


总课时数 63 科目 高三英语 使用时间 .2主备人   使用人 课题名称 高三英语学生第二次自测题 (第二卷)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) u阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。 u[1]with the gaining popularity of the internet over the past 25 years, thousands of online schools have appeared across the us and canada ─some good and some not so much. the choices can be ________ , so let's start with some basic guidelines(指导方针)to choosing the right online school. [2]first and foremost, whether you are researching online colleges and universities, or traditional, campus-based colleges, you should make sure that your school is accredited(官方认可)by an agency recognized by either the united states department of education (usde) or the council for higher education accreditation (chea) or both. schools that are accredited by these agencies must pass the same strict standards as campus-based schools, and their educational worth is assured if they carry these qualities. [3]next, take a long and careful look at the specific online degree programs that are being offered. as an example, you will qualify to enroll in an online master degree program only if you have completed your undergraduate degrees. inquire as to the number of credit hours you will be required to commit in order to complete your chosen level of degree. [4]lastly, be sure to find out if there will be any on-site visit requirements anytime during the term of your online education, and where and when these visits are expected to take place. while most online courses can be completed at your own home, there are some that require the students' physical attendance for exams or practical demonstrations(证明;示范)where you must be present to prove acquired skills. those who are unable to travel or follow a strict timetable will be wise to take note of these types of requirements when choosing an online course of study. [5]with these guidelines i(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)n mind, you should have no trouble locating excellent online schools that will completely meet your educational goals. u1. what is the best title for the passage?(please answer within 10 words. ) u__________________________________________________________ u2. list all the conditions which the chosen online school should have briefly based on the text. (please answer within 10 words.) u________________________________________________________ u3. fill in the blank in paragraph 1 with proper words.(please answer within 6 words.) u __________________________________________________________ u4. which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? ualthough you can complete your most online courses without leaving home, some schools will require you to take exams or perform your acquired skills in chosen schools in person. u__________________________________________________________ u5. translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into chinese. u__________________________________________________________。 u第二节 写作(满分30分) u如今,“山寨”版的产品层出不穷,比如“山寨手机”、 “山寨服装” 、“山寨名人”等等,“山寨”正发展成为一种广受大众关注的文化现象。现某英文论坛在征集关于这一文化现象进行评论的稿件,请你根据以下提示,以“on shanzhai culture”为题目写一篇120-150词的短文。文化现象 山寨赞成者 “山寨”是平民化的时尚,它为人们提供了一个低价享用高端产品的机会反对者 “山寨文化”不应该提倡,它只是模仿、抄袭,扰乱市场你的观点 ? u u学生自测(二)参考答案 u1-5bbaac     6-10dddda     11-15bdccb   16-20 accbb u21-25 acacb     26-30 ddabc    31-35 bcdba   36-40accdb u41-45bccad     46-50baacd   51-55 bddac u1. basic guidelines to choosing an online school u2. qualified; offered degree programs; without practical demonstrations. u3. difficult/hard 或 difficult to make u4. while most online courses can be completed at your own home, there are some that require the students' physical attendance for exams or practical demonstrations where you must be present to prove acquired skills. u5.记住这些准则,你就会毫不费力地找到能完全达到受教育目的的极好的网络学校。 u写作(one possible version) uon shanzhai culture unowadays the concept of “shan zhai” started to extend form cell phones to other categories (from snacks to clothes, from celebrities to tv shows). as "shanzhai" culture gradually deepens in people's heart, there have been many arguments about it. usome people give it warm welcome, for it offers people an opportunity to enjoy a better life by using cool products at quite low prices. while some others think it unacceptable because they copy other’s design and sometimes are of poor quality. uin my opinion, we’d better be more tolerant and understand the trend, though contenting with it is not right. we should continue our steps in further creativity and innovation. only by making good use of "shanzhai" culture can we finally have our own new popular culture.  


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