高二英语Making a difference教案高二英语Making a difference教案高二英语Making a difference教案


高二英语Making a difference教案

unit 1  making a differencesection ii  阅读8. imagine this: you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 想像一下:你已21岁,是世界上一流大学里很有前途的毕业生。(p.3 reading 第一段 第1行)(1) promising 是形容词,意为“有前途的,有希望的”。如: ① he is a promising new painter.他是位很有前途的新画家。② the weather looks promising. 天气看来有望好转。③ the wheat crop looks promising. 看来小麦有望获得好收成。【链接】promise作动词用时,可意为“有希望……,可能会(有)……”,后接名词或不定式。如: ① the rainbow promises fair weather. 彩虹表明将有好天气。② this year promises to be another good one for harvests. 今年看来又是个丰收年。(2) top用作形容词(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)时意为“顶的;顶上的;最高的;头等的”。如: ① when he studied in paris, he lived in a small room 0n the top floor. 在巴黎学习时,他住在顶层的一个小房间里。② we should drive at top speed in order to catch up with them. 要赶上他们,我们应以最快速度行驶。③ top officials 最高级官员④ the top news 头条新闻9. there did not seem much point in working on my phd — i did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。(p.3 reading 第二段 第1行)1) there did not seem...是there be句型的变体,类似情况还有: ① there appeared (to be) a war between them. 他们之间似乎有场战争。② there used to be a cinema here before the war. 战前这儿有一座电影院。③ there's sure to be someone in the room. 房间里肯定有人。④ there is said to be a debate among the students about the new rule. 有关这项新规定据说在学生中有一场辩论。⑤ once upon a time, there lived a man known by the name of joe. 从前有一个名叫乔的人。⑥ there came a knock at the door. 传来敲门声。⑦ in front of the school gate there stands an old tree. 校门前有一棵老树。⑧ there remains only twenty-eight pounds. 只剩28英镑。2) there's no point in doing sth. 表示“做某事没有作用或意义”。如: ① there's no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义。② there's very little point in protesting. it won't help much. 抗议没有什么用,于事无补。【拓展】point意为“作用,用处,道理,意义”。如: ① what's the point in telling her again? 再告诉她有什么用呢? ② i didn't see any point in his speech. 我看不出他的演讲有什么意义。【短语】come to the point 谈正题,谈主要问题; beside / off the point 不切正题,无关紧要; in point of fact 实际上,事实上; to the point 中肯,切题3) work on 意为“继续工作”,也可表示“从事于”。如: ① they'll work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作,直到日落。② he's working on a new novel. 他正在写一本新的小说。 【拓展】work 也可意为“影响,激起、努力说服”。如: ① this medicine will work on the affected part. 这药能对患部起作用。② she'll work on him to make him change his mind. 她将努力说明他改变主意。4) survive的用法回顾(1) vi. 活下来(没死掉) 如: ① of those wounded in the battle, only three survived. 战斗中受伤的人中只有3个活下来。② some animals can survive in the desert on very little water. 有些动物靠很少的水就能在沙漠上存活下来。(2) vt. (经过……)活下来,幸存 ① did anyone survive the earthquake? 有人在地震中活下来了吗? ② few birds managed to survive the winter last year. 去年冬天几乎没有鸟儿幸存下来。(3) vt. 比……活得长 ① the man survived his sister by three years. 那个人比他姐姐多活了3年。② he is survived by his wife and two sons. 他死了,他的妻子和两个儿子还活着。5)that long中的that相当于so,但语气比so强,译为“那么,如此”。如:① he was that weak he could hardly stand. 他那么虚弱,几乎站不住。② i like him but not that much. 我喜欢他但并不那么喜欢。【链接】this也有类似用法,译为“这么,这样”。如: ① the table is about this big. 桌子大约这么大。② we have walked this far without stopping. 我们一直不停地走了这么远。10. yet two years had gone by and 1 was not that much worse. 然而两年过去了,我并没有那么糟糕。(p.3 reading 第二段 第2行)go by 此处表示“(时间)过去”,相当于pass。