Unit One  Part  1Unit One  Part  1Unit One  Part  1


Unit One  Part  1

unit one  part  1 单词拼写1.we may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is a_____. 2.even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern _____(雕塑)on display in public places.3.i'd like to go to some art _____(美术馆)and museums. they are very famous.4.i learned something about how to live with people of different religious b_____. "5.his long illness and c_____ absence put him far behind in his work.6.he had been ill for a long time and c_____ he was behind in his work.7.if there are no goals in life, it will be like a headless fly flying_____ (没目标地)8. in the ancient culture of china, there is a tradition of spreading blessings through signs and _____ (符号). 9.new ideas and _____ (价值观念)took the place of those that were held in the middle ages. 10.people became _____(集中) more on humans and less on religion.书面表达(满分30分)1963年3月5日,毛泽东发出了“向雷锋同志学习”的号召。“学雷锋”运动在中国一度非常流行。现在“学雷锋”运动是否已经过时?现代社会还需要“雷锋精神”吗?请结合自己的经验或见闻谈谈你自己的看法。注意:1.词数120--150左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。2.参考词汇:运动:campaign;雷锋精神:lei feng spirit;和谐的:harmoniouschairman mao called on the whole nation to “learn from comrade lei feng” on march 5,1963,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

keys:1. abstract. 2.sculpture  3. galleries(美术馆)4.beliefs. 5. consequent 6. consequently  7.aimlessly 8. symbols(符号). 9. values 10.focused书面表达chairman mao called on the whole nation to “learn from comrade lei feng” on march 5,1963, from then on many chinese joined the campaign to follow “lei feng spirit” and did good deeds.however, in recent years it is considered to be old – fashioned to “learn from comrade lei feng”. but what li xuesheng and wei qinggang did in moved a lot of people throughout china. li xuesheng was killed while attempting to save children from the railway track in wenzhou. and wei qinggang risked his life three times to save a stranger from huge waves in qingdao. some people around us devote themselves to society by doing good deeds just like lei feng. in my opinion, even in modern times, we should help each other in order to build a harmonious society.

unit one  part  2单词拼写1. 1 she makes a r_______________of keeping her house clean and tidy. 她认为保持房子整洁是她份内的事。2. it took many hours to _______________(使相信)the court of his guilt.3. the s_______________ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on.4. n_______________, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.5. the boys _______________(打算、尝试)to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.6. the specialists and s_______________ present at the symposium come from all corners of the country.7. i must help my brother and sister because they're my own f_______________ and blood.8. chinese economic and trade_______________ (展览会) have promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries.9. it is generally accepted that the chinese c_______________ is one of the oldest in the world.10. she overslept and c_______________ she was late. 写作(满分30分)仔细观察下面这几幅图表,就图表内容用英语写一篇短文。


keys 1 religion ( make a religion of doing sth.认为自己该干某事)   2. convince    3. shadows4 nowadays    5 attempted    6 scholars   7. flesh (flesh and blood 血肉,亲属)8 exhibitions    9. civilization   10. consequentlyreusing textbooks is in great needaccording to the graphs above, the total amount of books and newspapers increased a lot in , compared with that in . although the textbooks are only a small part, their total amount and price grow too fast. what’s worse, most of the textbooks are reprinted. it is really a great waste of wood and money.so, when should we do ? in my opinion, as students, we should try using the old books if there are no changes because they are as useful as the old ones. and as the teachers and the governments, they should take some measures to encourage students to reuse the old books instead of buying the new ones every year. thus, not only can we stop destroying the forest, buy also we can save a ot of money.

unit one  part 3 单词拼写 11. 1 when his father died, he came into p_______________of a large fortune.12. there are many art g_______________ in new york such as museum of modern art and guggenheim museum.13. experts p_______________that there will be an earthquake.4 they said the painters were careless and their paintings were _________(荒唐的).5 this is _________(引起争论的)decision so it can’t be carried out at present.6 sally is not an a_______ person. if she were, she would be a more successful business  woman.7 that is madison ________-(大道)。8 he majors in __________(当代的)literature in college.9 the earthquake was light but its side-effects  were  p________.10 she doesn't live in this ________(区)。写作(满分30分)根据下表信息,以 yang hongde-a star student为题写一篇短文,介绍你校品学兼优高三毕业生杨弘德同学。姓名 杨弘德 年龄 19考入学校 香港中文大学 奖学金 50万港元家庭状况 父亲死于车祸、母亲重病卧床本人情况 持家、照顾母亲、学习刻苦、成绩突出、乐于助人你的评价 1.文章须包括表中信息,可适当发挥增加细节,使文章连贯。2.参考词汇:奖学金scholarship3.字数120—150字。

keys 1 possession  2. galleries   3 . predict   4 ridiculous   5 controversial   6 aggressive7 avenue.  8 contemporary   9 permanent   10 districtin this year’s met of shandong, yang hong de, a senior 3 student from our school, got high mark and was admitted to hong kong chinese university, what a scholarship of hk$500,000.but three years ago when yang, aged 16, just began his senior i school life, his father was killed in a traffic accident. his mother became seriously ill in bed because of his father’s death, losing the basic ability to support herself.thus yang had to take the burden of supporting the family and nursing his ill mother. he overcame every unthinkable difficulties that he confronted. (overcame one difficulty after another) meanwhile, he studied even hard and did pretty well in all his subjects. moreover, he is always ready to help other students and teachers.yang hong de set as a fine example both in daily life and study. we should learn from him.


Unit One  Part  1
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