Unit 12 Education for all教案Unit 12 Education for all教案Unit 12 Education for all教案


Unit 12 Education for all教案

unit 12 education for all教案

targets of this lesson:1)know about the present situation of chinese education.  2)know some organization of education.  3)learn the problems and achievement of            education worldwide now.  4) practise student’s ability of detailed reading(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网).  5)realize the relationship between education and economy.  pre-readinglook around your school and list all the equipment, people and plans that are needed to run a school.

in order to run a school, we needa. buildings as classrooms and officesb. a playground for the students c. desks and chairs  d. tv sets , computers and any other equipmente. teachers and other workersf. a lot of other things

leading in 

have you ever seen this picture before?this is a picture in a public advertisement to encourage people to help poor children


choose the best heading for each paragraph 1. education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve2. solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas3. compulsory education for all chinese children 4. problems of number and location5. encouraging people in rural areas to accept education6. meeting the cost7. education for all --- an international target

1-g  2-f  3-a  4-d  5-c  6-e  7-b

careful reading

choose the best answer细枝末节:1.______ prevents some people attaching importance to education.  a. the importance of agriculture      b. heavy work on the farm  c. traditional ideas    d. all the above2. what kind of classes can often be seen in western provinces in china?  a. mixed grade classes     b. classes of large sizes  c. classes of small sizesd. classes by two-way radio and mail3.what measures do many developing countries take to provide schools with necessary equipment? a. they call on their citizens to donate itb. they depend on aid from other countries and international organizations or programsc. they depend on the local governments .d. developed provinces provide aid for less developed provinces4. according to paragraph f , which of the following is one of the education problems existing in america ?  a. the quality of teaching is not good nationwide  b. there are too many families now below poverty line  c. one third of the students live in the countryside  d. violent crimes take place in schoolyards推理判断:5. which of the following is not true according to the text ?   a. it is important to create a positive attitude in agriculture areas, because it is not easy to change traditional ideas there.b. how people are distributed can affect the education system.c. in the least developed nations of africa, “ education for all ” will be a huge task.d. class sizes are bigger in city schools than in rural ones6.what suggests that many countries realize the importance of education ?  a. they realize that the future welfare of their citizens is closely linked to educationb. they attended the world education forum in   c. at the world education forum in , they made a commitment called “education for all”  d. they are trying to get every child into school主旨大意:7. the text is mainly about _________________.a. the education development in primary schools in china.b. the  education development in the world.c. the development in education popularization (普及) in china.d. the development in education popularization in the world.词义推断:8.the members countries made a commitment to provide “ complete , free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by .the meaning of the word “commitment” is similar to      a. agreement                 b. decision c. promise                   d. introductiondabc  dcac


listen to the passage . pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. at the same time ,underline the phrases in the text .

1. reach the target           2. play an important role      3. be closely linked to…      4. to begin with             5. attach importance to      6. be sceptical of           7. change traditional ideas    8. have a tendency to        9. less developed areas      10. take sb. away from     

1. reach the target          达到目标2. play an important role    发挥重要作用 3. be closely linked to…     与密切联系4. to begin with            首先 5. attach importance to     重视6. be sceptical of           怀疑7. change traditional ideas   改变传统观念8. have a tendency to       有…倾向9. less developed areas     欠发达地区10. take sb. away from      使…脱离

consolidation :

fill in the following blanks according to the text.in 1986, the chinese government     the law of “nine years of compulsory education” for every chinese child by the year . the    turns out highly successful. besides china, all the governments in the world realize that the future welfare of the citizens    education. for the calculated 113 million children not being in school from the world education forum, the unesco    to provide “education for all” by , which has similar difficulties in different countries. to create    is important in carrying out the goal, especially in areas where agriculture    and children    to be absent and often drop out to help work in the fields. china’s large population and big land produce large class sizes and mixed-grade classes. and in australia where the population is scattered widely the “       ” methods with the help of two-way radio and mail is very useful. because the success in     depends on economy. some poor countries have to       aid from other countries and international organizations . in fact , every country faces problems in education, which makes the governments look for ways to solve them. the chinese government has      to accomplish the “nine years of    ” goal. but things are different in the least developed countries  .  so the goal “education for all” will be a huge task for the world.

in 1986, the chinese government introduced the law of “nine years of compulsory education” for every chinese child by the year . the outcome turns out highly successful. besides china, all the governments in the world realize that the future welfare of the citizens is closely linked to education. for the calculated 113 million children not being in school from the world education forum, the unesco made a commitment to provide “education for all” by , which has similar difficulties in different countries. to create a positive attitude is important in carrying out the goal, especially in areas where agriculture plays an important role and children have a tendency to be absent and often drop out to help work in the fields. china’s large population and big land produce large class sizes and mixed-grade classes. and in australia where the population is scattered widely the “distance learning” methods with the help of two-way radio and mail is very useful. because the success in bringing education to all depends on economy. some poor countries have to rely on aid from other countries and international organizations. in fact, every country faces problems in education, which makes the governments look for ways to solve them. the chinese government has overcome problems to accomplish the “nine years of compulsory education” goal. but things are different in the least developed countries .so the goal “education for all” will be a huge task for the world.discussion 

what can we do to help the poor children in less-developed areas in china?


1.read the text again and try to retell the text in your own words. 2. write a short passage:和其他国家一样, 中国政府正在尽其最大的努力给学龄儿童提供九年义务教育. 而且结果非常成功. 然而, 在农村地区,贫困地区,人口稀少地区仍然存在许多问题和困难. 远程教育和混合班很有帮助.  一些国际组织和地方组织都提供了一些钱来满足贫困地区的花费.    尽管“全民教育”这个目标很难达到, 联合国教科文组织,每个政府以及一些当地组织正在努力.我们的路很漫长,但我们一定会成功!

in china, as in other countries, the government has been doing its best to provide every school-age child nine years of compulsory education and the outcome is highly successful. yet, problems and difficulties remain in the rural areas, some poor countries and less-populated areas. distance learning and mixed-grade classes helped a lot. besides, some international organizations and local organizations offered money to meet the cost in the poor areas. though “education for all” — the international target is hard to achieve, the unesco, every government and some local organizations are doing their bits. there is a long way to go, but we’re sure to succeed.


Unit 12 Education for all教案
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