如: ① time went by slowly. 时间慢慢地消逝。② many years have gone by since we first met. 我们初次见面迄(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)今已有好多年了。【拓展】 go by也可表示“从旁边经过”“(时机等)轻易放过” “依照,遵循” “凭……判断”。如: ① the parade went by us. 游行队伍从我们旁边走过。② don't let this opportunity go by. 不要放过这一机会。③ you should go by the rules. 你应该照章办事。④ to go by appearance, i would say an is well. 从表面看,我觉得一切都很好。11. in fact, things were going rather well for me and i had got engaged to a very nice girl, jane wilde. 事实上,对我来说事情很顺利,我与一个非常漂亮的女孩简•怀尔德订了婚。(p.3 reading 第二段 第3行)1) go well意为“进展顺利”,go是不及物动词,需用副词修饰。如: ① the meeting went badly. 会议进展情况很糟糕。② for the first winter things went smoothly enough. 第一个冬天,情况还算顺利。③ -- how is everything going? -- very well. — 各种情况进展如何? — 很好。【比较】go也可用作系动词,意为“变得(如何)”,后接形容词作表语,表示情况的变化并非人们所期望的。如: ① he has gone mad. 他疯了。② fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 热天鱼很快就坏了。③ she went pale at the news. 听到那个消息,她的脸白了。④ something has gone wrong with the machine. 机器出毛病了。 2) engage的用法(1)使订婚 engage sb. to sb. 使某人与某人订婚;  be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(表状态); get engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(表动作) ① john is engaged to mary. 约翰与玛丽订了婚。② he returned home to learn that his daughter had just got engaged. 他回到家才知道他女儿刚刚订了婚。【注意】engage与marry的用法相同。(2) 约定;雇用;使从事(engage oneself) ① she engaged herself to do the work. 她自愿承担这项工作。② she decided to engage a nurse to look after her baby. 她决定雇一个保姆照料她的幼儿。③ -- can you come 0n monday?-- no, i'm engaged. — 你星期一能来吗? — 不能,我有事。④ the line is engaged. 占线。【注意】be engaged in sth. / doing sth. 忙于(做)某事12. instead of giving up,hawking went on with his research, got his phd and married jane. nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. 霍金没有放弃,他继续从事研究,拿到了博士学位并娶了那位姑娘。他也没有让病魔阻止他过上他一直梦想的生活。(p.3 reading 第三段 第1行)(1) nor did he…是倒装句,表示否定意义的状语或表语等位于句首时,句子通常采用倒装结构。如: ① never did i dream of seeing him in america. 我真没想到会在美国见到他。② the first one wasn't good, and neither was the second. 第一个不好,第二个也不好。③ never before have so many people come to see him. 以前从没有这么多人来看望他。④ nowhere could i see him. 我到处都找不到他。⑤ not a single word did she say. 她一言未发。⑥ by no means should we look down upon the people who are inferior to us. 我们决不应该瞧来起那些地位比我们低的人。⑦ seldom does he quarrel with others. 他很少与别人争吵。(2) live the kind of life he had always dreamt of中life后是省去了关系代词that / which的定语从句,live a…life是live后接同源宾语的用法,其他如die,sleep等也有此种用法。如: ① he died a brave death. 他英勇就义。② we slept a sound sleep. 我们睡得很香甜。③ go to bed and dream a good dream. 上床做个好梦吧。13. hawking became famous in the early 1970s, when he and american roger penrose made new discoveries about the big band and black holes. 霍金在20世纪70年代初成名,那时他和美国的罗杰•彭罗斯做出了有关大爆炸与黑洞的新发现。(p.3 reading 第四段 第1行) 教育博客make可与很多名词构成固定搭配。如: make a study of... 研究……; make a clear explanation 做出清楚的解释; make a search for... 寻找; make a change 改变; make a suggestion 提出建议; make a new start 进行新的开始; make a choice 选择; make a decision 决定; make an answer 回答 (=make a reply); make a speech 演讲; make a mistake 出错; make an apology 道歉; make a trip 旅行; make preparations 准备; make repairs 修理; make tea 泡茶; make the bed(s) 铺床教育博客 14. since then, hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe. 