



大学生周记 篇1






大学生周记 篇2





大学生周记 篇3


  读书可以开阔我们的视野。记得八岁那年,我家的小狗欢欢一见熟人就摇头 摆尾,这是为啥呢?我心中便产生疑惑,于是,我找到了“书”老师——《十万个为啥》。啊,真是“得来全不费功夫”呀,原来,狗也是有感情的,家狗与人处熟了,见到熟人就会兴奋,摇头摆尾就是它们表达高兴心情一种方式。瞧,生活中有不懂的问题,在书中就能找的期待的答案,可见多读书有好处。莎士比亚说“书是世界的营养品。”高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”所以,我们得多读课外书。



大学生周记 篇4






  8月17号,我全副武装(就带了两套衣服),坐上了禅城< --="">顺德 城巴,去到了广东日电集团美的微波炉事业部,第一次看到了程序员的工作室,那个心呀,就像第一次看到大海一样,激动澎湃。很快,我被分配了一台高配置的电脑(开三个程序会死机的汗)。就这样,我的实习生活开始了。

  为了能让自己每天都有新的收获,我在我的电脑上,建了一个日程表模板,一天复制一份,模板其实就是一个文件夹,三个文件,1.工作计划:用于拟定工作的要点 2.进度追踪:用于记录自己完成的进度,以时刻鞭策自己 3.备注:记录着一些奇怪的问题,有待解决。

  我们做的项目是物资设备管理系统,开发语言及技术平台 oracle + j2ee + json + delphi ,这是两门语言的结合产物,delphi做前台(图形界面),向后台servlet发送请求,参数中指定业务逻辑层的类名及办法,其它参数均是json格式的zip包,后台是j2ee(spring+hibernate),所有的请求都是同一个servlet处理,把json格式的zip包解读,根据类名和办法名通过java的反射机制去实例对象,执行办法,把得到的对象集合再转换成json格式,然后输入到response的流中,传回给前台,前台再转换成delphi的对象,再进行数据展示,如此循环。



  University student zhou ji fan wen 1

  As the most professional college student, I am 荣耀ed to be able to enter the most professional post internship. I believe that everyone has their first day at work, and they will have a profound feeling and experience on the first day of work. Especially in the workplace, where there has never been a job.

  The first few days internship, the mood is naturally excited and nervous, the excitement is to feel that I finally have the opportunity to enter the work place, the tension is to face a complete unfamiliar working environment. At the beginning, I don't have to do much work. I am basically familiar with the environment of the new job, the internal culture of the company, and some things that I need to know in my daily work. Everything about this position is strange, but learning to adapt quickly to an unfamiliar environment is a process of self-training and the first thing I need to learn. This internship will lay the foundation for future career. The first week led me to meet with other staff in the office and assigned a master to whom I could ask for help in the problems and difficulties encountered in the internship.

  A week passed quickly, thought that the day of the internship will be boring, but to be honest in the first week of the internship is more relaxed and happy, hey hey, as the saying goes, all things are difficult before they are easy, I have already taken the first step, in the followindowsg days I will continue to work hard. Life is not simple, we must go on! I want to keep going, but I will always have a smile someday. Although the first week of internship has nothing to do, it is easy, but I am not relaxed, still will be in a positive optimistic attitude, hard work, with the greatest enthusiasm in the internship life.

  Although the first week of internship has nothing to do, it is easy, but I am not relaxed, still will be in a positive optimistic attitude, hard work, with the greatest enthusiasm in the internship life.

  College student zhou ji fan wen 2

  After a week of practice, the processes of their position, also have some understanding, while I'm reading is the most professional, but some disconnect and internship practice, this week has been in our training the theoretical knowledge of the business, feeling back to the school. Although I am not so familiar with the business, there will be a lot of ignorance, but I gradually learned how to deal with some things. Understand the importance of initiative in the process of work, and when you can choose, take the initiative in your own hands. Sometimes encounter problems in the process of work, the in the mind will be particularly wronged, but that it would be also good, I think as long as positive learning actively, and do your work, don't understand asked, do much, speak little surprises,

  Only you can't think of it.

  In the second week of the end of the internship, come here to have a period of time, although the colleagues is very good, work is easy, have certain knowledge of working environment, but real life here, will feel a little not adapt. I believe that I will adapt to the working life.

