Unit4 word power教案Unit4 word power教案Unit4 word power教案


Unit4 word power教案

unit4 word power教案    主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级     总课题 m10u4&nb(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)sp;总课时 10 分课时 7 课型 新授    课题 m10 unit2   law and order       word power    教学目标 1.learn some vocabulary about the crime    2.learn some key phrases and words     to enlarge the students' vocabulary     教学重点 the students can master and use the vocabulary freely     教学难点 some papers ,a projector    教具 m10 unit2   law and order       word power    教学内容 教法学法    step 1 :greetings     step 2 :brainstorming      1. surf the internet or refer to some relevant resources such as newspapers, magazines or books about the role of the police and the stages of the legal process. in this section, you will learn some expressions related to the law. please try to find out about:    (1) the people involved in the legal system and what they do    (2)the stages of the legal process and what different people do in this process    2 present the information you have collected about the law to the whole class.    step 3: vocabulary learning     1. read the article in part a on page 54. explain the following words in your own words.    a witness: a person who sees a crime happen    a criminal: a person who commits a crime    a victim: a person who is injured or most directly affected by the crime    2. read the flow chart about the legal process in part b.    3. read the passage in part c on page 55 and fill in the missing words.    step4. vocabulary extension    1. can you tell me any english words for types of crime? (these words include burglary, armed robbery, theft, assault, shoplifting, mugging, murder, drug dealing and smuggling, etc.)    2. do part d in pairs. you can consult your dictionary.    step 5 :some key words or phrases    1. charge: verb 指控    charge sb. with sth.: 指控某人犯了……罪, 相当于accuse sb. of sth.    她被指控杀了她丈夫。    _________________________________________.    charge的其它常见用法:    (1) verb 冲, 冲锋     the violence began when the police charged (at) a crowd of demonstrators.    _____________________________________________________________ .    (2) noun 负责    take charge of _________________________    in charge of  _________________________    in the charge of:_______________________    a 我不在的时候他负责这个办公室?    _______________________________________    b 这家公司是由他负责的。    ______________________________________    (3) verb 索价  charge sb. some money for sth. 因…… 向某人索要……    the local museum doesn't charge for admission.    __________________________________________.    (4) noun 费用    free of charge:免费    他们免费修了我的手表。    ______________________________________.    2. go to court______________________________    court作为抽象名词,前面不加冠词, 但作为具体含义时,要加冠词, 试比较下面几组短语:     in hospital_______________    in the hospi(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)tal______________________    go to church _____________    go to the church ____________________    go to prison ______________    go to the prison ____________________     ( )when he left _________ college , he got a job as __________reporter in a newspaper     office. (天津)    a不填;a     b. 不填;the  c. a ; the     d. the ; the    3 sentence    (1) n. 句子,意见,宣判      ①p

lease fill in the blanks in the sentence. ______________________________.    ②the bench read the sentence to the criminal    _______________________________________________________ .    (2) v. 宣判,判决    他被判三年监禁。    ___________________________________________ .    教后记:


Unit4 word power教案
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