Chapter 3 A success story (Reading 2)Chapter 3 A success story (Reading 2)Chapter 3 A success story (Reading 2)


Chapter 3 A success story (Reading 2)

chapter 3 a success story (reading 2)

一、翻译短语1. 对……负责                          2. 特别的事情3. 转折点                              4. 众人皆知5. 参加比赛                            6. 给某人一个机会7. 致力于……                          8. 在街上徘徊 二、单词拼写1. she makes up her mind about everything. she is very __________.2. the girl was unlucky. she was __________ by her parents when she was born.3. in 1975, mary __________ the miss hong  kong contest and won it.4. developing myself is my burning __________.5. please remember __________ an email to my brother for me tonight. 三、改写句子1. my parents used to live in the country. (对划线部分提问)  __________ __________ my parents use to live?2. none of us is a woman cook. (改为肯定句)  __________ of us are __________ cooks.3. you can’t watch tv unless you finish your homework. (改为同义句)  __________ you __________ finish your homework, you can’t watch tv.4. i don’t believe the smiths have been to the great wall. (改为反意疑问句)  i don’t believe the smiths have been to the great wall, __________ __________?5. i want to buy a house. its windows face south.  (合并为一句)  i want to buy a house __________ __________ face south. 四、阅读并回答问题all over the world people enjoy sports. sports help people to keep healthy, happy and help them to live longer.sports change with reason. people play different games in winter and summer. games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activit ies. they arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. football for example, has spread around the world. swimming is popular in all countr(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ies  near the sea or in those with many rivers.some sports or games go back thousands of years,like running or jumping. chinese boxing, for example, has a very lon g h istory. but basketball and volleyball are rather new. neither one is a hundred years yet. people are inviting new spo rts or games all the time. people from different countries may not understand each other, but aft er a game they often become good friends. sports help to train a person’s character. one learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with  grace (文雅).1. what can sports help people?  _________________________________________________________________.2. do the japanese people usually use the camels or horses in their sports?  _________________________________________________________________.3. swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many ri vers. how about skating or skiing?  _________________________________________________________________.4. which of the sports has a longer history, running or basketball?  _________________________________________________________________.5. how can sports help to train a person’s character?  _______________________________ __________________________________.  【试题答案】一. 翻 译短语:1. be responsible for2. something extraordinary 3. turning poi nt4. be on everyone’s lips5. enter the contest6. give somebody a chance7. devote…to8. wander the street 二. 单词拼写:1. independent 2. abandoned3. entered4. desire5. to send 三. 改写句子:1. where, did2. all, women3. if, don’t4. have they5. whose windows 四.  阅读并回答问题:1. it can help people to keep h ealthy, happy and live longer2. no   3. they are popular in the places where it’s very cold in winter with much snow or ice4. running5. one learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.


Chapter 3 A success story (Reading 2)
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