


unit 1-5复习学案knowledge aims: the use of important words and phrases in unit1-5ability aim: can talk about the following things1.  how to study2.  what you used to be like3.  what you are allowed to do4.  imaginary situations5.  make inferencesmain and difficult points: 1.the grammar in the five units                     2. the topics in the five unitslearning steps:step 1:情景导入pair work: practice the conversations with the following structures1.  — how do you do sth.?—well, i do sth by doing sth.2.  — sb used to do sth.—     yes, he did. and he does sth now.3.  — i think sb should be allowed to do sth—     i agree\disagree. i think….4.  — what would you do if you had a million dollars?—     i’d do sth.—     if i were you , i’d do sth.5.  — whose sth is this?— it must be tom’s.\it might belong to tom.step2:自主学习: 复习掌握下列短语和句型并安要求造句1. 为考试而学习_________________2.和朋友一起学习                 3.听录音带____________________4.制作抽认卡________________________5.向老师请教___________________6.读课本__________________________7.制作词汇表                           8.看英文录象________________________9.和朋友练习对话___________ 10、大声朗读练习发音___________________11.和小组一起学习              12、learn a lot that way _________________13. improve my speaking skills                                           14. too hard to understand the voices                                      15.过去常常做某事                    16.加入游泳俱乐部                      17.be afraid of sth\doing sth=be afraid to do sth=be terrified to do sth   害怕某事或害怕做某事eg:                                                      18.in the past few years=in the last few years =these years=over the years  这几年来(常用于现在完成时态)19.it seems that+句子  sb\sth seems to do 某人\某物好像,似乎… sb\sth seems + adj   某人\某物好像…eg:                                                     20.get into trouble with sb.  与某人发生争吵21.to one’s surprise    令某人吃惊的是22.take pride in =be proud of   以…为骄傲23.afford to do sth  负担得起干某事 常与can\could 连用eg:                                                  24.应该被允许做某事  should be allowed to do stheg:                                                  25.让人扎耳朵眼  get one’s ears pierced26.不够严肃  not serious enough 27在周末  on weekends28.fail to pass a test  没有通过考试29.对某人\某事要求严格   be strict with sb\in stheg:                                                     30.the other day 前两天   31.更专心于concentrate more on 32.have an opportunity to do \of doing sth =have a chance to do\of doing sth.  有机会做某事]eg:                                                      33.休假 have…off eg:                                    34.make one’s own decisions= make decisions for oneself  自己做决定 eg:                                       35.实现某人的梦想 achieve one’s dreams36.对…热衷 be serious about sth\doing sth37.把它赠给慈善机构  give it to charity38.在公共场合 in public =in public places39.请求许可 ask one’s permission40.介绍某人(某物)给某人 introduce sth\sb to sb41.偶然的、无意的 by accident42.大量的、许多的 plenty of43.属于 belong to(sb) eg:                                   44.叫醒某人 wake sb up eg:                               45.用完、用尽 use up =run out ofeg:                                                        46.比…少 less… than47.假装做某事 pretend to do sth eg:                       step3:合作互动:group work: make as many sentences as you can with the following grammar in groups.1.                 do sth by +doing sth.2.                 used to + do sth\be+adj\职业 3.                 should\can\must be done(含有情态动词的被动语态)4.                 sb would\shou(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ld\could\might+do sth if sb did(were)sth.5.                 sth must belong to sb=sth must be sb’sstep4:梳理归纳:1.         death n. 死亡 eg: the death of my dog makes me sad.die v. 死  dead adj. 死的 dying adj. 临死的 eg: the dying old man has a lot of money.2. used to 过去,过去经常  ① used to +do 表示已经过去的习惯和状态eg: he used to be a history teacher.i used to think that he is a great man.there used to be a river with a lot of water.② used to 的否定形式为:used not to or didn’t use to其疑问形式为:did…use to do…? or usedn’t … to do…?③ be used to do sth. “被用于做某事”④ be\become used to doing sth. “习惯做某事”⑤be used for doing sth. “用于、被用来做……”⑥be used as +名词 “被用来当作……”3.so do we.“我们也是”① 此句为倒装句,是由“so+助动词\系动词\情态动词+主语”表示前者所述的情况也适用于后者。“……也是如此”② 当前面一句为否定句时,用neither\nor+助动词\系动词\情态动词+主语”表示后者同前者“……也不……”③“so+主语+助动词\系动词\情态动词”用来加强语气,表示赞同,意思是“的确如此”eg: —he is a good boy.— so he is.step 5典题赏析1.you’ll fail your next exam         you start to work hard at your studies now. a. because   b. unless   c. so   d. why剖析:本题考查连词的用法,根据句意为“除非你现在努力学习,否则你下次考试将不及格”,故选b。2. all the students        the foreigner       their best friend when they had the english class.a. regard; as  b. regarded; as   c. regarded; for  d. regard; for剖析:本题考查regard…as 的用法。由后面从句的时态可以看出,前面的时态也要用一般过去时。故选b。step6中考链接(   )1. it       that it is going to rain.a. seem         b. seems       c. seemed     d. is seemed(   )2. the girl is lying on the grass, with her eyes _______       .a. opening      b. opened   c. to be opening   d. open (   )3. you can improve your english ________ reading more.a. in         b. with          c. by       d. of(   )4. when i was a child, i used to _________ strawberries..a. liking      b. like   &n(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)bsp; c. liked      d. likes(   )5. —what about playing football this afternoon, sam? —i would rather____at home than     football. it’s too hot outside.a. stay; playing  b. stay; play  c.to stay; to play  d.to stay; playing step 7能力提升书面表达  假如你叫lily,你的朋友李华来到美国学习,由于英语不够好,引起很多麻烦,请你给他写书信,帮助他解决问题。要求:1、字数80字左右2、字迹工整,条理清晰,语言连贯。


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