高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习


高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习

高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习

高二英语unit18 inventions知识点总复习教案section iii  词汇语法、综合技能22. anywhere we go, we pan hear the ringing of a cell- phone.我们无论到哪里,都能听到手机的铃声。(p.62第一段第二行)  ▲ anywhere是副词,意为“无论何地”,此处用来引导地点状语从句,相当于一个连词,意思和wherever或no matter where相近。① i'll take you anywhere you like.我将带你到你喜欢的任何地方。② anywhere you go, it is all the same.无论你到啥地方都一样。③ you can camp anywhere you like these days.如今你可以喜欢在哪儿宿营就在哪儿宿营。④ anywhere i go, i find the same thing.不管我走到哪里,我都发现同样的情况。【注】在英语中,副词起到连词的作用,用来引导状语从句很常见。如:directly,instantly,immediately等。如:① i came immediately you called. 你一来电话我就来了。② directly he said those words, there was a dead silence.他刚说完这些话,大家就立刻沉默下来。③ the machine will start instantly you press the button.你一按电钮,机器就会开动。④ i knew something was wrong immediately i arrived. 我一到就知道出事了。⑤ we came directly we got your telephone.我们一接到你的电话就来了。⑥ instantly i saw him, i knew he was the man the police were looking for.我一看到他就知道他正是警察在寻找的男子。  【注】the moment,the minute,the instant和the second等名词也可以这样用。如:① telephone me the instant you get the results.你一得到结果就给我打电话。② i recognized her the minute i saw her. 我一看到她就把她认出来了。③ he liked the painting the instant he saw it.他一看到这幅画,就喜欢上它了。④ the moment i came into the room, i found the old man lying on the floor, panting.  我一进屋子,就发现那老人躺在地上,气喘吁吁的。23. a computer’s “memory” is similar to human memory in some ways, but… 电脑的记忆在某些方面和人脑的记忆是相似的…(p.63第二段第六行)▲ similar(1) adj. 相似的(常作表语和主语) the products of these two factories are similar. 这两家工厂的产品很相似。we have similar opinions. 我们都有类似的意见。(2) 用法上,be similar后接介词to,英语不跟with your situation is similar to mine.你的处境与我的相似。(【注】similar的反义词是different,其后跟介词from。如:① this is a different girl from the one he used to go out with.这个姑娘不是他过去交往的那个姑娘。② i couldn't help being different from when i left school.我与当年离开校园时的我判若两人,这是不可避免的。【注】请注意similar与same的区别,英语前者表示“大致相同”“十分相像”,而后者则意为“完全一样”“没有变化”。如:① we've still got the same problem as we had before.我们现在和过去一样存在同一个问题。② the two cars ate similar in appearance, but the new one is more brightly coloured. 这两部车看起来差不多,但那部新的颜色更亮些。共3页,当前第1页123

高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习

  【注】请注意similar与familiar的差异,后者意为“熟悉的”。当主语是物时,familiar后也接介词to。如:① your name is very familiar to me.你的名字我很熟悉。② french is familiar to him as english. 他对法语就像英语一样熟悉。英语③ these folk songs are familiar to the local people. 这些民歌是当地人很熟悉。英语  【注】当人作主语时,即表示某人对某物熟悉时,familiar后接介词with。如:① i'm of course familiar with his works.我当然对他的作品很熟悉的。② she has become familiar with the house. 她对这房子得很熟悉了)辨析:similar,like与alikesimilar指有明显的共同性质但不完全一致或同一。like指事物在外貌、性质或特征上非常相似以致区别不开,但并非同一。英语alike意义同like,但只能作表语。a similar mistake occurs at the end of the paragraph. 这一段末尾有一个类似的错误。like thinking produces like ideas. 相似的思维产生相似的主张。he and his brother are very alike. 他们兄弟俩太相似了。英语Lenovo:(派) similar adj. 类似的  similarly adv. 类似地 similarity n. 类似英语24. after all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do sth. we could not do before. 不管怎么样,使一项新发明成为如此奇妙的事情就在于他可以让我们做以前不能做的事情。(p.63第二段倒数第二行) 英语▲ after all 毕竟。归根到底英语(1) 毕竟,到底 he is a good man after all. 毕竟他是一个好人。英语(2) 在句首时,常译为“别忘了”。after all, my son's birthday is in two weeks’ time. 别忘了,我儿子的生日还有两周时间。英语拓展:above all 尤其是;all in all 完全,整个地;and all 等等; at all 全然,根本;first of all 首先 in all总计;not at all 一点也不英语辨析:after all,at all 与 in all英语  after all意思是“终究”“毕竟”。如:① after all, i've nothing to be ashamed of. 说到底,我没有啥可羞愧的。  ② so you see i was right after all. 因此你知道最后还是我对。③ what harm does it do after all? 它到底有啥害处? ④ after all, he's only six years old. 他毕竟才六岁。【注】注意: after all与at all和in all的区别。英语① at all用在否定句中,以强化否定语气,表示“一点儿也不”“完全没有”。如:① it will do you no harm at all. 这对你完全没有害处。② i'm not interested in it at all. 我对这毫无兴趣。英语② at all可用于疑问句、条件句中起强调作用,意为“真的”“竟然”“确实”等。如:① are you going to do it at all?你真的准备这样做吗? ② if you want to discuss with me at all, give me a ring. 英语如果你确实想同我商量,可以打个电话给我。英语  ③ in all用来表示“总计”。如:① there are four questions in all. 总共有四个问题。② how much is it in all? 总共多少钱?) 英语25. now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace,… 既然我们如此高速地发展着新技术… (p.63第三段第二行) 英语共3页,当前第2页123

高二英语Unit18 Inventions知识点总复习

▲ now that既然,由于 表示原因 now that you are grown-up, you must 英语stop this childish behavior. 既然你已长大,你必须停止这种幼稚的行为。now that he is well again, he can go on with his english study. 既然恢复了健康,他就可以继续学习英语。英语【注】口语中now that中的that可省略。英语拓展:now and then 时而,不时;from now on 从现在起;just now 刚才;now then (位于句首,表警告、抗议或引起注意) 喂;up to now 直到现在英语Lenovo:now n. 现在past n. 过去future n. 未来 present n. 目前英语辨析:now that 与 once 引导的状语从句英语 now that意为“既然”“由于”;once意为“一旦”,它们在句中起连词作用,引导时间状语从句。如: ① now that you mention it, i do remember. 你一提,我就想起来了。② now that we have decorated the house, 英语 we can move in. 既然房子已装修好,我们就可以搬进去了。③ once over the pass, you will see the town before you.一过关口,你就会看到那座城市呈现在你面前。英语 ④ i'll tell him once i see him. 我一看到他就告诉他。⑤ now that the rain has stopped, we call leave. 雨既然停了,我们就可以走了。⑥ now that you are settled, why don't you take up some serious study? 既然你已经安顿下来,为啥你不开始正式地学些东西呢? ⑦ once she arrives, we can start. 她一到我们就可以动身了。⑧英语once you show any fear, he will attack you.你一表现出恐惧,他就要攻击你。英语【注】now that中的that可省略。英语共3页,当前第3页123


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