7B unit5 Grammar导学案7B unit5 Grammar导学案7B unit5 Grammar导学案


7B unit5 Grammar导学案

7b unit 5  abilities(4) grammar  【教学目标】1技能目标:掌握can和could表示“能”“会”的用法及区别。            学会运用感叹句来表达自己的思想感情。2.知识目标:①重点单词: can, could, row, ski, snow, forget,racket           ②重点词组:   row a boat, in the past, go skiing           ③重点句型:  what a beautiful flower! = how beautiful the flower is!【旧知回顾】                                  

一、首字母填空。1.he speaks english well and he has the a________ to talk to the american teacher in english.2.he was b______ because he jumped into the cold water and saved a girl last week.3.  be q______. we will be late for class.4.his grandpa lives in a village a_________.5.he fell off his bike and h_________ his left leg.6.some factories are p__________ dirty water into the river nearby.7.he b__________ his arms because he put out fire with a blanket last night.8.it’s not s_______ for a 5-year- old child to go across the street without any help.二、单选题。1. (   ) lulu does her homework ___.she says she won’t do it like this any more.                                           a. careful      b. careless      c. carefully     d. carelessly                        2.(   ) --may i go out and play with my friend?--no, you ____. you must finish your homework first.a can       b might not      c may not    d can’t3.(   ) she didn’t feel well, but she kept ____  there to help others.a. to come    b. coming     c. came     d. comes4.(   ) i hope_____ next term.a. her to come here again      b. she comes here againc. she can come here again     d. she come here again 5.(   ) listen! i hear tom ______ in the next room.a. sing        b.  sings      c. sang       d. singing6.(   ) don’t leave the lights _______ when you are ________.a. in, out      b. out, in      c. on, out      d. out, on  【课前预习】 完成书上p82 a1, p83 a2, p84所有填空 .

【语法小贴士】1. 情态动词can/could表示能力,could是can的过去式.例如 他五岁时就会游泳。   he _____ swim _____ the ______ of five.     我10岁前不会说英语,但现在我会了。i _____speak english _____ i was ten. but now i ______.2. can/could表示可能, could表示的可能性小于can ,多用于疑问句和否定句.假如我们不小心火的话,可能是非常危险的。fire _______ ________ dangerous if we are not ________.他会是李明的父亲吗?_______ he _______ li ming’s father?他此刻不可能在家。 he _____ ______ at home right now.那个时候任何事情都可能发生在她的身上。anything ________ happen _________ her at that moment.3. 感叹句的两种基本句型:a)what + 不定冠词(a / an)+ 形容词 + 名词(单数)!   亲爱的同学你能否告诉老师什么情况下没有不定冠词   1.当名词是_____________  2. 当名词是_____________b)how + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语!  试完成下列句子多勇敢的孩子啊! _____ a brave child! = _____ brave the child is !多么令人激动的消息啊!what _____________________________________!  这些毯子真好看!what ______________________!练一练: 用what, what a, what an, how填空。1.___________ beautiful the west lake is!2.___________ wonderful the basketball match is!3.___________ interesting class it is!4.___________ lovely that little girl is!5.___________ nice soup it is!6.___________ time flies!7.___________ nice flowers!8.___________ bad weather!

【教学过程】  1.  revision2. presentation fly a kite, ride a bike, go skiing, row a boat    t: i can ride a bike. what about you? can you ride a bike?s: yes, i can./ no, i can’t.t: i can row a boat, but i couldn’t row it five years ago. what about you?s: i can row a boat now. i couldn’t row it in the past. i can’t row a boat.3. work in pairss1: can you fly a kite?s2: yes, i can./  no, i can’t.s1: could you go skiing in the past?s2: yes, i could./ no, i couldn’t.4. is it possible?t: i know most boys love playing basketball, but i’m afraid you cannot play it every day. why?s1: because it is a rainy day. s2: because it is a hot day.s3: b(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)ecause we have too much homework to do.5. presentation   what a tall boy! how tall the boy is!  what clean desks! how clean the desks are!6. look at some pictures and make sentences by using “what” and “how”7. finish the exercises in the book.8. homework.

【巩固练习】一、单选题。1. (    ) ______ music it is!        a. what a nice   b. what nice   c. what an nice   d. how nice2. (    ) _______ you please tell me the way to the hospital?       a. can     b. could       c. may       d. shall3. (    ) my father ______ be in his office. he is visiting beijing with his friends.a. can    b. may    c. can’t      d. mayn’t4. (    ) you ___ worry about your son. he will get well soon.        a. needn’t    b. can’t     c. mustn’t   d. may not9. (    ) he said he ____ ski when he was six.    a. might     b. could     c. can      d. would10. (    ) you ____ go and ask simon. he ____ know the way.         a. must, can    b. must, may   c. need, can   d. can, may7.  (    ) --- may i come in?   --- ______.         a. yes, please        b. no, you couldn’t  c. yes, you must      d. no, you needn’t8. (    ) the light in his room is on now. he _____ at home.         a. can be       b. can’t be    c. must be   d. mustn’t be 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. it’s important ______________ (be) careful with your homework.2. let’s help him at once. he is in __________(dangerous)3. i wash my face after ________ (get) up every day.4. --- _______ (can) daniel swim when he was 5 years old?--- no, he _______. but now he _______ .5. i often hear the girl ________(sing) songs in the next room.6. you should keep _________ in the dining room and talk ____________. (quiet) 7. don’t forget _________ (turn) off the lights before you leave.8. it is usually_______ (snow) in canada. you can go ________(ski) there.

三、完型填空。some people work on sunday but most people don’t. many people get up late, but_____1_____don’t. nearly _____2______ reads the sunday paper.often the paper is outside the door before the family____3_____up. the sunday paper is usually very___4___. many men like to read the world news and sports. most men don’t read the____5__ pages, but the mother of the family usually___6____. these pages have news_____7_____ parties, food, health and clothes.most sunday papers ____8____ pictures. children like to read ____9__.old people can find the old things. there is___10____for everyone in the sunday paper.(   )1. a other       b. others             c. another            d. the others(   )2. a someone    b. everyone          c. no one             d. anyone(   )3. a is getting    b. will get           c. get                d. gets(   )4. a many       b. thick             c. more              d. thin(   )5. a women’s    b. woman’s          c. woman            d.women(   )6. a does        b. did              c. do                 d.to do(   )7. a about       b. at                c. on                d.in(   )8. a have        b. has              c. there are           d.there is (   )9. a they        b. them             c. it                 d. its(   )10.a nothing     b. everything        c. something          d.anything  【教/学后记及典型错题】                                        __________


7B unit5 Grammar导学案
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