Module 1 TravelModule 1 TravelModule 1 Travel


Module 1 Travel

Module 1 Travel

unit 3 language in usetarget language 语言目标:key vocabulary 重点词汇与短语step    do harm to    at the end of    too…to…key structures 重点句式 where were you going?why were you going there?what did you do/see on the trip?language skill 能力目标:enable the students to talk about a trip they have made.enable the students to write about a trip.teaching methods 教学办法individual work and group workteaching important/difficult points教学重难点how to write about a trip.teaching aids 教具准备a computer, a recorder and a projector.teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step 1 greetingstep 2 revisionask some students to retell the story in unit 2.t: who can retell the story in front of the class? be brave!ss:…t: you are excellent!step 3 language practiceask students to do activities 1 and 2. first introduce “definite article and indefinite article” to students. after explaining the grammar point, ask the students to repeat the usages of definite and indefinite articles. t: now, it’s time to check how you master it? please do activity one and two.then check the answers by asking some students to read the complete sentences. sample answers to activity 2: 1, in hospital   2. school      3. the school   4. the flowers    5. in time   6. a few       7. the most    8. the tuners   9. king         10. the great wall step 4 listening and speaking t: did you notice the flight tickets when you took a plane? now look at the tickets and try to complete the chart in activity 4!if the students have some difficulties to finish the task individually, the teacher should allow them to discuss in groups.the sample answers to activity 4: name of the airplane: air chinaflight number: 1327leave from: beijingcoach company: national expressdeparture time: 8:40 amarrival time: 9:40 amt: before your travel, you may choose the best way to travel. now listen to the recording and complete the notes about the flight plans in activity 5. check the answers together. play the recording again and ask students to make the choice. “which option has the longer flight? which is cheaper?” t: now, look at the notes you have made in activity 5. work in pairs and discuss the questions: ““which option has the longer flight? which is cheaper?” a few minutes later, let some pairs read out their answers.共6页,当前第1页123456

Module 1 Travel

step 5 readingin this procedure, the students are asked to read the passage and complete the chart in activity 7.t: in activity 7, you can read an article about the plane named concorde. first, read it by yourself to get the main idea and second work in groups and discuss to complete the chart.check the answers with the whole class.the sample answers to activity 7:advantages of concordedisadvantages of concordeit flew faster than the speed of sound; it flew faster than the speed that the earth goes round; it could carry 100 was noisy; its noise was bad for the environment; it could do harm to people’s ears; it was too expensive.t: you did very well. team work is very important. read the passage again and match the numbers and facts they refer to in activity 8.the sample answers to activity 8: 3          the number of passengers on one flight27         the numbers of hours to fly from london or paris to new york100        the number of years concorde flew113        the number of people who died in a crashstep 6 around the worldaround the worldt: read the passage “the first plane to fly across the atlantic ocean”. first, fill in the banks to get some general information:  the name of the pilot:    charles lindbergh  the name of the plane:   spirit of st. louis  the weight of the plane:  975 kilos  the height of the plane:   3 meters t: read the passage for the second time to write down what happened in the followindowsg years:  in 1919, a pilot named charles lindbergh from st. louis, usa decided to try to fly from paris to new york.   in april 1927, his plane was completed.  in may 1927, he took off from new york.step 7 module task ask students to describe a trip and then present the passage to the class. t : we have learned a passage about a trip and we also have practiced writing about a trip. now, you have a second chance to practice writing about it. pay attention to in what aspects you should write about it.    where were you going ?   why were you going there ?   what did you do/see on the trip ?the sample passage:      in , i went to hong kong by plane with my family to go sightseeing. because it was the first time that i had taken the plane, i felt dizzy and uncomfortable. i didn’t want to eat anything but only wanted to vomit. while i was not feeling well, the airhostess came to me and gave me a plastic bag, a cup of water and a towel. after i vomited, she took the dirty bag away and asked me to have a good rest. i was very thankful to her. on the trip, although i was uncomfortable, i was very happy.共6页,当前第2页123456

Module 1 Travel

homework1. ask students to do the rest activities in the workbook.2. ask students to summarize what we have learnt in this module and preview the next.grammari. the indefinite article and the definite article冠词是用在名词前面,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物,是泛指还是特指的词。冠词是一种虚词。冠词分不定冠词(the indefinite article)和定冠词(the definite article)a, an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。不定冠词an, a是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前, an用在以元音(指元素音素)开头的词前,如:      a boy             an hour      a history class      an island      a university        an elephant      a hero             an old man 不定冠词的用法: 1. 表示人或事物的某一类   a steel worker makes steel.   a plane is(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容) a machine that can fly. 2. 表示某一类人或事物中的任何一个。   this is an apple.   his father is a teacher. 3. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人何物。   a comrade is waiting for you downstairs.   i met an old man on my way to school. 4. 表示“一个”的意思   he will be back in a day or two.   he tried to send a picture of a face. 5. 有时也表示 “每”的意思   we have three meals a day.   我们一日三餐。   he walks ten miles an hour.   他一小时走10英里。   we have six classes a day.   我们一天上六节课。   he drives the car at thirty miles an hour.他驾车的速度是一小时三十英里。 如果把不定冠词后的名词变为复数,只把不定冠词去掉还不行,还得补上一个数词或不定代词(some, any)     the plan will be ready in a few days.     这是因为“一个”或“某个”变为复数时,就成为“几个”或“某几个”的缘故。 定冠词    定冠词the具有确定的意思,用以特指人或事物,表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一个,以别于同类中其他的人或事物,相当于汉语中的“那个”或“这个”的意思。它可以和单、复数名词,也可以和不可数的名词连用。 定冠词的基本用法: 1. 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。   give me the book.   did you hear the talk given by mr. li?   how do you like the film?   have you got the letter? 2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。   where is the teacher?   open the door. 3. 复述上文提过的人或事物。    i have a beautiful wallet, but the wallet was stolen yesterday. 共6页,当前第3页123456

