八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计


八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计

unit 5 topic3 sectioncⅰ. aims and demands 目标要求1. learn some new words:   especially, hang, tear, fall asleep, thought, confident, earthquake, topic, noise2. go on learning the sentence pattern:“make + object + v. / adj.”  sometimes it makes me feel happy.  wearing red often makes me active.3. talk about the influences of different things on feelings. i think the moon can affect my moods.the environment can change my feelings.i think the weather can affect my moods.colors can affect my feelings and moods.big events can affect me a lot.4. educate students to keep mentally healthyⅱ. teaching aids 教具   录音机//多媒体课件ⅲ. teaching procedure:step 1  review 1. warm–up: enjoy the song: lemon tree2. have a competition:(two groups)  make sentences with the structure: make+object+v./adj.                             step 2  presentation 1. present the five pictures in 1.talk about how these things can affect our feelings and moods.2. let students listen to the tape on page21 and answer the questions.  ①.why does the moon make the girl sad?②. how does the man like the environment in a big city?③. why does the boy have sad thoughts?④. what colors can make you feel calm?⑤. which event makes you sad and worried?which event makes you excited and active?

 3.  let students scan the text and circle what can affect our feelings and moods.4.  explain some key points. let students under some points and take  notes.    ①. full moon   满月②. get together with     与……相聚③. i feel very lonely,and my eyes fill with tears.= i feel very lonely,and my eyes are full of tears.               fill with = be full of   充满                    ④. fall asleep   入睡⑤. at night, it’s too noisy for me to fall asleep. too---to---   太------而不能------

step 3  consolidation 1. follow the tape.pay attention to its pronunciation and intonation.2. let students find out the sentence structure of ‘make+object+v./adj.’3. try to retell the text according to the table on the screen.  things how can they affect our feelings and moods? the moon sometimes–happy;sometimes–sad,especially the full moon–round and bright–can’t get together with –lonely–eyes are full of tearsthe environment a big city– too---to---–countryside–clean and quiet–happierthe weather rains–sad;  shines brightly–happy colors orange and yellow–confident,cheer up; blue and white–calm; green–give me more energy; red–active

big events the wenchuan earthquake–sad and worried; the topic of the beijing olympics–excited and active 

4.  summary  step 4  practice 1.  p22:2   read the instructions.2.  divide students into four groups. have a competition. the group which writes the most sentences is the winner. step 5  project     what can affect your feelings? how do they affect you? choose one thing to write a passage.  finish 3.

推荐站内搜索:上学吧在线考试中心题库、小学生演讲稿大全教师资格证成绩查询吉林省公务员考试报名时间、江苏教育网成绩查询、小小动物园作文写家里人四年级、广西自考成绩查询、2016年成人高考成绩查询、观察日记三则、开国大典 观后感

八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计
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