线部分提问)

 ______ _______their english teacher?5  his grandpa is fine . (对划线部分提问)

______  _______ his grandpa?三 完形填空 this is a photo __1__ my family. ____2_man is my father and the  __3___  is my mother . the ____4_ in front of my mother __5___my sister . the __6__ are my brothers . __7____ is the girl in front of my father ? __8___ me . what a nice ___9_!  i ___10_my family very much !1  a at b on  c of   d with2  a the  b a  c an   d its3  a boy  b man  c picture  d woman4  a girl   b boy  c man   d  woman5  a are   b be    c its  d  is6  a girls  b boys   c boy d desks 7  a who  b what   c how  d where8  a its   b it’s   c  is   d they’re9  a room b desk   c chair  d photo10  a look like    b  thank  &nbsp(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容); c  like    d likeskeys一 1d 2 a 3 d 4b 5 a 6 a 7 c 8 d 9 c 10 a二 1what’s 2 don’t put 3 where is work 4 who is 5 how is三 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 a 5 d 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 d 10


七年级英语Nice to meet you教学案
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