




  There are so many things in the summer vacation. I share one of my deepest feelings.

  That night, our family took a walk. When we got to the half way, my brother went to the 4s store to see the car.

  My father and I stood waiting for them at a tree near the supermarket. Dad gave me a few dollars to buy ice cream at the supermarket. When I finished shopping and walked to my dad, dad and I found a kitten across the street!

  My father and I enjoyed the ice cream, and I accidentally dropped a piece and slammed it. The kitten was frightened by the unknown object. It subconsciously took a few steps back, but was curious to move on, but we dared not go any further. Dad pushed the ice cream bar to it, the kitten was curious, and then sat in the old place looking at us with poor eyes.

  Mom and brother came and they were happy to see them. My brother and I made a few calls to the kitten, and it answered us. It was lovely. I want to take it away, but I don't have a place to keep it. I have to go home.

  I asked dad why the cute cat was out there. My father said, "their owners have abandoned them and there is no good way. I think of these, but they are also life!

  This thing in the summer vacation makes me unforgettable. I hope that people will cherish their lives and cherish the animals!









  One day, I went to the zoo with my parents.

  I went to monkey hill first, I saw those monkeys walking on a bridge, some eating bananas, some climbing trees... They have red hips, black eyes, yellow bodies, red mouth, lovely.

  Then there was the rhino, a small rhino, a medium-sized rhino, and a big rhino. They have strong bodies, sharp horns, big eyes, short legs, strong.

  At last I went to the Siberian tiger house, a small Siberian tiger with sharp teeth and white fur. People watching the Siberian tiger were taking pictures of it.

  About three o 'clock, I went home with my mom and dad.

  Night before I go to bed, I think again today to see the animals in the zoo, thank you very much for mom and dad took me to the zoo, let me in the summer vacation for knowledge.








  A happy summer vacation

  In July, the hot summer, I long for the summer vacation, I am flying in the sea of knowledge, sucking in the cool dew, so I am happy.

  This summer, on the basis of learning dance and violin, I offered to ask for my mother's hand

  I reported an Olympic class. In the dance class, my classmates and I dance like a butterfly, flying freely in the blue sky. In the course of practice, I have had my troubles and setbacks, but I have stuck for four years. I feel when others say I'm nice and slim

  I'm very proud, so I'm happy. On Sunday night, I was on my way to the piano with the stars and the darkness. At first, I was overwhelmed by the notes. After a period of training and learning, I can now easily overcome them, elegant music with the passage of time after a sudden, I feel very happy, so I'm happy.

  When I first came into contact with onumber, I was a little bit regretful. But after two classes, I became interested in it. When I don't understand, I ask my teacher for advice. When I got home, I did a lot of practice problems. It was a little too hot for me to drink a glass of ice on a hot day every time I broke into a problem

  Drinks -- -cool, so I'm happy.

  As long as the real input pays off, the summer is about halfway through, I am sure to make this happy.


  骄阳似火的7月,盼望已久的暑假, 我尽情地翱翔在知识的海洋里,贪婪地吸吮着凉爽的甘露,所以我快乐。

  今年暑假, 在学习舞蹈和小提琴的基础上,我积极“请缨”,让母亲也给

  我报了一个奥数班。在舞蹈课上, 我和同学们像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶, 自由自在地飞翔在蔚蓝的天空中。在练功的过程中,我遇到过烦恼、受到过挫折, 但是呢我仍然坚持了四年。每当别人夸我形象好、身材苗条时,我感

  到非常自豪, 所以我快乐。周日的晚上, 我披着星星、踏着黑暗,风雨无阻地奔波在练琴的道路上。刚开始时, 面对一个个音符, 我不知所措。经过一段时间的训练和学习,我现在可以轻松地战胜它们,一首首优雅的乐曲随着时光的流逝骤然响起, 我感到非常高兴,所以我快乐。

  刚开始接触奥数题时,我一头雾水,真有点后悔了。可是上了两节课后,我慢慢对它有了兴趣。遇到不懂的题时,我虚心请教老师;回到家后,我做大量的练习题。每当一道道难题被我攻破时, 真有点大暑天喝了杯冰镇的


  只要真心投入就会有所回报, 暑期即将过半,我一定将这个快乐进行到底。


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