从那时起,霍金继续寻求有关宇宙特性的问题的答案。(p.3 reading 第四段 第2行) 教育博客seek (sought,sought) vt. & vi. 寻找,探索,追求,请求 ① where can we seek shelter from the rain? 我们在哪儿找避雨的地方? ② he is going to canada to seek his fortune. 他要去加拿大发财。③ the reason is not far to seek. 道理很显然。④ i will seek my doctor's advice. 我将征求医生的意见。教育博客【注意】 seek后接动词时用不定式形式。教育博客they sought to kill him. 他们企图杀死他。【短语】seek for 试图获得;hide and seek 捉迷藏 ① we are seeking for a solution to the problem. 我们正在寻找解决问题的办法。② the gi(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)rls liked to play hide and seek. 那些女孩子喜欢捉迷藏。15. readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand. 看到一位科学家能把他的工作以一种普通人都能明白的方式写出来,读者们感到又高兴又吃惊。(p.3 reading 第四段 倒数第3行)(1) pleased意为“感到高兴的”。【辨析】pleased;pleasant;pleasing;pleasurepleased 表示某人感到高兴或满意。教育博客pleasant 说明某事令人高兴,侧重外界作用;指人时,表示讨人喜欢。教育博客pleasing 表示讨好的,取悦于人的,强调主观作用。pleasure 是名词,意为“快乐,愉快”。① are you pleased with his answer? 你对他的回答满意吗? ② i hope you'll have a pleasant holiday. 希望你过一个愉快的假期。③ he is a very pleasant person. 他很讨人喜欢。④ he tried to be pleasing, but no one would talk to him. 他竭力讨好,但谁也不愿和他说话。⑤ reading gives me great pleasure. 读书带给我很大的快乐。(2) in a way that ordinary people could understand 中的that引起定语从句, 并在从句中作宾语, 可以换成which,但不能换成in which。如: ① this is the way that really works. 这才是真正管用的办法。② you can do the experiment in the way that he told you. 你可以用他告诉你的方法做这个实验。教育博客【比较】i don't like the way he speaks to me. 我不喜欢他跟我说话的方式。(way后省略了that或in which,它们在从句中作状语)16. in the book, hawking explains both what it means to be a scientist and how science works. 在书中,霍金既解释了当科学家意味着什么, 也解释了科学是如何发挥作用的。(p.3 reading 第五段 第1行)1) both…and…连接了两个宾语从句,what引起的宾语从教育博客句中,教育博客it是形式主语,to be a scientist是真正的主语。2) work除意为“工作”外,也可表示如下意义。(1) (机器、器官等)运转,活动 ①教育博客the machine works well. 机器运转正常。② my brain doesn't seem to be working today. 教育博客今天我的脑子好像不转了。 (2) 起作用;产生影响;行得通 ①教育博客the medicine worked. 药物奏效了。② the appeal worked powerfully upon him. 呼吁对他起了强烈的作用。教育博客③ this plan won't work. 这个计划行不通。教育博客(3)从事某种职业 she works as a secretary. 她当秘书。教育博客(4)操作,经营 do you know how to work the machine? 你知道怎样操作这台机器吗?17. scientists, on the other hand, hawking writes, know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong. 霍金写道,另一方面,科学家们知道他们的工作从来没有完成的时候,也知道甚至最好的理论都有可能证明是错误的。(p.4 reading 第一段 第1行) 教育博客(1) on the other hand 意为“另一方面”, 教育博客可与on (the) 教育博客one hand对应使用。如: ① he was praised by his teacher on (the) one hand, but blamed by his friends on the other (hand). 一方面他受到老师表扬,但另一方面,受到朋友的责怪。② on the one hand you accept her presents; on the other,you are rude to the whole family. what really is your attitude to them? 一方面你接受她的礼物,另一方面你对她全家又那么粗鲁。你对他们到底是什么态度? ③ he is very clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes. 他很聪明,但另一方面,他出错很多。教育博客【注意】单独使用 on the other hand 时,hand不能省略,教育博客与 on the one hand 连用时,可以省略hand。教育博客(2) hawking writes 在句中看作插入语。如: ① george showed me to the guest-room which, he said,was rarely used. 乔治把我带到客房,教育博客他说那个房间很少使用。② they also hoped to find a new continent which they thought existed in the indian or pacific ocean. 他们还希望找到他们认为存在于印度洋或太平洋的一个新大陆。③ i managed to hide my surprise when i answered, because klieg,you see, was my aunt's pet dog. 教育博客我回答这个问题时,设法掩盖了我的惊异,因为,你知道,克莱格是我姑妈的爱犬。