九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语


九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语

九年级上册《enghlish  around the world》导学案仁爱英语

ⅰ. teaching aims and demands

1. learn some new words and phrases:

tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist

2. go on learning the simple present passive voice:

of all these languages, english is the most widely used.

3. let the students know the wide uses of english in the world.

ⅱ.teaching procedures.

step 1.review

1.  sing a song

2.     play a game. “what am i”to review the simple present passive voice.

step 2. presentation

1.     learn the words with the cards, and then show a picture about the international conference.

2.     then play a game to c*olidate the new words.the words are taught before class.

3.     show a map of the world and some p ictures. let students know english is spoken in many countries and english is widely used in our daily life.

4.     let students listen to the tape and answer the following question

how many languages are spoken in the world?

step 3. c*olidation

1.  let students listen again and write down the correct number in the blackets.

more than 3000 languages are spoken in the world. 1.  over             speak english as their mother tongue.

2.  over             in the u.s.a.

english is used    3.              people speak english as their second langage.

4.  as a foreign language in

5.              of the world’s scientists read in english.

6.  about            users of the internet communicate in english.

1.     read the passage and fill the blankets with the nati.

2.     let students finish 1b.

3.     retell 1a according to the table.

4.     read after the tape and then the class read together.

5.     show the langnage points and explain. let students make sentences.

step 4. practice

let students listen to 2 three times and finish it by themselves, then check the answers.

step 5 project

group work:discuss some common english signs in group.one group, one topic. and then show them.

group 1-2:  in the library           group 5-6:  in the park

group 3-4:&nb(各种工作总结、计划、报告、作文模板,尽在一路高升范文网)sp; in the school           group 7-8:  on the street

step 6 homework

1.  list five reas to explain why we study english.

2.  finish e. in wb.

3.  preview section d.


九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语
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文章名称:九年级上册《Enghlish  Around the World》导学案仁爱英语