Module 1 Travel

4. 世界上独一无二的事物等(月亮、地球、天空、宇宙)   the sun rises in the east.   the earth goes round the sun.   the globe, the universe.   the atmosphere大气层 5. 用在方位名词前   in the south, in the west ,in the north 6. 用在序数词或形容词最高级前    the first thing i want to say is to listen carefully in class.    he is the tallest one in our class. 7. 表示两者间“较……的一个”时用定冠词    the older of the two noblemen took a light.    he is the taller of the two boys. 8. 用在单数可数名词前表示一类人或事物。    the horse is a useful animal. 9. 定冠词用在形容词前,表示(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)一类人或东西。    the rich, the poor ,the wounded ,the deaf 10. 冠词可用在党派、阶级、民族名词前    the chinese people中华民族    the working class 工人阶级    the communist party 共产党11. 用在姓氏的复数形式前表示一家人,或这一姓的夫妇二人。    the lius live upstairs.    the johns are watching tv. 12. 在乐器前加the    the piano the violin 13. 在习惯性短语中     in the morning    in the afternoon 14. 在人或物后有限定性的后置定语     the man standing by the gate is li feng. 15. 代替所有格代词,表示人体的一部分     he received a blow on the head.     他头上挨了一击。     john’s brother took him by the hand.     约翰的哥哥牵着他的手。 16. 在世纪,年代名词前用冠词。     in the 1980s或in the 1980’s    20世纪80年代     in the nineteenth century 十九世纪 专有名词前冠词的用法:     1)在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河前用the。        the changjang river 长江        the hudson river 哈得孙河        the west lake 西湖        the pacific ocean 太平洋        the yellow sea 黄海        the suez canal 苏伊士运河        the english channel 英吉利海峡        the persian gulf 波斯湾        the british isles 布列颠群岛     2)在含有普通名词构成的专有名词前用the。        the great wall 长城        the summer palace 颐和园        the united states 美国 共6页,当前第4页123456

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       the october revolution 十月革命        the chinese people’s liberation army 中国人民解放军        the long march 长征     3)在某些建筑物前用the        the great hall of the people 人民大会堂        the museum of chinese history 历史博物馆     4)在某些组织机构前用the        the united nations 联合国        the department of education 教育部     5)节日名前一般不加thenew year’s day 新年,元旦 women’s day 妇女节 labor day 劳动节 children’s day儿童节 april fools’ day愚人节 national day国庆节 thanksgiving day感恩节 christmas day圣诞节 但我国的节日前用定冠词 the spring festival春节 the mid-autumn festival中秋节 但也有一些专有名词前不加冠词 1)街名:wang fu jing street王府井大街 naking road南京路 2)广场名:tian an men square天安门广场 3)公园名:pei hai park北海公园 hyde park海德公园 4)大学名:beijing university 北京大学 zhejiang university浙江大学 但也可说the university of beijing    the university of zhejiang 啥时候不用冠词: 1. 在物质名词,抽象名词前不用冠词    the desk is made of wood.    what is work? work is struggle. 2. 专有名词前不加冠词    canada, beijing,lei feng 3. 名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格修饰时    this, my,that, those, these, her 4. 月份,星期,季节前不用冠词    sunday march summer windowster 5. 在表示一类人或事物的复数名词前不用冠词    horses are useful animals.    my mother and father are school teachers.

6. 当一个名词用作表语,同位语补足语来表示某人在当时或现在的职位或头衔时,前面不用冠词。    he is chairman of the students’ union. 他是学生会主席。    they elected him president of the u.s. 他们选他当美国总统。    这里指的职位大体是指独一的职位,“主席”、“主任”都只有一个,如不是独一的要加不定冠词。    she is a teacher of english in our school. 她是我校的一位英语教师 7. 在三餐前不用冠词。    breakfast, lunch, supper 如这些词前有形容词修饰可用不定冠词。    i had a good lunch yesterday.    i have breakfast at 7 every day. 8. 在球类,棋类名词前不用冠词。    play football (basketball, volleyball) chess ※ 抽象名词,物质名词前不用冠词,但后有定语修饰加the。    he is fond of music.    the music of the film is very beautiful. 共6页,当前第5页123456

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   science is making rapid progress in china.    科学正在中国飞速发展。    physics is the science of matter and energy.    物理学是物质和能量的科学。共6页,当前第6页123456


Module 1 Travel
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