教育博客(3) turn out (to be)... 意为“结果(是)” “证明 (是)”“原来(是)”,后接名词或形容词作表语。如: ① though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day. 尽管今天早上像是要下雨,但结果天晴了。② the examination turned out (to be) easy. 原来考试并不难。③ let's see how the weather turns out. 我们看一下天气会是什么情况。教育博客【注意】以上turn out的用法与prove相同。【拓展】turn out可用于it turns out that...结构。如: ① it turns out that this method does not work well. 结果是这种方法不太管用。② it turned out that he was not an officer. 原来他不是军官。教育博客18. first, they carefully observe what they are interested in. 首先,他们仔细地观察自己感兴趣的东西。(p.4 reading 第二段 第2行) observe vt. 观察;察觉到;遵守;庆祝① he often observes the behaviour of birds. 他经常观察鸟类的行为。② the policeman observed the man open the window. 警察看到那个人打开窗户。③ he observed that it had turned cloudy. 他发觉天已转阴。④ do they observe christmas day in that country? 那个国家的人过圣诞节吗? ⑤ anyone who comes here must observe the rules. 来的人都必须遵守规定。【注意】observe当“察觉到”讲时,(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)后接不定式作宾补不带to,如例②。【辨析】observe;watch教育博客(1) 当“观察”讲时,observe相当于watch carefully,尤其用于实验或研究等场合。(2) observe可意为“察觉到”(see and notice) 教育博客,watch意为“盯着看”(keep one's eyes fixed on)。教育博客(3) watch 可意为“观看(比赛、电视、电影) 等”,observe 没有此意。(4)watch 还有“照料”之意,相当于take care of,也可意为“当心”,相当于be careful with,pay attention to,observe没有此意。教育博客① she has observed the stars an her life. 她一生教育博客都在观察星星。② they were observed entering the bank at 8:32. 他们被看到在8:32进了银行教育博客③ they watched the games while sitting under the trees. 他们坐在树下看比赛。教育博客④ she watched the train until it disappeared from sight. 她一直看着火车消失在视线之外。⑤ i'll watch the baby while you are away. 你不在时由我照料幼儿。⑥ you'd better watch smith; i think he is a thief. 你最好当心史密斯,我想他是个贼。⑦ watch that the milk doesn't boil over. 注意别让牛奶煮溢了。⑧ watch what i do,then do the same. 好好看我怎么做,然后照着做。教育博客19. the scientists test the theory to see if it matches what they have seen…科学家要检验该理论,看它是否跟他们所讲的东西一致…(p教育博客.4 reading 第二段 第3行)match vt. & vi. (使)相配;(使)相称;使较量;是……的对手 ① the curtains don't match the paint. 窗帘与油漆(颜色)不相配。教育博客② these gloves do not match. 这些手套不相配。③ no one can match her in tennis. 在网球方面无人能与她匹敌。④教育博客 i'm ready to match my strength with / against yours. 我愿意和你较量一下。教育博客【辨析】match;suit;fit教育博客match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。suit 多指合乎需要、口.味、性格、条件、地位等。教育博客fit 多指大小、形式合适。① does the time suit you? 这个时间对你合适吗? ② no dish suits all tastes. 没有合乎人人口味的菜。③ the new coat fits me well. 教育博客这件新衣服我穿着大小合适。④ try the new key and see if it fits (the keyhole). 教育博客 试试新配的钥匙,看看是否合适(与锁眼是否吻合)。20. what is it that hawking doesn't like about his speech computer? 对于他讲话的计算机,霍金不喜欢的是什么?  (p.4 post reading ex.2 no.3) 教育博客 本句为强调句式,是疑问形式的强调句,其变化过程如下: hawking doesn't like the accent about...→ it is the accent that hawking doesn't like; when is it that...? /  why is it that...? / how is it that...? / who is it that...? ① when was it that he moved to america? 他是什么时候搬到美国去的? ② why is it that you look so unhappy? 你为什么这么不高兴? ③ how was it that she got lost in such a small place? 她怎么会在这么个小地方迷路了呢? ④ who was it that interv(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)iewed you yesterday? 昨天到底是谁给你面试的? 教育博客教育博客教育博客


高二英语Making a difference教案
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