  College student zhou ji fan wen 3

  Unconsciously entering the third week of internship, life is still slowly adapting to the daily routine work. In addition to learning about the relevant business knowledge, I also strengthen the most professional knowledge related to my position, so as to apply the most professional knowledge to practical work. Practice don't want to be in the school, a lot of a lot of problems in the work can only their own study, but there are a lot of information can be checked, the most professional knowledge learning in the university can help, don't waste the university study. When I do not understand, I will check the information and cultivate my ability of self-study. Meanwhile, I can learn a lot of relevant knowledge and I can get a lot of information.

  After more than two weeks of formal internship, I have gradually adapted to such a routine and working style. When I was in school, sometimes lazy or unwell, I would take time off or skip classes, and the teacher would be very understanding and tolerant of the "ungrown children" in his eyes. But now, when we start working, no one of our colleagues will ever think of us as a child, or as spoiled and inclusive as our teachers. Whoever is late will be criticized by the leader. So every morning I dare not be lazy and get up and go to work on time. Sometimes it is normal to skip breakfast in order not to be late. In order to make a good impression, I will go to the office early and clean up the office before I can get hot water. Even though it's trivial, it's a contribution to the office.

  The third week is almost over, and I believe I can do better next week and make a little progress every day.

大学生周记 篇5






  University student zhou ji fan wen 1

  For internships, measure is not the first time, but no time, this is take the longest time, when with a both happy and nervous mood on internship journey, I once again felt the internship, internship units is more difficult to find! Ben and xu xiaodan had agreed that the internship should be located in fuzhou, but finally, due to various reasons, the location of the internship was finally implemented in lishui, nanjing.

  10, after a few days ago, understand, my internship work, main work is responsible for the reception of customers and to introduce them to all sorts of breed texture of the plate, and then complete the sales. Come to nanjing, although I every summer to before, but still don't know anything in the local dialect, which caused great inconvenience to my work, although all speak mandarin, but because each with their own regional accents, it is to a certain extent, affected the conversation, sometimes a word also need to say a few times repeatedly to convey the meaning, like feel very helpless, can only regret it wasn't the sound standard. Do business, sell, rely on is a mouth, eloquence is good, grasps the minute, proper say, easy to take the customer's heart to grasp, thus can conclude a deal. I understand this layer of truth, but when I really get to face it, I find it difficult to grasp the customer's heart due to introversion and lack of exercise. So three days later, I couldn't finish a deal. It was really bad.

  In spite of this, but I am not discouraged, when a customer or colleague, I still smile and greet them and feed them, because once upon a time a few times after the internship, I have a habit, to treat people pay attention to etiquette, meet customers, regardless of whether a deal, can give a person the sense with a lack of formal, as long as it is in store, I will be sincere reception greetings to let them came in and experience the feeling, the attention, I think, there are often some of the details are easy to be what we ignore, such as a gentle greeting, but it shows the care for colleagues to a friend, also let people feel valued and be concerned about, but also a basic quality. Moreover, before the school, the teacher emphasized again and again that he should treat others with courtesy, not to give the school black.

  College student zhou ji fan wen 2

  Unknowindowsgly, internship here are ten days, although the time is close to two weeks, but for some kinds of lumber, use or not cooked, can only discern basic plank is fir, Korean pine, etc., but customers need what to do furniture, springboard good wood species is economical, but could not provide accurate information. It may also be that this makes it possible to trade successfully to other homes. I think that's the difference.

  Because do is wood raw materials, therefore, the reception of the customers are generally do carpentry and construction site carpentry furniture, occasionally there are some private home buying, but basically the number is not much, but for me, no matter the customer to buy more or less, service attitude is the same, I will not neglect or does not receive, because buy less in this week, I also pick up the phone, occasionally on the phone, because before some of the old customers, and we can cooperate for a long time, the quality of our wood and the price is more understanding, trust, and generally to order by phone, and I order by phone, and then send the corresponding specification material. The main work this week is the same as last week, although the noise is a little bit, but for me, it can make me get the best exercise in all aspects by facing different customers.

大学生周记 篇6


大学生周记 篇7





大学生周记 篇8



大学生周记 篇9






大学生周记 篇10










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